2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

What a fruitcake.
Yeah, you are a complete wacko alright.

We keep having earlier and colder winter weather and there has been no warming for 19 years. The earth is not warming.
Denier cult drivel. In reality winters are starting later and spring is arriving earlier. Winters are warmer, which paradoxically increases snowfall, because warmer air holds more moisture.

Season creep
Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
In phenology, season creep is observed changes in the timing of the seasons,[1][2] such as earlier indications of spring[3]widely observed in temperate areas across the Northern Hemisphere.[4][5] Phenological records analyzed by climate scientists have shown significant temporal trends in the observed time of seasonal events,[6][7] from the end of the 20th century and continuing into the 21st century.[5][8] In Europe, season creep has been associated with the arrival of spring moving up by approximately one week in a recent 30 year period.[9][10] Other studies have put the rate of season creep measured by plant phenology in the range of 2–3 days per decade advancement in spring, and 0.3–1.6 days per decade delay in autumn, over the past 30–80 years.[11]

Observable changes in nature related to season creep include birds laying their eggs earlier and buds appearing on some trees in late winter.[12] In addition to advanced budding, flowering trees have been blooming earlier, for example the culturally important cherry blossoms in Japan,[13][14] and Washington, D.C.[15][16][17] Northern hardwood forests have been trending toward leafing out sooner, and retaining their green canopies longer.[18] The agricultural growing season has also expanded by 10–20 days over the last few decades.[19]

The effects of season creep have been noted by non-scientists as well, including gardeners who have advanced their spring planting times,[20] and experimented with plantings of less hardy warmer climate varieties of non-native plants.[21] While summer growing seasons are expanding, winters are getting warmer and shorter, resulting in reduced winter ice cover on bodies of water,[22] earlier ice-out,[23] earlier melt water flows,[24] and earlier spring lake level peaks.[25] Some spring events, or "phenophases", have become intermittent or unobservable; for example, bodies of water that once froze regularly most winters now freeze less frequently,[8][26][27] and formerly migratory birds are now seen year-round in some areas.[28]

And then there's the little fact that temperatures 1,000 years ago (when CO2 levels were lower) were higher than the present day.
False. Another denier cult myth. It wouldn't matter though even if it were true. Scientists are very clear that the current warming trend is being caused by the 43% increase in co2 levels that mankind has produced.

You are a denier cult dingbat, full of misinformation, pseudo-science and lies.

Wikipedia is the left wits garbage site. its reputation is zero just like its scientific integrity is zero. I laugh every time you use it to prove a point because 95% of the info is WRONG... and if you dont like it log in to it and change it...

Its a morons wet dream... baseless..

Well this mean October was not the hottest... This also means when Nov comes in -6 deg F (were currently at -7.1 deg F) it will have a devastating effect on the trend lowering it.
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I feel a little bad for deniers. Most of them here have sworn a blood oath to a depraved religious cult. That never ends well. I think they're starting to understand what a hellish fate they've signed on for, hence their increasing hysteria.
I feel a little bad for deniers. Most of them here have sworn a blood oath to a depraved religious cult. That never ends well. I think they're starting to understand what a hellish fate they've signed on for, hence their increasing hysteria.
I feel a little bad for deniers. Most of them here have sworn a blood oath to a depraved religious cult. That never ends well. I think they're starting to understand what a hellish fate they've signed on for, hence their increasing hysteria.
Awe.. The poor little hairball cant even get up the courage to go find facts.. Just content to sit their in its dung heap and wallow..
U.S. British data show 2014 could be hottest year on record Reuters

Nov 27 (Reuters) - This year may eclipse 2010 as the hottest since records began in the 19th century, a sign long-term global warming is being stoked by rising greenhouse gas emissions, scientists said.

The period of January to October 2014 is already among the warmest ever recorded, and a warm ending to the year could easily make it top, according to U.S. and British data.

