2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

There go half a dozen more worthless posts, mostly off-topic, from the denier cult retard chorus.

The Earth is warming. Your denier cult myths about cooling are crackpot nonsense. As the scientific analysis from NOAA that I have repeatedly posted clearly demonstrates.
There go half a dozen more worthless posts, mostly off-topic, from the denier cult retard chorus.

The Earth is warming. Your denier cult myths about cooling are crackpot nonsense. As the scientific analysis from NOAA that I have repeatedly posted clearly demonstrates.
There go half a dozen more worthless posts, mostly off-topic, from the denier cult retard chorus.

The Earth is warming. Your denier cult myths about cooling are crackpot nonsense. As the scientific analysis from NOAA that I have repeatedly posted clearly demonstrates.
Thermophobia -
An abnormal and persistent fear of heat, including hot weather and hot objects. Sufferers from thermophobia experience anxietyeven though they realize their fear is irrational. To avoid heat, they may live in a cold climate, wear light clothing, stay indoors on warm days, and avoid hot water and hot foods.

"Thermophobia" is derived from the Greek "therme" (heat) and "phobos" (fear). This same Greek word has given us many English words, such as "thermometer" (a device for measuring temperature) and "thermostat" (a device for regulating temperature).

The opposite of thermophobia is cryophobia, fear of the cold.
Fudged data
Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data. In several posts headed “Data tampering at USHCN/GISS”, Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs with those based only on temperatures measured at the time. These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century.
When I first began examining the global-warming scare, I found nothing more puzzling than the way officially approved scientists kept on being shown to have finagled their data, as in that ludicrous “hockey stick” graph, pretending to prove that the world had suddenly become much hotter than at any time in 1,000 years. Any theory needing to rely so consistently on fudging the evidence, I concluded, must be looked on not as science at all, but as simply a rather alarming case study in the aberrations of group psychology.
Fudge for brains. "Officially approved scientists"? What the hell does that mean?

Once again, every Scientific Society in every nation on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Same for every nation that has a National Academy of Science. Same for every major University on this planet. Only fruit loops like Goddard state otherwise.

steven goddard Climate Denial Crock of the Week

How low are they going? This low.

The blogger who won’t even tell us his real name, even though it is now open source, Steven Goddard, has been cited as an authority on climate.
Kind of like citing Orly Taitz as an authority on Kenyan Birth certificates. Did I mention “Goddard” is a birther, too? (not unusual in denierville – see below)
Fudge for brains. "Officially approved scientists"? What the hell does that mean?

Once again, every Scientific Society in every nation on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Same for every nation that has a National Academy of Science. Same for every major University on this planet. Only fruit loops like Goddard state otherwise.

steven goddard Climate Denial Crock of the Week

How low are they going? This low.

The blogger who won’t even tell us his real name, even though it is now open source, Steven Goddard, has been cited as an authority on climate.
Kind of like citing Orly Taitz as an authority on Kenyan Birth certificates. Did I mention “Goddard” is a birther, too? (not unusual in denierville – see below)
it means they figured out how to fudge data.

Denier cult dementia.

There is no "Steven Goddard".....it is a pseudonym for a denier cult blogger (and 'birther' loon) named 'Tony Heller'. "Steve Goddard", AKA 'Tony Heller', does not have any education, experience or background in climate science. He has primarily published his articles in blogs and newspapers using a pseudonym, and he has never been published in a peer-reviewed science journal on the subject.

As one environmental scientist put it when asked about 'Goddard'....
"Goddard is your typical know nothing AGW denier blogger. He used to be a regular guest author on WattsUpWithThat, except that he became a regular embarrassment, and he and Watts parted ways. In one of the worst examples (although there are so many to choose from), Watts had to apologize for the utter stupidity of one of Goddard's articles:

"My apologies to readers. I'll leave it up (note altered title) as an example of what not to do when graphing trends"

John Cook rebutted another of Goddard's idiotic WUWT posts here as well:

Goddard now runs his own blog. Considering that he was too ignorant even for the exceptionally low standards at WUWT, not surprisingly, very few people actually read it. Apparently it's not his real name and Steven Goddard is a pseudonym, which is funny, because Anthony Watts claims that everybody who writes on his site goes by their real names.

Denier cult dementia.

There is no "Steven Goddard".....it is a pseudonym for a denier cult blogger (and 'birther' loon) named 'Tony Heller'. "Steve Goddard", AKA 'Tony Heller', does not have any education, experience or background in climate science. He has primarily published his articles in blogs and newspapers using a pseudonym, and he has never been published in a peer-reviewed science journal on the subject.

