2014 arctic sea ice thread!

No I know EXACTLY what a "lead" is.

No, you apparently don't, being you seem to think they require warm temperatures.

When was the last time there was a lead at the north pole?

Um ... 2014?

EH2R - latest work in progress: Huge near North Pole leads

Westwall, you just stink at the basics. When will you start to understand your own limitations? Remember, there's no shame in being dim, as I'm sure you make up for it by being such a nice person.
No I know EXACTLY what a "lead" is.

No, you apparently don't, being you seem to think they require warm temperatures.

When was the last time there was a lead at the north pole?

Um ... 2014?

EH2R - latest work in progress: Huge near North Pole leads

Westwall, you just stink at the basics. When will you start to understand your own limitations? Remember, there's no shame in being dim, as I'm sure you make up for it by being such a nice person.

Sure thing there admiral...:lol: Funny how there are no leads in these photo's....




Here's a cool one of a icebreaker plowing through!

Sure thing there admiral...:lol: Funny how there are no leads in these photo's....

Because leads are temporary things.

Again, you've proudly displayed your jaw-dropping ignorance of the topic. Well done.

I provided you the links to the cameras. They have images archived. Knock yourself out. I went through two hundred and couldn't find a picture of a single lead.
Your satellite images were cute, but once again I could see no leads....saw a shitload of pressure ridges, but the resolution that I can get here, isn't good enough to show a lead.
That's why I went to the surface camera, and once again....no joy. If you can find one, please by all means do so.
May 21st, 12.621km...Decrease of -32,000.

2011 had a slightly better early start after the slow down of the past week...We were at 12.524 on this date, then...A week ago we were slightly ahead. So +98,000 difference above 2011. Of course later in July, August and Sept that year would crap out.
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There's little point in tracking day by day. Things just don't change enough.

The interesting things are the trends.

Hudson Bay is melting slower than usual. Won't matter for the end total, because it always melts out completely.

The Bering Sea is melting faster than usual, but that also always melts out completely. What will matter is the melt now extending north past the Bering straight into the Chukchi Sea, starting earlier than is usual.

A heatwave (relatively speaking) is building on the Siberian Coast. That will get the melt there kickstarted.

The Canadian coast, still frozen hard. 5 meter ice at the western end of the northwest passage. That's not going to unfreeze this year.

North Pole, still getting the cyclones that keep it cool, but not at the strength of last year.
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This is it, the Tipping-point. Thanks corporate MURICA :thup:

Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans From Polar Melt

A large section of the mighty West Antarctica ice sheet has begun falling apart and its continued melting now appears to be unstoppable, two groups of scientists reported on Monday. If the findings hold up, they suggest that the melting could destabilize neighboring parts of the ice sheet and a rise in sea level of 10 feet or more may be unavoidable in coming centuries.

Global warming caused by the human-driven release of greenhouse gases has helped to destabilize the ice sheet, though other factors may also be involved, the scientists said.

thats from May 12th deniers!!! :mad:
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This is it, the Tipping-point. Thanks corporate MURICA :thup:

Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans From Polar Melt

A large section of the mighty West Antarctica ice sheet has begun falling apart and its continued melting now appears to be unstoppable, two groups of scientists reported on Monday. If the findings hold up, they suggest that the melting could destabilize neighboring parts of the ice sheet and a rise in sea level of 10 feet or more may be unavoidable in coming centuries.

Global warming caused by the human-driven release of greenhouse gases has helped to destabilize the ice sheet, though other factors may also be involved, the scientists said.

thats from May 12th deniers!!! :mad:

That's from the land ice of Greenland and Antarctica! My belief one the matter is the warming between 1980 to 2005 was enough to cause this. This brings into question the reality that "ice" sensitivity maybe much more confined than we think. I doubt any time the past 300,000 years has been warmer than 1.5c over today. Doesn't say it has been warming the past 9 years, but does it really matter?
May 24th, 12.549km, appears a shitty pattern is now in place among the loose ice over the western half of the arctic. This is killing this year and we're losing ground.

On the other hand the Canadian side and eastern side are starting to warm up nicely. Still not to the point where we can stop the slide down the ranks as of yet.

Adding a temperature map showing the set up...Off of the northern coast of russia and eastern-northern Canada seem to be the most favorable for melt.


  • $arctic525.gif
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Large Falls in Arctic Sea Ice Thickness over May 2014

Arctic sea ice has shown large falls in thickness in many areas over the course of May 2014, as shown on above image. The animation below compares the situation between May 2, 2014, and May 30, 2014 (the latter one as forecast by Naval Research Laboratory on May 23, 2014). Ice thickness is in meters.

