2015, yes, the warmest on record.

Old rocks thinks we had sattelites orbiting earth in 1902 when in fact a few old guys wearing bifocals were checking and recording temperature to a tenth of a degree using a thermometer :badgrin:

Rational people, of course, just chuckle at how stupid the deniers are. Some people understand basic statistics. Those who fail at it, those are deniers.

We could try to explain the statistics to Bear, or Sassy or Billy, but all of them are literally too stupid to ever understand. You can't teach a chimp to talk, no matter how much you try.

Deniers just need to understand that they're not ignored and laughed at because of a socialist conspiracy. They're ignored and laughed at because they're profoundly stupid people.

You have a serious projection issue.. You keep projecting your failures and insecurities on others.. You really should have that checked with a psychiatrist..

PS were laughing at you alarmist morons daily!

2015 will be warmest on record; 2016 could be warmer still

With December coming in as a very warm month, this year is going to blow all previous years out of the water.
Good news. Call me when crocodiles and palm trees return to Alaska.
What was the temp in....oh say 534 AD? Or 534 BC? Since data has started being kept on weather and temps it is a mere hiccup in the grand scheme of things

LOL.........when your asshole scorches, your tongue blisters, the oceans move inland and all the crops die we'll check back with you about your hiccups.
We'll file your concern with global starvation from overpopulation, Hetro HIV epidemic, silicone breast implants, global cooling.......
Let's see if Billy or any of the deniers can answer this extremely basic statistics problem.

You have the following data set of independent temperature readings.

13, 15, 10, 14, 12

The error on each reading is 0.50

What's the average temperature, and what's the error of the average?
Should the earth be warming? Simple yes or no answer.

As that question is very vague, a simple yes or no answer is not possible.

Are you asking whether the earth should be warming naturally? The answer to that would be "no", as the world was on a long-term cooling trend before humans pumped out the CO2.

Are you asking whether the earth should be warming given all the changes humans have made? The answer to that would be "yes", as that's what the physics requires.

Are you asking if warming would be a good thing that we should do? The answer to that would be "no", as the amount of warming being created by humans is a bad thing.
Well sure its the "warmest", once you go back and adjust past temperature downward AND then add in that mysterious "excess heat" absorbed by the oceans, which only started in 2014

Science? Wuzzdat? -- AGW Motto
Should the earth be warming? Simple yes or no answer.

As that question is very vague, a simple yes or no answer is not possible.

Are you asking whether the earth should be warming naturally? The answer to that would be "no", as the world was on a long-term cooling trend before humans pumped out the CO2.

Are you asking whether the earth should be warming given all the changes humans have made? The answer to that would be "yes", as that's what the physics requires.

Are you asking if warming would be a good thing that we should do? The answer to that would be "no", as the amount of warming being created by humans is a bad thing.

Actually yes it is possible, based upon the climate history of the planet. There's nothing vague about it.

Look at history, and when I say look at history, look at all of it, not the micro-fractions of it people like you seem incapable of looking beyond.
Old rocks thinks we had sattelites orbiting earth in 1902 when in fact a few old guys wearing bifocals were checking and recording temperature to a tenth of a degree using a thermometer :badgrin:

Rational people, of course, just chuckle at how stupid the deniers are. Some people understand basic statistics. Those who fail at it, those are deniers.

We could try to explain the statistics to Bear, or Sassy or Billy, but all of them are literally too stupid to ever understand. You can't teach a chimp to talk, no matter how much you try.

Deniers just need to understand that they're not ignored and laughed at because of a socialist conspiracy. They're ignored and laughed at because they're profoundly stupid people.

Yeah, statistics. That why you adjusted the historic temperature downward. Statistics.

We've conducted experiments to demonstrate magnetism can create an electric current, we've conducted countless experiments to demonstrate anti-particles, but none can show a single experiment demonstrating how 120ppm of CO2 will increase temperature or change the climate of planet Earth.

AGW: It just's not science, folks

Of course, the non-liars all know that Frank is just proudly lying, being there have been hundreds of experiments showing the absorption spectrum of all the gases.


So, what's it like Frank, being correctly classified as a cult liar by the entire world? For your sake, I hope that the emotional validation you get from your mutual crying jags with the other cultists makes up for the pain of your constant humiliation.
Yeah, statistics. That why you adjusted the historic temperature downward. Statistics.

No, temperatures were adjusted up, making the warming look smaller. All the scientists know that, therefore they know with 100% certainty that you're lying.