As one environmental scientist put it when asked about 'Goddard'....
"Goddard is your typical know nothing AGW denier blogger. He used to be a regular guest author on WattsUpWithThat, except that he became a regular embarrassment, and he and Watts parted ways. In one of the worst examples (although there are so many to choose from), Watts had to apologize for the utter stupidity of one of Goddard's articles:

"My apologies to readers. I'll leave it up (note altered title) as an example of what not to do when graphing trends"

John Cook rebutted another of Goddard's idiotic WUWT posts here as well:

Goddard now runs his own blog. Considering that he was too ignorant even for the exceptionally low standards at WUWT, not surprisingly, very few people actually read it. Apparently it's not his real name and Steven Goddard is a pseudonym, which is funny, because Anthony Watts claims that everybody who writes on his site goes by their real names.
John Cook = Cartoonist
Fudge for brains. "Officially approved scientists"? What the hell does that mean?

Once again, every Scientific Society in every nation on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Same for every nation that has a National Academy of Science. Same for every major University on this planet. Only fruit loops like Goddard state otherwise.

steven goddard Climate Denial Crock of the Week

How low are they going? This low.

The blogger who won’t even tell us his real name, even though it is now open source, Steven Goddard, has been cited as an authority on climate.
Kind of like citing Orly Taitz as an authority on Kenyan Birth certificates. Did I mention “Goddard” is a birther, too? (not unusual in denierville – see below)
Reread what I posted. The "officially approved scientists" are of the warmer cult. They have admitted to using fudged data and other remarkably unscientific tactics to advance their cause and maintain their grants.

Denier cult dementia.

There is no "Steven Goddard".....it is a pseudonym for a denier cult blogger (and 'birther' loon) named 'Tony Heller'. "Steve Goddard", AKA 'Tony Heller', does not have any education, experience or background in climate science. He has primarily published his articles in blogs and newspapers using a pseudonym, and he has never been published in a peer-reviewed science journal on the subject.

As one environmental scientist put it when asked about 'Goddard'....
"Goddard is your typical know nothing AGW denier blogger. He used to be a regular guest author on WattsUpWithThat, except that he became a regular embarrassment, and he and Watts parted ways. In one of the worst examples (although there are so many to choose from), Watts had to apologize for the utter stupidity of one of Goddard's articles:

"My apologies to readers. I'll leave it up (note altered title) as an example of what not to do when graphing trends"

John Cook rebutted another of Goddard's idiotic WUWT posts here as well:

Goddard now runs his own blog. Considering that he was too ignorant even for the exceptionally low standards at WUWT, not surprisingly, very few people actually read it. Apparently it's not his real name and Steven Goddard is a pseudonym, which is funny, because Anthony Watts claims that everybody who writes on his site goes by their real names.
Goddard/Heller, at least isn't passing around emails that discredit himself like your boys have.

Denier cult dementia.

There is no "Steven Goddard".....it is a pseudonym for a denier cult blogger (and 'birther' loon) named 'Tony Heller'. "Steve Goddard", AKA 'Tony Heller', does not have any education, experience or background in climate science. He has primarily published his articles in blogs and newspapers using a pseudonym, and he has never been published in a peer-reviewed science journal on the subject.

As one environmental scientist put it when asked about 'Goddard'....
"Goddard is your typical know nothing AGW denier blogger. He used to be a regular guest author on WattsUpWithThat, except that he became a regular embarrassment, and he and Watts parted ways. In one of the worst examples (although there are so many to choose from), Watts had to apologize for the utter stupidity of one of Goddard's articles:

"My apologies to readers. I'll leave it up (note altered title) as an example of what not to do when graphing trends"

John Cook rebutted another of Goddard's idiotic WUWT posts here as well:

Goddard now runs his own blog. Considering that he was too ignorant even for the exceptionally low standards at WUWT, not surprisingly, very few people actually read it. Apparently it's not his real name and Steven Goddard is a pseudonym, which is funny, because Anthony Watts claims that everybody who writes on his site goes by their real names.
Fudge for brains. "Officially approved scientists"? What the hell does that mean?

Once again, every Scientific Society in every nation on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Same for every nation that has a National Academy of Science. Same for every major University on this planet. Only fruit loops like Goddard state otherwise.

steven goddard Climate Denial Crock of the Week

How low are they going? This low.

The blogger who won’t even tell us his real name, even though it is now open source, Steven Goddard, has been cited as an authority on climate.
Kind of like citing Orly Taitz as an authority on Kenyan Birth certificates. Did I mention “Goddard” is a birther, too? (not unusual in denierville – see below)
Reread what I posted. The "officially approved scientists" are of the warmer cult. They have admitted to using fudged data and other remarkably unscientific tactics to advance their cause and maintain their grants.
You swallowed some very insane dener cult myths that have no connection to reality. Nobody "admitted to using fudged data" except in your crackpot denier cult myths. In the real world, all the data that climate scientists use is available for anyone to verify. You deniers are gullible loons.

Denier cult dementia.

There is no "Steven Goddard".....it is a pseudonym for a denier cult blogger (and 'birther' loon) named 'Tony Heller'. "Steve Goddard", AKA 'Tony Heller', does not have any education, experience or background in climate science. He has primarily published his articles in blogs and newspapers using a pseudonym, and he has never been published in a peer-reviewed science journal on the subject.

