2016 Arctic sea ice thread

There is an entire topic on that right here in this forum for sub humans like you to read, complete with all the links.

Sub humans will ask for you to link something 5 billion times, and every time you link it, the sub human will request another link.


Proof that CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change

And FUCK YOU beforehand for asking for the same "links" in the future...
LOL. Now here is a credible source, not the idiots you post.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
You didn't even look...

Why did Greenland freeze while North America thawed during the past million years??
Your chart is wrong, because when the Vikings settled Greenland 2500 years ago, the Southern Tip was ice free. The Southern Tip is now frozen, because Greenland is a young, growing ice age, and its glaciers will continue to thicken and grow as long as it doesn't move away from the North Pole, which it won't for millions of years.
Alaska Continues to Bake, on Track For Hottest Year

Alaska just can’t seem to shake the fever it has been running. This spring was easily the hottest the state has ever recorded and it contributed to a year-to-date temperature that is more than 10°F (5.5°C) above average, according to data released Wednesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

How much spring temperatures differed from average during the spring in Alaska.
Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA
Alaska Continues to Bake, on Track For Hottest Year

Alaska just can’t seem to shake the fever it has been running. This spring was easily the hottest the state has ever recorded and it contributed to a year-to-date temperature that is more than 10°F (5.5°C) above average, according to data released Wednesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

How much spring temperatures differed from average during the spring in Alaska.
Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA
So Alaska has special CO2?
Alaska was "melting" until 2005, then its ice grew again, and perhaps now it is getting warmer again.

Your chart is wrong, because when the Vikings settled Greenland 2500 years ago, the Southern Tip was ice free. The Southern Tip is now frozen, because Greenland is a young, growing ice age, and its glaciers will continue to thicken and grow as long as it doesn't move away from the North Pole, which it won't for millions of years.
Total nutzoid bullshit, lacking any connection to reality or knowledge of actual history.

Surface melting of snow and ice in Greenland explodes as temperatures soar to record levels
Discover Magazine
By Tom Yulsman
June 12, 2016
With parts of Greenland experiencing record high temperatures of late, melting of snow and ice at the surface has been skyrocketing. This follows a record low extent of Arctic sea ice in May, and other troublesome signs that global warming is taking off in the high north.

Surface melting of surface snow and ice in Greenland has spiked dramatically in recent days. It is, by far, the largest of three surges in melting seen so far this year. (Source: NSIDC)

The graph above tells the tale: a spike in melting far in excess of the average melt percentage for this time of year, following on from two earlier spikes in May and April. It has already been an extraordinary melt season in Greenland -- one that began very early. The first spike evident in the graph above came so early in the year that it prompted a Danish climate scientist to say that she and her colleagues were “incredulous.” The second spike was even bigger, prompting Ted Scambos of the National Snow and Ice Data Center to say that “the Arctic is going to go through hell this year.” Now, we’ve got a third melting spike that blows the others right out of the water.

It’s no secret why snow and ice is melting at such a rapid clip in Greenland right now: soaring temperatures -- and not just in Greenland but throughout the Arctic. Last Thursday (June 9), temperatures in Nuuk, Greenland’s capital, reached 75 degrees F. That was the the warmest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic country during June, according to Jason Samenow of the Washington Post. “It was warmer in Nuuk than it was in New York City, where the high was only 71 degrees,” Samenow writes. All signs point toward an extraordinary year of warmth and melting in the high north.
There's fudge above!!!

Anyone who understands what Greenland is understands that its ice has grown for at least the past 500k years and will continue to do so for the next 5-10 million years at least. The Tippys really hate that, so they do a lot of lying about Greenland and Antarctica.

Study reveals the inconvenient truth about Greenland’s ice sheet — It’s thickening!


Greenland and Antarctica produce ICE CORES every year. If you don't understand that, you don't have a clue...

Arctic Sea Ice decreasing (due to the fact that the Arctic Ocean is growing).

Antarctic Sea Ice growing, with 5 all time record highs since O took office.

CO2 is supposed to melt both. Theory REJECTED.
There's fudge above....
....your neck line. Packed tight. The stinky kind of "fudge"

Anyone who understands what Greenland is understands....
.....that you are a clueless and very ignorant nutjob.

its ice has grown for at least the past 500k years and will continue to do so for the next 5-10 million years at least.
Complete bullshit!

In the real world....in the past....