Skeptics who doubt the necessity of a shift away from fossil fuels to stop the Earth's climate from heating up point out that world average temperatures have not risen much since 1998, despite rising greenhouse gas emissions.

But the final ranking for 2014, due next year, may influence public and business perceptions about the severity of climate change. Almost 200 governments are due to agree a U.N. deal to combat global warming in Paris in December next year.

A surge of Arctic air has left much of the continental U.S. shivering in unusually bitter November cold. But this early foray into winter weather is just a small blip in the overall global picture, which is of a warming world that is still on track to see 2014 set the mark for hottest year on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday.

That warming — fueled largely by the manmade rise of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere — is so relentless, in fact, that the odds of seeing a record coldest year in the future are vanishingly small. As the animation below shows, the last time the world experienced a record-coldest year was in 1909, more than 100 years ago. But in that period, 18 records for warmest year have been set, with 2014 likely to be the 19th.


This is the subject of the thread.
I feel a little bad for deniers. Most of them here have sworn a blood oath to a depraved religious cult. That never ends well. I think they're starting to understand what a hellish fate they've signed on for, hence their increasing hysteria.
Awe.. The poor little hairball cant even get up the courage to go find facts.. Just content to sit their in its dung heap and wallow..

You expect me to have a link to your dark denier ritual where you signed your soul over to your liege Satan? Sorry, but you didn't supply me with the video. Probably because of the depraved orgy part. At an all-dude ceremony.

I hear you got a $50 Walmart gift card for your soul. Conclusion: Satan was _robbed_. Congratulations on getting the better part of the deal.

A surge of Arctic air has left much of the continental U.S. shivering in unusually bitter November cold. But this early foray into winter weather is just a small blip in the overall global picture, which is of a warming world that is still on track to see 2014 set the mark for hottest year on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday.

That warming — fueled largely by the manmade rise of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere — is so relentless, in fact, that the odds of seeing a record coldest year in the future are vanishingly small. As the animation below shows, the last time the world experienced a record-coldest year was in 1909, more than 100 years ago. But in that period, 18 records for warmest year have been set, with 2014 likely to be the 19th.


This is the subject of the thread.

Old Crock spouting off his ADJUSTED crap warming lies... I grow tired of exposing the lies you charlatans keep spouting..

Well this mean October was not the hottest... This also means when Nov comes in -6 deg F (were currently at -7.1 deg F) it will have a devastating effect on the trend lowering it.

Rss is an outlier... Likely something off with it.

Nope... IT matches perfectly with USCRN data. The most pristine siting and no man induced temperature spikes.. Says its right on the money and the other adjusted piles of crap are just that.. piles of crap.
I feel a little bad for deniers. Most of them here have sworn a blood oath to a depraved religious cult. That never ends well. I think they're starting to understand what a hellish fate they've signed on for, hence their increasing hysteria.
Awe.. The poor little hairball cant even get up the courage to go find facts.. Just content to sit their in its dung heap and wallow..

You expect me to have a link to your dark denier ritual where you signed your soul over to your liege Satan? Sorry, but you didn't supply me with the video. Probably because of the depraved orgy part. At an all-dude ceremony.

I hear you got a $50 Walmart gift card for your soul. Conclusion: Satan was _robbed_. Congratulations on getting the better part of the deal.

Nah. we don't expect you to have a link to anything. We expect you to engage in bitter, meaningless drive by sniping, judicious use of whatever the buzzword of the day is like denier, baseless ad homs, and blaming skeptics for precisely the behavior that you are presently engaged in...and you don't disappoint.
The UAH satellite data set reports Nov 2014 as the second hottest November ever, behind 2009. UAH data, from the lower troposphere, shows the same overall trend as the many different sets of surface station data. Temperature peaks and valleys in UAH are bigger. That is, it's "noisier". But the overall average rate of the temperature rise is the same. There's excellent agreement between the UAH satellite data and surface data in regards to the warming.