As one environmental scientist put it when asked about 'Goddard'....
"Goddard is your typical know nothing AGW denier blogger. He used to be a regular guest author on WattsUpWithThat, except that he became a regular embarrassment, and he and Watts parted ways. In one of the worst examples (although there are so many to choose from), Watts had to apologize for the utter stupidity of one of Goddard's articles:

"My apologies to readers. I'll leave it up (note altered title) as an example of what not to do when graphing trends"

John Cook rebutted another of Goddard's idiotic WUWT posts here as well:

Goddard now runs his own blog. Considering that he was too ignorant even for the exceptionally low standards at WUWT, not surprisingly, very few people actually read it. Apparently it's not his real name and Steven Goddard is a pseudonym, which is funny, because Anthony Watts claims that everybody who writes on his site goes by their real names.
Goddard/Heller, at least isn't passing around emails that discredit himself like your boys have.
Another fallacious denier cult myth with no connection to reality. No one was "discredited" and multiple investigations showed there had been no scientific misconduct. You poor gullible retard.
What a fruitcake.

We keep having earlier and colder winter weather and there has been no warming for 19 years. The earth is not warming.

And then there's the little fact that temperatures 1,000 years ago (when CO2 levels were lower) were higher than the present day. So, we're supposed to destroy our economy, lower our living standards, and pay more taxes for the benefit of Liberal Fake-Eco Billionaires?

No thanks.
What a fruitcake.
Yeah, you are a complete wacko alright.

We keep having earlier and colder winter weather and there has been no warming for 19 years. The earth is not warming.
Denier cult drivel. In reality winters are starting later and spring is arriving earlier. Winters are warmer, which paradoxically increases snowfall, because warmer air holds more moisture.

Season creep
Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
In phenology, season creep is observed changes in the timing of the seasons,[1][2] such as earlier indications of spring[3]widely observed in temperate areas across the Northern Hemisphere.[4][5] Phenological records analyzed by climate scientists have shown significant temporal trends in the observed time of seasonal events,[6][7] from the end of the 20th century and continuing into the 21st century.[5][8] In Europe, season creep has been associated with the arrival of spring moving up by approximately one week in a recent 30 year period.[9][10] Other studies have put the rate of season creep measured by plant phenology in the range of 2–3 days per decade advancement in spring, and 0.3–1.6 days per decade delay in autumn, over the past 30–80 years.[11]

Observable changes in nature related to season creep include birds laying their eggs earlier and buds appearing on some trees in late winter.[12] In addition to advanced budding, flowering trees have been blooming earlier, for example the culturally important cherry blossoms in Japan,[13][14] and Washington, D.C.[15][16][17] Northern hardwood forests have been trending toward leafing out sooner, and retaining their green canopies longer.[18] The agricultural growing season has also expanded by 10–20 days over the last few decades.[19]

The effects of season creep have been noted by non-scientists as well, including gardeners who have advanced their spring planting times,[20] and experimented with plantings of less hardy warmer climate varieties of non-native plants.[21] While summer growing seasons are expanding, winters are getting warmer and shorter, resulting in reduced winter ice cover on bodies of water,[22] earlier ice-out,[23] earlier melt water flows,[24] and earlier spring lake level peaks.[25] Some spring events, or "phenophases", have become intermittent or unobservable; for example, bodies of water that once froze regularly most winters now freeze less frequently,[8][26][27] and formerly migratory birds are now seen year-round in some areas.[28]

And then there's the little fact that temperatures 1,000 years ago (when CO2 levels were lower) were higher than the present day.
False. Another denier cult myth. It wouldn't matter though even if it were true. Scientists are very clear that the current warming trend is being caused by the 43% increase in co2 levels that mankind has produced.

You are a denier cult dingbat, full of misinformation, pseudo-science and lies.
RT is an idiot.
The usual lame response of the denier cult wackos when their myths and lies get debunked by the facts.
Idiot - a stupid person. For example, a person that believes people collecting money to prove global warming, who have been caught making up facts about global warming, are in fact being honest about the made up facts.
RT is an idiot.
The usual lame response of the denier cult wackos when their myths and lies get debunked by the facts.
Idiot - a stupid person.
Yup....that's you alright, ReallyKrazyMoron.

For example, a person that believes people collecting money to prove global warming, who have been caught making up facts about global warming, are in fact being honest about the made up facts.
More idiocy and denier cult lies from the retarded troll. Only in the most insane of the wacko denier cult myths has anyone but the fossil fuel industry propagandists "been caught making up facts about global warming".

ReallyKrazyMoron is a conspiracy theory wacko who is insane enough to believe that hundreds of thousands of scientists all around the world are all in a conspiracy to violate their professional ethics, falsify reseach data and publish lies in order to fool the world about the reality of AGW for reasons the deniers can't explain, and, most absurdly, not even one of the scientists in the conspiracy has ever blown the whistle on it to the public or the authorities. The Mafia would be overjoyed if they had a code of silence that worked even half that well. But the denier cult retards swallow that ridiculous nonsense without blinking an eye.

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