Greenland ice sheet
The ice in the current ice sheet is as old as 110,000 years.[3] The presence of ice-rafted sediments in deep-sea cores recovered off of northeast Greenland, in the Fram Strait, and south of Greenland indicated the more or less continuous presence of either an ice sheet or ice sheets covering significant parts of Greenland for the last 18 million years. From about 11 million years ago to 10 million years ago, the Greenland Ice Sheet was greatly reduced in size. The Greenland Ice Sheet formed in the middle Miocene by coalescence of ice caps and glaciers. There was an intensification of glaciation during the Late Pliocene.[4]

In the real world....in the future....

When will Greenland be Ice-free?
The sheer volume of water created by the melting of the Greenland ice sheet would cause global sea level to rise 7 meters (23 ft) in total.13 During the warm period before the most recent ice age, 120,000 years ago, roughly half of the Greenland ice sheet melted. This melting plus the melting of other smaller Arctic ice fields is thought to have caused 2.2-3.4 meters of the 4 - 6 meter sea level rise observed during that period14. Temperatures in Greenland are predicted to rise 3°C by 2100, to levels similar to those present during that warm period 120,000 years ago. At those temperatures, a chain of positive feedbacks would lead to the inevitable melting of the ice sheet. As the top of the ice sheet encounters warmer air temperatures, it melts and exposes the underlying layers to the warmer air, lowering the elevation of the island, bringing even warmer temperatures to the ice sheet, since temperatures are cold at high elevations and warmer at low elevations. A 4 - 6 meter rise in global sea level similar to that observed 120,000 years ago would probably result. However, the 2007 IPCC report expects melting of the Greenland ice sheet to occur over about a 1,000 year period, delaying much of the expected sea level rise for many centuries. This means that gradually, over centuries, cities such as London, New York, Shanghai, Boston, and Los Angeles will flood, Florida will be mostly underwater, and countries such as Bangladesh and the Maldives will disappear under the sea. Currently, over one-third of the global population lives in or near a coastal zone. Rising sea levels will dislocate many of them. Additionally, coastal zones are sites of incredible economic and agricultural activity, which would also be negatively affected by higher sea levels. The global impact of these impacts would be "staggering".15 Additionally, higher sea levels will cause increased erosion, salt water intrusion, and storm surge damage in coastal areas, in addition to a loss of barrier formations such as islands, sand bars, and reefs that would normally protect coastal zones from battering by waves and wind.

You really....
....do a lot of lying about Greenland and Antarctica.

ww.cfact.org/2016/02/06/study-reveals-the-inconvenient-truth-about-greenlands-ice-sheet-its-thickening/']Study reveals the inconvenient truth about Greenland’s ice sheet — It’s thickening![/UR

....and you cite fraudulent bullshit from fossil fuel industry sponsored propaganda outlets like "cfact.org"

In the real world....

Is Greenland gaining or losing ice?

Figure 1: Greenland ice mass anomaly - deviation from the average ice mass over the 2002 to 2010 period. Black line shows monthly values. Orange line shows long-term trend (John Wahr).

The long term trend since the 1970s is accelerating ice mass loss. This is confirmed by gravity satellite measurements over the past 9 years which find that the rate of ice mass loss has doubled over the last 9 years. Just as with Antarctica, Greenland's ice sheet contribution to rising sea levels is continuously and rapidly growing.

Greenland and Antarctica produce ICE CORES every year. If you don't understand that, you don't have a clue...
Are you really so retarded and ignorant that you don't even understand what an "ice core" actually is? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Learn something, LaDumbshit.
Ice core basics
Your chart is wrong, because when the Vikings settled Greenland 2500 years ago, the Southern Tip was ice free. The Southern Tip is now frozen, because Greenland is a young, growing ice age, and its glaciers will continue to thicken and grow as long as it doesn't move away from the North Pole, which it won't for millions of years.
The vikings did not settle in Greenland 2500 years ago. Damn, La Dexter, you are fucking stupid.

