2016 Arctic sea ice thread

Greenland is not melting. Antarctica is not melting. The ocean is not rising. The atmosphere is not warming, The oceans are not warming. There is no breakout in 'cane activity.

In the real world, all of that is indeed occurring. Greenland and Antarctica ARE melting; sea levels around the world ARE rising; the atmosphere and the oceans ARE warming; tropical cyclones ARE getting more intense.

Only reality-challenged denier cult retards like you claim otherwise, LaDumbshit,
Except you have no evidence....
LOLOLOLOLOL.........riiiiiiight, JustCrazy, riiiiiiiiight......the world scientific community just 'believes' things with "no evidence" to support their understanding of how the universe works. LOLOLOLOL. You are sooooooo crazy.

Moreover, you have seen the "evidence", you silly little troll! I've personally shown it to you. You are just in some kind of idiotic ideologically driven denial of the scientifically confirmed reality of human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes.
this still doesn't answer why ice melts in the arctic and not in the antarctic. Why is this since CO2 is the same above both? Let's stay on topic if you don't mind.

Surely you caught this in a previous thread: our poles are different. One is an ocean surrounded by land, the other is land surrounded by ocean. It didn't occur to you that they might have different meteorological conditions.
Crick is laughably trying to explain the following...

Antarctica -

surface temperature cooling
land ice growing
sea ice growing

surface temperature rising
land ice growing
sea ice shrinking

on the constant amount of CO2 on both polar circles. Don't fall for his mealy mouthed parroting of the tippys. CO2 is either warming everything on the planet or his side is 100% full of shit, just like the Court ruled in 2007.
Greenland is not melting. Antarctica is not melting. The ocean is not rising. The atmosphere is not warming, The oceans are not warming. There is no breakout in 'cane activity.

In the real world, all of that is indeed occurring. Greenland and Antarctica ARE melting; sea levels around the world ARE rising; the atmosphere and the oceans ARE warming; tropical cyclones ARE getting more intense.

Only reality-challenged denier cult retards like you claim otherwise, LaDumbshit,
Except you have no evidence....
LOLOLOLOLOL.........riiiiiiight, JustCrazy, riiiiiiiiight......the world scientific community just 'believes' things with "no evidence" to support their understanding of how the universe works. LOLOLOLOL. You are sooooooo crazy.

Moreover, you have seen the "evidence", you silly little troll! I've personally shown it to you. You are just in some kind of idiotic ideologically driven denial of the scientifically confirmed reality of human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes.
So post it, show us with observed data sea level rise!
It is absolutely par for the course of the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" that the subject of this thread is ARCTIC Sea Ice, not EARTH Sea Ice..


CHERRY PICKING - just look at Arctic Sea Ice, not Antarctic Sea Ice

FUDGING - taking highly correlated satellite and balloon data showing no warming in the atmosphere and fudging both with uncorrelated "corrections" to show "warming"

FRAUD - the three Pacific Island chains are "sinking" because of rising sea level caused by "warming" by CO2, nevermind all three are right on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, or the fact that no other island on the planet is "sinking...."

I think we should sue them... For fraud.. As 13 AG's have recently pointed out the sword is double edged and cuts both ways. the RICO 20 and their surrogates can be charged with fraud for their exaggerations..

AG’s striking back at #ExxonKnew and #RICO20 say – “we can come after climate alarmists for fraud, too”

"First, this fraud investigation targets only “fossil fuel companies” and only statements minimizing climate change risks. 4 If it is possible to minimize the risks of climate change, then the same goes for exaggeration. If minimization is fraud, exaggeration is fraud. "

You wanna play? lets get your data and methods and look at just what your doing.... I would love to get Al Gore deposed under oath... the fun we could have..
Over and over and over I've posted it, over and over, and still the same sub human parrots insist I keep posting the same links, in this case the same parrot who simply won't read the stuff about the Marshall Islands and the rest of the warmers' "sinking" Pacific Islands, all RIGHT ON THE LIP of the PACIFIC RING OF FIRE....

Antarctica and Greenland are both ice ages that manufacture a new ice core every year. NASA documents Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying about CO2.

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

" the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."

Now, before this double yellowhead starts posting 800 fudge charts in response to THE DATA, let's stay on these two subjects - 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica gaining at least 80 billion tons of ice per year despite putting 46 times into the oceans the H2O the Mississippi dumps into the Gulf, all in the form of very very cold ice... and whether the Marshall Islands are "sinking" because of CO2 causing (fictitious) sea level rise (that is NOT causing any island not on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire to sink), or because the Marshall Islands are on a tectonic escalator that will put them UNDER THE EARTH's crust in about 2 million years...
"The sun being in an up phase of activity... You fucking moron!"

Billy Bob has no clue, and if he cares about truth and refuting Algore's FRAUD, he ought to SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop helping the FRAUD succeed...

The 150 years of "warming" is just from the surface of GROWING URBAN AREAS. The oceans and atmosphere show NO WARMING in the unfudged RAW DATA...
"The sun being in an up phase of activity... You fucking moron!"

Billy Bob has no clue, and if he cares about truth and refuting Algore's FRAUD, he ought to SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop helping the FRAUD succeed...

The 150 years of "warming" is just from the surface of GROWING URBAN AREAS. The oceans and atmosphere show NO WARMING in the unfudged RAW DATA...