The RSS satellite data set, OTOH, has turned into a wild outlier. Around 2011, something weird crept into the RSS processing algorithm which has made it read way low compared to everything else. Or it might be because the RSS set is data set with the least coverage. But because they need that cherrypick, most deniers quote the RSS data exclusively now.
New report from the World Meteorological Organization confirming what NOAA and NASA have been saying....2014 will be the next 'hottest year on record'.

2014 set to be world's hottest year ever
The Guardian
Suzanne Goldenberg
Wednesday 3 December 2014
The world is on course for the hottest year ever in 2014, the United Nations weather agency said on Wednesday, heightening the sense of urgency around climate change negotiations underway in Lima.

Preliminary estimates from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) found global average land and sea surface temperatures for the first 10 months of 2014 had soared higher than ever recorded.

The findings – broadly in line with those of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) and other scientific agencies – indicate that by year-end 2014 will break all previous high temperature records.

The steady escalation of greenhouse gas emissions, caused by the burning of fossil fuels, have seen a succession of record-breaking years for temperature since the dawning of the 21st century and 2014 promises to be no exception, the WMO said.


Fourteen of the 15 warmest years on record have all occurred in the 21st century, said the WMO’s secretary-general Michel Jarraud. “What we saw in 2014 is consistent with what we expect from a changing climate."

Record-breaking heat combined with torrential rainfall and floods destroyed livelihoods and ruined lives. What is particularly unusual and alarming this year are the high temperatures of vast areas of the ocean surface, including in the northern hemisphere,” he said.

The new evidence provided by the WMO report of the gathering risks of climate change undercut the optimism expressed by negotiators from industrialised countries at the opening of the Lima talks.

Christiana Figueres, the UN’s top climate official, said the findings drove home the urgency of reaching a deal. Negotiations have been grinding on for more than 20 years.

Our climate is changing and every year the risks of extreme weather events and impacts on humanity rise,” she said.

Ed Davey, the UK climate secretary, said the UN climate talks were critical to stop temperatures rising to dangerous levels. “More record warm temperatures in the UK and across the world are yet more evidence that we need to act urgently to prevent dangerous climate change,” he said.

Officials from nearly 200 countries will spend the next two weeks in Lima working to agree on a plan to cut global greenhouse gas emissions fast enough and deeply enough to limit warming to 2C above pre-industrial times, the official objective of the UN talks.

But even that goal – which scientists say may not go far enough to prevent low-lying island states from drowning in rising seas – may be moving beyond reach.

When confronted with numbers like these, the challenge to stablise global warming below dangerous levels can seem daunting indeed,” Michael Mann, the climate scientist, said. “The globe is warming, ice is melting, and our climate is changing, as a result. And the damage is being felt – in the forms of more destructive weather extremes, more devastating wildfires, and unprecedented threats to the survival of endangered animal species.

He said the Lima climate talks – and a summit scheduled for Paris at the end of next year – were “perhaps our last real opportunity to stave off truly dangerous and irreversible world-wide changes in our climate.

Bill McKibben, leader of the 350.org campaign group, saw the findings as a call to arms to climate activists. “If you thought 2014 was hot, wait ‘til you see 2015. This means we need to turn up the flame even higher under the fossil fuel companies that are frying our planet,” he said.

The WMO report found the global average air temperature over land and sea surface for January to October was about 0.57C above the average of 14C for the 1961-1990 reference period, and 0.09C above the average for the past 10 years (2004-2013).

The most striking evidence of warming was probably in the oceans, however. Most of the excess heat trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gas emissions ends up in the oceans.

The WMO said global sea surface temperatures were 0.45C higher than the average over the last 50 years.

If November and December continue on the same course, then 2014 will edge out 2010, 2005 and 1998 as the hottest years ever known – but only by a few hundredths of a degree. Different data sets also show slightly different rankings, the WMO said.