The Fate of Greenland's Vikings - Archaeology Magazine Archive

Of the first 24 boatloads of land-hungry settlers who set out from Iceland in the summer of 986 to colonize new territory explored several years earlier by the vagabond and outlaw, Erik the Red, only 14 made it, the others having been forced back to port or lost at sea. Yet more brave souls, drawn by the promise of a better life for themselves, soon followed. Under the leadership of the red-faced, red-bearded Erik (who had given the island its attractive name, the better to lure settlers there), the colonists developed a little Europe of their own just a few hundred miles from North America, a full 500 years before Columbus set foot on the continent.
Alaska is very warm, the sea water is much warmer than it has been, and the Arctic Sea Ice is at record low levels. In the meantime, barring a very rapid shift to an extreme La Nina, 2016 will match or exceed 2014 and 2015 for warmth. Three years in a row of record temperatures.
There's fudge above....
....your neck line. Packed tight. The stinky kind of "fudge"

Anyone who understands what Greenland is understands....
.....that you are a clueless and very ignorant nutjob.

its ice has grown for at least the past 500k years and will continue to do so for the next 5-10 million years at least.
Complete bullshit!

In the real world....in the past....

Greenland ice sheet
The ice in the current ice sheet is as old as 110,000 years.[3] The presence of ice-rafted sediments in deep-sea cores recovered off of northeast Greenland, in the Fram Strait, and south of Greenland indicated the more or less continuous presence of either an ice sheet or ice sheets covering significant parts of Greenland for the last 18 million years. From about 11 million years ago to 10 million years ago, the Greenland Ice Sheet was greatly reduced in size. The Greenland Ice Sheet formed in the middle Miocene by coalescence of ice caps and glaciers. There was an intensification of glaciation during the Late Pliocene.[4]

In the real world....in the future....

When will Greenland be Ice-free?
The sheer volume of water created by the melting of the Greenland ice sheet would cause global sea level to rise 7 meters (23 ft) in total.13 During the warm period before the most recent ice age, 120,000 years ago, roughly half of the Greenland ice sheet melted. This melting plus the melting of other smaller Arctic ice fields is thought to have caused 2.2-3.4 meters of the 4 - 6 meter sea level rise observed during that period14. Temperatures in Greenland are predicted to rise 3°C by 2100, to levels similar to those present during that warm period 120,000 years ago. At those temperatures, a chain of positive feedbacks would lead to the inevitable melting of the ice sheet. As the top of the ice sheet encounters warmer air temperatures, it melts and exposes the underlying layers to the warmer air, lowering the elevation of the island, bringing even warmer temperatures to the ice sheet, since temperatures are cold at high elevations and warmer at low elevations. A 4 - 6 meter rise in global sea level similar to that observed 120,000 years ago would probably result. However, the 2007 IPCC report expects melting of the Greenland ice sheet to occur over about a 1,000 year period, delaying much of the expected sea level rise for many centuries. This means that gradually, over centuries, cities such as London, New York, Shanghai, Boston, and Los Angeles will flood, Florida will be mostly underwater, and countries such as Bangladesh and the Maldives will disappear under the sea. Currently, over one-third of the global population lives in or near a coastal zone. Rising sea levels will dislocate many of them. Additionally, coastal zones are sites of incredible economic and agricultural activity, which would also be negatively affected by higher sea levels. The global impact of these impacts would be "staggering".15 Additionally, higher sea levels will cause increased erosion, salt water intrusion, and storm surge damage in coastal areas, in addition to a loss of barrier formations such as islands, sand bars, and reefs that would normally protect coastal zones from battering by waves and wind.

You really....
....do a lot of lying about Greenland and Antarctica.

ww.cfact.org/2016/02/06/study-reveals-the-inconvenient-truth-about-greenlands-ice-sheet-its-thickening/']Study reveals the inconvenient truth about Greenland’s ice sheet — It’s thickening![/UR

....and you cite fraudulent bullshit from fossil fuel industry sponsored propaganda outlets like "cfact.org"

In the real world....

Is Greenland gaining or losing ice?

Figure 1: Greenland ice mass anomaly - deviation from the average ice mass over the 2002 to 2010 period. Black line shows monthly values. Orange line shows long-term trend (John Wahr).

The long term trend since the 1970s is accelerating ice mass loss. This is confirmed by gravity satellite measurements over the past 9 years which find that the rate of ice mass loss has doubled over the last 9 years. Just as with Antarctica, Greenland's ice sheet contribution to rising sea levels is continuously and rapidly growing.

Greenland and Antarctica produce ICE CORES every year. If you don't understand that, you don't have a clue...
Are you really so retarded and ignorant that you don't even understand what an "ice core" actually is? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Learn something, LaDumbshit.
Ice core basics
When will the ice sheet melt?
In the real world....in the past....

