2014: The Differences are Clear, the Choice is Yours

The GOP House is the least productive legislature in history. If you hate Congress, you know it's current state of gridlock has been the stated policy of Republicans? If you love filibuster, you love Republicans
If you want Congress to start being bipartisan again, you know you can't vote for TeaTards

Remember in 2014
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The GOP House is the least productive legislature in history. If you hate Congress, you know it's current state of gridlock has been the stated policy of Republicans? If you love filibuster, you love Republicans
If you want Congress to start being bipartisan again, you know you can't vote for TeaTards

Remember in 2014

Least productive ?

They seem to have stymied Obama at every turn.
The GOP House is the least productive legislature in history. If you hate Congress, you know it's current state of gridlock has been the stated policy of Republicans? If you love filibuster, you love Republicans
If you want Congress to start being bipartisan again, you know you can't vote for TeaTards

Remember in 2014

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, as if productivity was a measure of success. Better no productivity then passing crap like Obamacare. Which every time a liberal lectures on bipartisanship I laugh. Obama had to buy off his own party to get his partisan Obamacare passed and then had to sneak around in the middle of the night to get it into law. There is nothing bipartisan about the democrats. As they proved with changing Senate rules they don't care about anything but what they want. But as always I give them credit for great PR.
The GOP House is the least productive legislature in history. If you hate Congress, you know it's current state of gridlock has been the stated policy of Republicans? If you love filibuster, you love Republicans
If you want Congress to start being bipartisan again, you know you can't vote for TeaTards

Remember in 2014

Least productive ?

They seem to have stymied Obama at every turn.

Actually, in my opinion, no they have not. Obama has got everything he wanted, everything. To listen to the democrats the opposite would be believed. I can't think of one thing Obama wanted he didn't get. The stimulus that wasn't, cars for clunkers which was a huge waste of money, Wall Street reform, MW increase, 99 week extention of UE, and everything else. Don't buy into the liberal BS of "if they were only able to do more." For crying out loud had they done more no one would be working in America.
The GOP House is the least productive legislature in history. If you hate Congress, you know it's current state of gridlock has been the stated policy of Republicans? If you love filibuster, you love Republicans
If you want Congress to start being bipartisan again, you know you can't vote for TeaTards

Remember in 2014

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, as if productivity was a measure of success. Better no productivity then passing crap like Obamacare. Which every time a liberal lectures on bipartisanship I laugh. Obama had to buy off his own party to get his partisan Obamacare passed and then had to sneak around in the middle of the night to get it into law. There is nothing bipartisan about the democrats. As they proved with changing Senate rules they don't care about anything but what they want. But as always I give them credit for great PR.

Maintaining the status quo during periods of productivity makes sense......why mess with success?

We have been enduring the great Republican recession of 2008. For republican Congressmen to obstruct programs to bring recovery for the sole purpose of making Obama a one term president is reprehensible.

That they have continued as the party of no.....the party of no solutions, only obstruction is repulsive

Remember in 2014..... Why would I support what Republucans are doing to this country?
Democraps want to keep growing the GOV to run your life. They want more of your money and property to "spread the wealth." They want to make decisions for you from what you can drive, what you eat, what medical care you will get, etc....they are socialists living in a capitalist country until they can implode it.
The GOP being typical idiots can still screw it up.

They can shutdown the GOV in Jan giving Obama and the media a news story to push down our throats.

They can fall for the immigration plan trick allowing 10-14 million illegals a pathway to become Democrap voters. Hell, pass a law early in 2014 and the illegals will have some judge demand they get instant citizenship to vote on the spot.

There is still time for the idiots in the GOP to fuck this present up, they tried with the first shutdown.

2014 is shaping up to be a landslide for the GOP.
The GOP House is the least productive legislature in history. If you hate Congress, you know it's current state of gridlock has been the stated policy of Republicans? If you love filibuster, you love Republicans
If you want Congress to start being bipartisan again, you know you can't vote for TeaTards

Remember in 2014

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, as if productivity was a measure of success. Better no productivity then passing crap like Obamacare. Which every time a liberal lectures on bipartisanship I laugh. Obama had to buy off his own party to get his partisan Obamacare passed and then had to sneak around in the middle of the night to get it into law. There is nothing bipartisan about the democrats. As they proved with changing Senate rules they don't care about anything but what they want. But as always I give them credit for great PR.

Maintaining the status quo during periods of productivity makes sense......why mess with success?

We have been enduring the great Republican recession of 2008. For republican Congressmen to obstruct programs to bring recovery for the sole purpose of making Obama a one term president is reprehensible.

That they have continued as the party of no.....the party of no solutions, only obstruction is repulsive

Remember in 2014..... Why would I support what Republucans are doing to this country?

OMG blah blah blah. What programs were blocked that is the question. Wall Street reform? No. The stimulus, no. Cars for clunkers, no. Obamacare, yes but passed with the Corn Husker kickbacks. 99 week extension of UE, no. MW increase, no. Of course they may have been opposition but the point is that everything Obama wanted PASSED. He never, as far as I know every pushed to raise taxes on anyone, at least directly.
As more people stay single and more people prefer a safety net in the nation, more people will lean toward bigger government.

There are only three things we spend a lot on right now: Military, Social Security, and Medicare.

2 of three are for retired elderly people, 1 is national defense. At some point the rest of the people will want a cut of things too.
The GOP being typical idiots can still screw it up.

They can shutdown the GOV in Jan giving Obama and the media a news story to push down our throats.

They can fall for the immigration plan trick allowing 10-14 million illegals a pathway to become Democrap voters. Hell, pass a law early in 2014 and the illegals will have some judge demand they get instant citizenship to vote on the spot.

There is still time for the idiots in the GOP to fuck this present up, they tried with the first shutdown.

2014 is shaping up to be a landslide for the GOP.

True. But I don't see that happening this time. All they have to do is continue to shine the light on the train wreck that is Obamacare.
Of course most young people will stay single because they have low morals like you.

Obamacare gives a higher subsidy for 2 single people living together compared to married people. Single medical insurance is cheaper than trying to cover a family.

You scumbag liberals are doing your job undermining the family in the USA and replacing it with Big Brother in DC.

As more people stay single and more people prefer a safety net in the nation, more people will lean toward bigger government.

There are only three things we spend a lot on right now: Military, Social Security, and Medicare.

2 of three are for retired elderly people, 1 is national defense. At some point the rest of the people will want a cut of things too.
A few points need to be addressed:

Long before the 2016 election non-subsidy exchange policies will sink below break even for the insurance companies and they will either leave the exchanges or refuse to take on new subsidy policies. This will effectively kill Ocare.

Bankruptcies due to high premiums and co-pays will increase markedly increase prior to the 2014 election and go from bad to worse after that.

The number of MDs that accept medicaid will drop which will further worsen the health of the poor.

The poor will migrate to compliant states with more insurers on the exchanges. The wealthy will migrate in the opposite direction to avoid the state and local tax increases that will hit in 2017.

There is no reset button on this POS.

So, how can the GOP unwind this blue state disaster?
choosing between rats and conservatives next year,will be like a choice between sleeping with pat murray or sarah palin.
and like a choice between Surf&Turf and any $10.00 meal in any crappy restaurant in Los Angeles/San Fransisco!
you couldn't pay me to eat in any subpar restaurant in San Fran or LA, god only knows who works in those filthy greasy kitchens prepping the meals.

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