Show me your data..
".riiiiiiight, JustCrazy, riiiiiiiiight......the world scientific community just 'believes' things with "no evidence" to support their understanding of how the universe works"

If this individual grew up Muslim in the Middle East, he would be a member of ISIS. All this sub human does is parrot and validate Goebbels.

The "world scientific community" consists of 30 or so "tippys" and those who depend on the government grants they control...

Tens of thousands of real scientists, engineers, and the like have publicly stated they don't believe CO2 causes climate change, because there is PRECISELY NO EVIDENCE to support that theory...
9000 times posted before... "WHERE's your data" - great...


In 2005, the Tippys had a big problem - the two and only two measures of atmospheric temps showed precisely NO WARMING, actually slight cooling, in the atmosphere, and the data from both was highly correlated. Now, an honest scientist, given that data, would accept that data. But for the Tippys to admit the atmosphere was not warming despite rising CO2, well, the tens of billions of taxdollars funding their "research" would clearly no longer be needed, since their "theory" had PRECISELY NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. Solution - FUDGE that data with two UNCORRELATED "corrections" - for "orbit wobble" in the satellites, and, for the balloons, those frickin thermometers were just WRONG, so fudge that data to show "warming" they did...

: Global Warming Differences Resolved with Corrections in Readings

"readings in the atmosphere taken by satellites and radiosondes -- instruments carried by weather balloons -- had shown little or no warming."

The word "little" is another lie, but the bias of the article speaks for itself. There is NO WARMING in the atmosphere according to the HIGHLY CORRELATED RAW DATA FROM THE TWO AND ONLY TWO MEASURES OF ATMOSPHERIC TEMPS WE HAVE....

Now, stop parroting "solar cycle" and SHUT THE FUCK UP. The Tippys put out the "solar cycle" BS so morons like you without a clue would parrot it without understanding THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT.
Lets see what well known solar physicists say...

The Sun's impact on climate has only recently been investigated. Recent studies show that an increase in solar output can cause short-term changes in Earth's climate, but there is no firm evidence linking solar activity with long-term climate effects.

The rise in solar activity at the beginning of the last century through the 1950s or so matches with the increase in global temperatures, Usoskin said. But the link doesn't hold up from about the 1970s to present."


What they found was a short non-change at the start of the phase (reactionary time) and a continence at the end of the phase showing the time it took the system to begin adjusting to energy loss. Guess where we are today? The upward activity change stopped in 1998.. where we flat lined and now as the sun cools we will follow.. The 20 or so year system lag is a known time due to a system buffer, caused by the mass of our oceans.
9000 times posted before... "WHERE's your data" - great...


In 2005, the Tippys had a big problem - the two and only two measures of atmospheric temps showed precisely NO WARMING, actually slight cooling, in the atmosphere, and the data from both was highly correlated. Now, an honest scientist, given that data, would accept that data. But for the Tippys to admit the atmosphere was not warming despite rising CO2, well, the tens of billions of taxdollars funding their "research" would clearly no longer be needed, since their "theory" had PRECISELY NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. Solution - FUDGE that data with two UNCORRELATED "corrections" - for "orbit wobble" in the satellites, and, for the balloons, those frickin thermometers were just WRONG, so fudge that data to show "warming" they did...

: Global Warming Differences Resolved with Corrections in Readings

"readings in the atmosphere taken by satellites and radiosondes -- instruments carried by weather balloons -- had shown little or no warming."

The word "little" is another lie, but the bias of the article speaks for itself. There is NO WARMING in the atmosphere according to the HIGHLY CORRELATED RAW DATA FROM THE TWO AND ONLY TWO MEASURES OF ATMOSPHERIC TEMPS WE HAVE....

Now, stop parroting "solar cycle" and SHUT THE FUCK UP. The Tippys put out the "solar cycle" BS so morons like you without a clue would parrot it without understanding THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT.
Being an ignorant twit inst helping your cause.. Just like the alarmist.. burying your head in the sand...
In the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze, all at the same time with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere... and THE SAME FUCKING BULLSHIT SOLAR CYCLE...
"Lets see what well known solar physicists say."

As Goebbels predicted, a human parrot will BAWK and BAWK and BAWK and IGNORE THE DATA REFUTING THE BAWKING...

Greenland froze while NA thawed, but SOLAR CYCLE caused that.... except the "solar cycle" was THE FUCKING SAME FOR BOTH...
"matches with the increase in global temperatures,"

I suppose that you are speaking of the OISM Petition, otherwise known as the Oregon Petition. That has been shown to be a clear fraud.

And virtually all of the Scientific Societies, the National Academies of Science, and the major Universities in the world state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Of course, we are to believe that an proven ignoramous by your own posts, knows more than the millions of scientists from around the world that have weighed the evidence, and decided that AGW is real.
"Lets see what well known solar physicists say."

As Goebbels predicted, a human parrot will BAWK and BAWK and BAWK and IGNORE THE DATA REFUTING THE BAWKING...

Greenland froze while NA thawed, but SOLAR CYCLE caused that.... except the "solar cycle" was THE FUCKING SAME FOR BOTH...
Hey silly lying asshole, present some evidence for that obvious lie.
There is an entire topic on that right here in this forum for sub humans like you to read, complete with all the links.

Sub humans will ask for you to link something 5 billion times, and every time you link it, the sub human will request another link.


Proof that CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change

And FUCK YOU beforehand for asking for the same "links" in the future...

At the height of the last ice age, about 20,000 years ago, ice sheets ...

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Sheesh, simplest of research.

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