In any event, the trend line is clear. The world is getting warmer, especially the oceans. Those higher temperatures were already exacting a toll, in terms of heavy rainfall and flooding in some countries, and extreme drought in others, the WMO said.

The agency dismissed outright the notion posed by some climate deniers of a pause in the warming trend.

There is no standstill in global warming, Jarraud said.

The world’s big three emitters – the US, China, and the EU – have pledged new targets for cutting their use of fossil fuels, injecting optimism into the Lima talks.

But scientists say even those targets are not enough to limit warming to 2C, and other big carbon polluters such as India, Russia, and Australia have yet to come on board.

Meanwhile, there were early signs of tension between the US and EU over the legal structure of the agreement that is due to be adopted in Paris next year.

Campaign groups monitoring the talks called on negotiators to take the new WMO findings to heart.

The fact that we’re tracking towards the hottest year on record should send chills through anyone who says they care about climate change – especially negotiators at the UN climate talks here in Lima,” said Samantha Smith, who heads WWF’s climate and energy initiative. “This is more scientific evidence of the real impact climate change is having on our world. The changes will be felt the most by the most vulnerable people, whose lives and livelihoods are already being affected.

An almost dried up reservoir in Pingdingshan, central China’s Henan province, where severe drought damaged vast areas of farmland. Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images

The WMO found western North America, Europe, eastern Eurasia, much of Africa, large areas of South America and southern and western Australia were especially warm. South Africa, Australia, and Argentina started the year with blistering heat waves.

However, the US and Canada ushered in 2014 with the chill Arctic winds of the polar vortex. Central Russia also recorded cooler than average conditions for the year.

Europe also experienced extreme weather, with the UK buffetted by storms. A separate temperature data set, the world’s longest continuous record, showed England was on track for the hottest year in over three centuries. Higher temperatures cause more evaporation and more rain, and 2014 began with England’s wettest winter in over 250 years, leading to widespread flooding.

In Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, more than two million people were caught up in severe flooding. Parts of Turkey saw five times the normal amount of rain, and France experienced its wettest summer since 1959.

South Asia also experienced heavy rains, with severe flooding in northern Bangladesh, northern Pakistan and India, affecting millions of people in August and September.

For other parts of the world, however, 2014 brought drought. Rainfall in parts of the Yellow River basin in China were less than half of the summer average. A large swathe of the western US continued under drought. New South Wales and southeast Queensland in Australia also went without rain.


What the alarmist morons forget is that we are at the top of a sine wave. The top of the 360 year warming cycle of the Sun. All of the years they tout as the "warmest" fall within the top of the wave.

I wonder if these same morons will spout the same crap when we reach the bottom of the 360 year cycle? Will it be the coldest ever?

Lest I forget that we are at 18 years 2 months of Zero average...

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What the alarmist morons forget is that we are at the top of a sine wave. The top of the 360 year warming cycle of the Sun. All of the years they tout as the "warmest" fall within the top of the wave.

I wonder if these same morons will spout the same crap when we reach the bottom of the 360 year cycle? Will it be the coldest ever?

Lest I forget that we are at 18 years 2 months of Zero average...

when it goes up they scream we are all gonna die when it goes down we are all gonna die.. when people fart.. we are all gonna die... What they really want is to be paid to make weather predictions. Hell they can't even be right 50% of the time.

What the alarmist morons forget is that we are at the top of a sine wave. The top of the 360 year warming cycle of the Sun. All of the years they tout as the "warmest" fall within the top of the wave.

I wonder if these same morons will spout the same crap when we reach the bottom of the 360 year cycle? Will it be the coldest ever?

Lest I forget that we are at 18 years 2 months of Zero average...

when it goes up they scream we are all gonna die when it goes down we are all gonna die.. when people fart.. we are all gonna die... What they really want is to be paid to make weather predictions. Hell they can't even be right 50% of the time.

Funnier still is the claims of 'the hottest year' when in the record you can clearly see that it was not.. The Alarmist drivel is so pitiful to watch..

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