2014's GDP Final Revisions: -2.9%, Looks Like Another Recession

One quarter does not a recession make.

But the recovery has been sluggish. I believe that is for two reasons.

First and foremost, total public and private debt surpassed 270% of GDP around the year 2000. When total debt crosses that line, economic growth becomes sluggish, and the ability to recover from a downturn is greatly hampered.

Second, we are saddled with perhaps the most incompetent government we have ever had. Obama and the Democrats only know how to spread wealth around, not create it. The Republicans only know how to obstruct when they aren't the ones who are borrowing and spending.

Reread the title. I said, looks like another recession. Not is another recession. A Recession take two quarters of negative economic growth.

But historically this negative a turn in GDP has always preceded a recession. So don't be shocked when we get negative reports next quarter as well.

The "next quarter" ends in 4 days.

And things are looking up. So it does NOT look like another recession.
I won't hold my breath. Also I would ignore the initial quarterly report, and the first revision as well, given they are generally inflated.

Will have to wait a couple months to get the full story.
Waiting for real estate to bottom out again so I can buy a condo. I am a getting realtors coming by my house twice a week asking me if I want to sell. They realize we are at the height of the bubble and there will be blood in the streets financially speaking. Now is the time to cash out if you are looking to flip real estate or stocks. The FED won't be able to sustain these low interest rates forever, and when that happens, real estate and stocks will crash, and after that comes austerity, as the Federal Government won't be able to finance current spending levels. And then comes further decline in GDP.

Yes, an adjustment is coming but will not be as dire as you suggest. Don't wait until the last moment. We moved some money on which we had tripled our principal just last week. Maybe a year at the most before the slide begins.

I didn't say dire. I am not going to be foolish enough to predict when the contraction/correction will come exactly or how severe it will be. The numbers suggest it will be similar to 2008 but who knows. All I know is the smart money is on a correction sooner rather than later and many of the hedge funds and larger wall street institutions are starting to move out of equities(stocks). They see something coming.

I misjudged the "dire-ness" of your comment: my apology.

Yes, adjustment could be as nasty as 2008.

And, yes, I agree with you that the smart investor is always looking ahead and preparing.
1. Nobody ever went broke by leaving a little money on the table.

2a. Bears make money.
2b. Bulls make money.
2c. Pigs get slaughtered.
One quarter does not a recession make.

But the recovery has been sluggish. I believe that is for two reasons.

First and foremost, total public and private debt surpassed 270% of GDP around the year 2000. When total debt crosses that line, economic growth becomes sluggish, and the ability to recover from a downturn is greatly hampered.

Second, we are saddled with perhaps the most incompetent government we have ever had. Obama and the Democrats only know how to spread wealth around, not create it. The Republicans only know how to obstruct when they aren't the ones who are borrowing and spending.

Second quarter ends soon.
If we have two quarters back to back of negative growth I believe officially
that's a recession.....

But hold on a second sports fans.

This is an Obama held WH so I don't think they will allow that criteria for him.
a recession is on the way ..... only one negative growth quarter, no recession ... THE BOOKS WERE COOKED !

the only thing cooked are the pea brains of the idgets on this board
You rwer's put away that noose for Oblama...

2) It's not a final number: Some economists take this GDP number with a grain of salt because it will be revised again next month when the Bureau of Economic Analysis makes historical revisions, going back to 1999.
The weak number also doesn't fit with the story told by other key economic indicators, like job growth.
3) The economy has improved since March: Hiring slowed in December, but it has since picked up again. In the last five months, the economy added 1.1 million jobs. Hiring at that level is consistent with an economy that is growing modestly around 2% to 3% a year -- not an economy that is contracting.
Here's why economists will shrug off a dismal GDP report - Jun. 25, 2014
You rwer's put away that noose for Oblama...

2) It's not a final number: Some economists take this GDP number with a grain of salt because it will be revised again next month when the Bureau of Economic Analysis makes historical revisions, going back to 1999.
The weak number also doesn't fit with the story told by other key economic indicators, like job growth.
3) The economy has improved since March: Hiring slowed in December, but it has since picked up again. In the last five months, the economy added 1.1 million jobs. Hiring at that level is consistent with an economy that is growing modestly around 2% to 3% a year -- not an economy that is contracting.
Here's why economists will shrug off a dismal GDP report - Jun. 25, 2014
Yep, that's right, part time jobs at lower wages, that is the silver bullet this economy needs.



Is The Economic Recovery Only Statistical? | Zero Hedge
That garlic aroma on the afternoon breeze?

Pay no attention.

It's just there to mask the stench of the books being cooked.

That was awesome. That is all.

It really is a shame that people like yourselves have devolved to the point of manufacturing bullshit and the rest of you think it is tasty.

I'm not at all ashamed at pointing out the constant revisions which are always worse than the projections by this or any other admin. Same goes with the CBO which manufacturers constant horseshit to suit its administration. You should clean the matter from your eyes every now and then.
That was awesome. That is all.

It really is a shame that people like yourselves have devolved to the point of manufacturing bullshit and the rest of you think it is tasty.

I'm not at all ashamed at pointing out the constant revisions which are always worse than the projections by this or any other admin. Same goes with the CBO which manufacturers constant horseshit to suit its administration. You should clean the matter from your eyes every now and then.

Not always, but, yeah, most of the time.
That was awesome. That is all.

It really is a shame that people like yourselves have devolved to the point of manufacturing bullshit and the rest of you think it is tasty.

I'm not at all ashamed at pointing out the constant revisions which are always worse than the projections by this or any other admin. Same goes with the CBO which manufacturers constant horseshit to suit its administration. You should clean the matter from your eyes every now and then.

Although the CBO did point out that 30 million would still be without health insurance after Obamacare was fully implemented at the cost of trillions.

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