Thickness is an important indicator of the vulnerability of the ice. If only looking at sea ice extent, one might (wrongly) conclude that sea ice retreat was only minor and that everything looked fine. By contrast, when looking at thickness, it becomes evident that large falls have occurred over the course of May 2014.

Falls at the edges of the sea ice can be expected at this time of the year, but the large fall closer to the center is frightening. On the one hand, it appears to reflect cyclonic weather and subsequent drift of the ice. On the other hand, it also indicates how vulnerable the sea ice has become. Last year, a large area showed up at the center of the sea ice where the ice became very thin, as discussed in July 2013 in the post Open Water at North Pole and again in the September 2013 post North Hole.

The appearance of huge weak areas at the center of the sea ice adds to its vulnerability and increases the prospect of total sea ice collapse, in case of one or more large cyclones hitting the Arctic Ocean later this year. To highlight the dangerous situation, the main image from a post earlier this month is again added below.
Arctic News: Large Falls in Arctic Sea Ice Thickness over May 2014
Adding to the concerns are huge sea surface temperature anomalies, as illustrated by the image below, showing anomalies at May 23, 2014, and created by Harold Hensel with ClimateReanalyzer and Google Earth.


Arctic News: Large Falls in Arctic Sea Ice Thickness over May 2014
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deniers can ignore this & damage what shred of credibility they have left or, more importantly, the survival of the human race!
IJIS Extent:
11,596,757 km2 (27 May)
Down 2,851,659 km2 (19.74%) from 2014 maximum of 14,448,416 km2 on 20 March.
8,419,302 km2 above record minimum extent of 3,177,455 km2 (16 September 2012).
Down 40,819 km2 from previous day.
Down 250,961 km2 over past seven days (daily average: -35,852 km2).
Down 1,296,958 km2 for the month of May (daily average: -48,035 km2).
234,294 km2 below 2000s average for this date.
31,063 km2 above 2010s average for this date.
234,188 km2 below 2013 value for this date.
101,142 km2 below 2012 value for this date.
Fourth lowest value for the date.
Fourth lowest May to-date average.
Ice is not a really good thermometer. You are looking at cloud cover differences and wind/sea state conditions more than anything else. An extra 5 minutes per day of sunlight explains the decadal differences.
deniers can ignore this & damage what shred of credibility they have left or, more importantly, the survival of the human race!

:lol::lol::lol: What are you twelve? Sheesh, this nothing new silly person. Read the reports from the 1920's when the ice cover was really low. Good grief, you carry on.
This is it, the Tipping-point. Thanks corporate MURICA :thup:

Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans From Polar Melt

A large section of the mighty West Antarctica ice sheet has begun falling apart and its continued melting now appears to be unstoppable, two groups of scientists reported on Monday. If the findings hold up, they suggest that the melting could destabilize neighboring parts of the ice sheet and a rise in sea level of 10 feet or more may be unavoidable in coming centuries.

Global warming caused by the human-driven release of greenhouse gases has helped to destabilize the ice sheet, though other factors may also be involved, the scientists said.
thats from May 12th deniers!!! :mad:

If you were up to date on polar ice & glacier research then you would quit jumping up and down every time a piece of ice breaks off.
Anstieg des Meeresspiegels nach Eiszeit durch Gletscher in Antarktis - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Vor 19.000 bis vor 9000 Jahren entließen Gletscher in acht Phasen ungewöhnlich viele große Eisberge. Das Maximum fiel in die Zeit vor 14.600 Jahren
Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass damals ungewöhnlich warmes Wasser zur Antarktis strömte und die Gletscher zum Kalben brachte. "Ein ungewöhnlich starker Zustrom von warmem Wasser in die Antarktis könnte diese Ereignisse ausgelöst haben", sagt Axel Timmermann von der University of Hawaii in Manoa.
Antarctic glaciers released extraordinary amounts of ice in 8 phases between 9000 and 1900 years ago.
The maximum of amount of ice broke loose and melted 14600 years ago due to unusually warm water currents in the antarctic.

So now, looking at the 2 graphs below,
you tell me what CO2 or "average global temperature" had to do with it :



Both CO2 and temperature way way below what we have today, yet the amount of ice melted at a much larger rate and quantity as it does today.
So on what grounds do you alarmists keep linking CO2 to polar ice and polar ice as an indicator of "average global temperature".
Let me guess, the research vessel "Polarstern" and all the scientist on board are in a conspiracy with the oil lobby...right ?

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