2014 Midterms: What if YOU were a member of Congress?


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
When you head to the polls in 2014, ask yourself this: A member of Congress's job is to vote in a way that represents his constituency. Does he vote the way you would have?
How would you vote, if you were a member of Congress, on letting Americans keep their current healthcare plan? Nearly every Democrat in Congress opposes this plan.
How would you vote on the Obamacare debacle, which raises premiums for the vast majority of Americans, lowers healthcare quality, and increases taxes? Almost every Democrat in Congress voted for it?
And finally, how would you vote on Obama's war on coal, oil, and natural gas which has led to $3-4/gallon gasoline, makes America more dependent on foreign oil, raises electricity rates, and kills thousands of drilling and mining jobs?

This election offers a clear choice: economic opportunity or more socialist failure, "spread the wealth" or keep what's yours, false promises or a new promise and brighter direction for everyone.
I would vote to run them ALL out of office. I WILL settle for the beat-down that the dems are going to get however…..:lol:

As the old guy used to say; "They are going to get beat like red-headed step kids". Red-headed step kids….It will be a blood letting! :lol:

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