2014: The Differences are Clear, the Choice is Yours


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
This election offers a clear choice about the direction of this country, our free market economy, and our fundamental rights.

Democrats don't just support Obamacare; they want to expand it to even more radical single-payer. Democrats support the freedom-crushing individual mandate and are OK penalizing you for not buying insurance on a website that doesn't even work. They defend Obama even though he broke his promise about letting people keep their doctors as well as his pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class(Obamacare = huge tax hike). Democrats also support the IRS's abusive activities, the NSA's wiretapping, less drilling for American energy (even when gas is over $3/gallon - ridiculous!), and even a radical cap-and-trade energy tax that would cripple or economy. And Democrats want to spend trillions more of your money, bankrupting America.

Or, we could support a different choice: the GOP believes in more freedom, not bigger government. They oppose the big-government takeover of healthcare, and will fight for every American job. They'll repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered reforms that reduce costs and improve quality. They'll stop the NSA, rein in the IRS, and finally figure out the truth behind Hillary Clinton's treason in Benghazi. The GOP is on our side; they're standing for smaller government, more jobs, and more economic freedom. They support more American energy/the Keystone Pipeline, and they oppose Obama's massive, job-destroying War on Coal. Most of all, the GOP will fight for a balanced budget amendment(which most Democrats oppose, when voting Aye/Nay) to stop career politicians from bankrupting our country.

For a brighter America, vote Republican in 2014. Our future depends on it.
Bro, as much as I despise the Democrats, you don't' seriously fucking think that the non-Libertarian majority of the Republican Party will be any better, do you?
Bro, as much as I despise the Democrats, you don't' seriously fucking think that the non-Libertarian majority of the Republican Party will be any better, do you?

Look, they're not perfect. But the GOP House has voted for:
-A balanced budget amendment
-The Ryan Budget Plan(Reduced debt $7 trillion over 10 years + Caps federal spending)
-ANWR drilling + the Keystone XL pipeline
-Moratoria on new regulations
-Restrictions on the EPA and other government regulatory agencies

If every reform the GOP House passed became law, I would be very, very happy. To do that, we need a GOP Senate in 2014, and a GOP President in 2016.
Bro, as much as I despise the Democrats, you don't' seriously fucking think that the non-Libertarian majority of the Republican Party will be any better, do you?

Look, they're not perfect. But the GOP House has voted for:
-A balanced budget amendment
-The Ryan Budget Plan(Reduced debt $7 trillion over 10 years + Caps federal spending)
-ANWR drilling + the Keystone XL pipeline
-Moratoria on new regulations
-Restrictions on the EPA and other government regulatory agencies

If every reform the GOP House passed became law, I would be very, very happy. To do that, we need a GOP Senate in 2014, and a GOP President in 2016.

Plus, I would feel better about a Republican making federal judge appointments especially the SCOTUS.
"2014: The Differences are Clear, the Choice is Yours

Haven't seen any leadership from Republicans. Who you gonna mount as any viable candidates? Any number of do nothings>????
choosing between rats and conservatives next year,will be like a choice between sleeping with pat murray or sarah palin.
Dupes fighting for the right to go broke and lose everything lol...The only economy that's collapsed is W's US, AND YOU DIPS WANT TO DO IT AGAIN AND GO BACK TO THE 1840'S LOL...
"2014: The Differences are Clear, the Choice is Yours

Haven't seen any leadership from Republicans. Who you gonna mount as any viable candidates? Any number of do nothings>????


There's Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, but since they are Libertarian, you discounted them.
so much BS coming up from the left that the GOP has no alternatives, yah, they are speaking to the 42,000 viewers of MSNBC! the GOP told the nation their alternatives to Obama care at the convention! then again, many Dem's are as braindead and ignorant as a turkey.
Bro, as much as I despise the Democrats, you don't' seriously fucking think that the non-Libertarian majority of the Republican Party will be any better, do you?

Never judge a book by it's cover 2AD. Libertarianism is slowly seeping into and taking root in the Republican party.
"2014: The Differences are Clear, the Choice is Yours

Haven't seen any leadership from Republicans. Who you gonna mount as any viable candidates? Any number of do nothings>????

It's better than the KNOW--nothings that are currently running things.

and lately the leftist commentators only response to the very low Dem's approval is,,,well the GOP approval is pretty low too! yah? Big FFFkin Deal! how many times do we have to explain to these buttheads that most voters will be voting for the GOP in 2014,just like the 47% of lazy fat twits who only voted for anyone with a D next to their names! and they will be too lazy to vote in the mid-terms anyway. did the bafoons forget that in 2010, about 55% voted for the GOP for the sole reason to stop Obama?
15- Hater dupes have been saying that for 140 years lol...
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Bro, as much as I despise the Democrats, you don't' seriously fucking think that the non-Libertarian majority of the Republican Party will be any better, do you?

No, I think we are doomed by the welfare state created. That said we can't reward the democrats for the job they have done over the last long 7 years. Theirs is a history of failure which can not and should not be rewarded. Will Republicans do much better, doubtful and when they don't kick those bums out. Term limits by the ballot box is the only answer, if there is one left.

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