Good job, RT, as usual.

Yet, I have a favor to ask from you.

In the real world....in the past....

Greenland ice sheet
The ice in the current ice sheet is as old as 110,000 years.[3] The presence of ice-rafted sediments in deep-sea cores recovered off of northeast Greenland, in the Fram Strait, and south of Greenland indicated the more or less continuous presence of either an ice sheet or ice sheets covering significant parts of Greenland for the last 18 million years. From about 11 million years ago to 10 million years ago, the Greenland Ice Sheet was greatly reduced in size. The Greenland Ice Sheet formed in the middle Miocene by coalescence of ice caps and glaciers. There was an intensification of glaciation during the Late Pliocene.[4]

In the real world....in the future....

When will Greenland be Ice-free?
The sheer volume of water created by the melting of the Greenland ice sheet would cause global sea level to rise 7 meters (23 ft) in total.13 During the warm period before the most recent ice age, 120,000 years ago, roughly half of the Greenland ice sheet melted. This melting plus the melting of other smaller Arctic ice fields is thought to have caused 2.2-3.4 meters of the 4 - 6 meter sea level rise observed during that period14. Temperatures in Greenland are predicted to rise 3°C by 2100, to levels similar to those present during that warm period 120,000 years ago. At those temperatures, a chain of positive feedbacks would lead to the inevitable melting of the ice sheet. As the top of the ice sheet encounters warmer air temperatures, it melts and exposes the underlying layers to the warmer air, lowering the elevation of the island, bringing even warmer temperatures to the ice sheet, since temperatures are cold at high elevations and warmer at low elevations. A 4 - 6 meter rise in global sea level similar to that observed 120,000 years ago would probably result. However, the 2007 IPCC report expects melting of the Greenland ice sheet to occur over about a 1,000 year period, delaying much of the expected sea level rise for many centuries. This means that gradually, over centuries, cities such as London, New York, Shanghai, Boston, and Los Angeles will flood, Florida will be mostly underwater, and countries such as Bangladesh and the Maldives will disappear under the sea. Currently, over one-third of the global population lives in or near a coastal zone. Rising sea levels will dislocate many of them. Additionally, coastal zones are sites of incredible economic and agricultural activity, which would also be negatively affected by higher sea levels. The global impact of these impacts would be "staggering".15 Additionally, higher sea levels will cause increased erosion, salt water intrusion, and storm surge damage in coastal areas, in addition to a loss of barrier formations such as islands, sand bars, and reefs that would normally protect coastal zones from battering by waves and wind.

Please look at the above. I find that hard to read. Usually, bigger and bold fonts are being used for emphasis. Using the like over paragraphs looks like you are "screaming" at us all. I'd appreciate it if you used that very sparingly. Thank you!
It is truly hilarious what the Tippys are trying to do here. There are saying that the Greenland ice age glacier sort of kind of goes up and down a lot. The actual Greenland terrain says something much different.

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

"The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetles."

Of course, Greenland was 20-40 miles SE from where it is today when that happened. The further back in time you go, the further southeast Greenland was. This data, this DNA, it shows that under the thickest portion of the Greenland ice age, the dead plant life is under 1 million years old, meaning the ice age itself is under 1 million years old too.

So why are the Tippys lying here, about the age of Greenland's ice age?

A: Because of the proof of the past 1 million years of Earth climate history, that North America Thawed while Greenland FROZE, all on the same planet at the same time with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and the same completely bogus "solar cycle."

Hence, Earth climate change is CONTINENT SPECIFIC, even continents RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER do 180 degree completely different things...

and if climate change is CONTINENT SPECIFIC, then the ATMOSPHERE is NOT THE CAUSE...

and the Tippys have tens of billions of tax $$$$$$$$$$ at stake preventing you from noticing THAT TRUTH...

As for the Vikings, whether it is 980 AD or earlier, it still represents the undeniable "truth" of the 1970s Global "cooling" scam, which noticed that the Vikings were able to farm on the southern tip of Greenland until the 1400s, and nobody has been able to farm there since, because there's a bunch of glacier ice there now, and it ain't going away until that tectonic plate moves Greenland away from the North Pole...
Being a brainless parrot of falsehoods hardly qualifies you as "civilized."

Rather, it puts you in the bottom tenth of known life forms regarding intelligence...

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