But then, if you couldn't lie, you'd have nothing to say at all.
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Actually yes it is possible, based upon the climate history of the planet. There's nothing vague about it.

Look at history, and when I say look at history, look at all of it, not the micro-fractions of it people like you seem incapable of looking beyond.

The history clearly demonstrates that earth has been on a slow cooling trend for the past 6000 - 8000 years. Based on previous cycles, the earth was on schedule to keep cooling for at least another 20,000 years, until the next ice age was reached.

Yet, contrary to those natural cycles, the earth suddenly started warming quickly. Given how the current natural cycle is cooling, the current fast warming is clearly not part of a natural cycle.

If you were ignorant that the current natural cycle should be slow cooling, you really need to learn the basics of climate history.
We've conducted experiments to demonstrate magnetism can create an electric current, we've conducted countless experiments to demonstrate anti-particles, but none can show a single experiment demonstrating how 120ppm of CO2 will increase temperature or change the climate of planet Earth.

AGW: It just's not science, folks

Of course, the non-liars all know that Frank is just proudly lying, being there have been hundreds of experiments showing the absorption spectrum of all the gases.


So, what's it like Frank, being correctly classified as a cult liar by the entire world? For your sake, I hope that the emotional validation you get from your mutual crying jags with the other cultists makes up for the pain of your constant humiliation.

Let me guess, no temperature reading there, so Hitran is another Hit N Run attempt by the AGW Cult to squirm out of showing an actual lab experiment that controls for CO2 variance
Frank, I have two cars: a Mercedes Benz C-240 and a Mercedes Benz C-6.3 AMG. I'm just making these numbers up but let's say the former has 200 horsepower while the latter has 450. If I tell you only this and never actually give you any speed data, would you argue that you cannot tell which of the two is capable of greater acceleration? That is, can you or can you not tell me which will win a quarter-mile drag race?
Frank, I have two cars: a Mercedes Benz C-240 and a Mercedes Benz C-6.3 AMG. I'm just making these numbers up but let's say the former has 200 horsepower while the latter has 450. If I tell you only this and never actually give you any speed data, would you argue that you cannot tell which of the two is capable of greater acceleration? That is, can you or can you not tell me which will win a quarter-mile drag race?

Crick you can have 8 cars, you still have no lab work. You know it, I know it
Crick, stop pretending, OK? Proudly admit you have no lab work, never had any lab work and will never present any lab work showing how an additional 120PPM of CO2 will warm planet Earth.

I know it's a fraud, you know it's a fraud. Just admit it
Frank, I have two cars: a Mercedes Benz C-240 and a Mercedes Benz C-6.3 AMG. I'm just making these numbers up but let's say the former has 200 horsepower while the latter has 450. If I tell you only this and never actually give you any speed data, would you argue that you cannot tell which of the two is capable of greater acceleration? That is, can you or can you not tell me which will win a quarter-mile drag race?

Sell a car and buy 2 vessels, one has 80 % O2, 19% N2, some argon water vapor and 280PPM CO2, the other has all that but has 400PPM CO2.

Report back when the 400PPM one spawns floods, droughts, kills coral formations, etc

Take your time too
Actually yes it is possible, based upon the climate history of the planet. There's nothing vague about it.

Look at history, and when I say look at history, look at all of it, not the micro-fractions of it people like you seem incapable of looking beyond.

The history clearly demonstrates that earth has been on a slow cooling trend for the past 6000 - 8000 years. Based on previous cycles, the earth was on schedule to keep cooling for at least another 20,000 years, until the next ice age was reached.

Yet, contrary to those natural cycles, the earth suddenly started warming quickly. Given how the current natural cycle is cooling, the current fast warming is clearly not part of a natural cycle.

If you were ignorant that the current natural cycle should be slow cooling, you really need to learn the basics of climate history.

I know the basics, apparently much better than you do. You're looking at a micro-fraction of it. I'm looking at all of it, the earth didn't start 8000 years ago and the cycles aren't a mere few thousand years, they're millions of years. We've been on a cooling trend for about the last 50 million years.

The earth warming quickly has happened many times in it's history. You seem to think this is a new development....it isn't. It's warmed faster and much warmer on many occasions.
Frank, I have two cars: a Mercedes Benz C-240 and a Mercedes Benz C-6.3 AMG. I'm just making these numbers up but let's say the former has 200 horsepower while the latter has 450. If I tell you only this and never actually give you any speed data, would you argue that you cannot tell which of the two is capable of greater acceleration? That is, can you or can you not tell me which will win a quarter-mile drag race?

Which one will win a 45 million mile race?

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