2014 arctic sea ice thread!

Mann's tree rings? WTF are you talking about? Are you under the impression that tree rings tells us something about sea level?

You're going to explain to us how a 120PPM increase made the seas around NYC raise 1 foot, correct?
No, I am not. If you haven't gotten it by now, anymore would just be a waste of time.
1) It's spelled c-o-n-c-e-s-s-i-o-n
2) The question now asks about a correlation between CO2 and sea level - a new topic, therefore...
3) It is not a concession
I am a skeptic on global warming. My opinion is that global warming is real, but we will only see slow warming at most.

Yet, I am a loon to you anti-science fuckers.

That is a lie!!

You have been an AGW cult member for a long time running!

Just goes to prove that the AGW cult will even lie about their own stance...
Regarding the actual topic of this post....it is now mid July...have there been any days in the vicinity of the north pole yet where the temperature has been above freezing?
See a lot of growth there?


Regarding the actual topic of this post....it is now mid July...have there been any days in the vicinity of the north pole yet where the temperature has been above freezing?

From Wikipedia's article on the North Pole:

The North Pole is substantially warmer than the South Pole because it lies at sea level in the middle of an ocean (which acts as a reservoir of heat), rather than at altitude in a continental land mass.

Winter (January) temperatures at the North Pole can range from about −43 °C (−45 °F) to −26 °C (−15 °F), perhaps averaging around −34 °C (−29 °F). Summer temperatures (June, July and August) average around the freezing point (0 °C (32 °F)). The highest temperature yet recorded is 5 °C (41 °F), much warmer than the South Pole's record high of only −12.3 °C (9.9 °F).[54]
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1) It's spelled c-o-n-c-e-s-s-i-o-n
2) The question now asks about a correlation between CO2 and sea level - a new topic, therefore...
3) It is not a concession

So you're going to correct Old Rocks statement about the 1 foot sea level rise (But only around NY)?

Odd that the Atlantic Ocean rose a foot -- but only in NY
1) It's spelled c-o-n-c-e-s-s-i-o-n
2) The question now asks about a correlation between CO2 and sea level - a new topic, therefore...
3) It is not a concession

Corrected, thanks. I appreciate the spelling concern or the critique because you had no idea what it meant so you just had to post that spelling correction. LOL, I love you guys who feel obligated to be the message board spelling police. It cracks me up. Your anger is so extreme that you target the actual words themselves. That you have to bring it to everyone's attention even though everyone else will see it anyway.
Sea level rise is not consistent world wide for a number of factors. If you read a little more you'd probably have been aware of that.
1) It's spelled c-o-n-c-e-s-s-i-o-n
2) The question now asks about a correlation between CO2 and sea level - a new topic, therefore...
3) It is not a concession

Corrected, thanks. I appreciate the spelling concern or the critique because you had no idea what it meant so you just had to post that spelling correction. LOL, I love you guys who feel obligated to be the message board spelling police. It cracks me up. Your anger is so extreme that you target the actual words themselves. That you have to bring it to everyone's attention even though everyone else will see it anyway.

You think I had to look up concession? I guess that would be what you call projection.

I wasn't targeting the word. I was targeting your woeful education.

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