2016 DNC Platform Declares Global Warming 'Too Important to Wait For Democracy'!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
If Hillary wins say 'goodbye' to 'Democracy' & Legislation being created / passed in Congress', and say 'hello' to more Obama-style 'Law By Presidential Mandate':

Dem Platform: Global Warming Is Too Important To Wait For Democracy

"The final draft of the Democratic Party’s 2016 platform not only backs taxing greenhouse gas emissions, it also backs “using every tool available” to cut emissions even if it means circumventing Congress.

Democrats believe that climate change is too important to wait for climate deniers and defeatists in Congress to start listening to 'science', and support using every tool available to reduce emissions now,” the draft platform reads, according to excerpts posted by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign."

Correction -

some asswipe writing for the Daily Caller website declares that the Dem platform says something that it does not… or... Conservative web hack lies.

In the future, please make sure your OP topic matches the content of your post. In other words, don't be a lying sack of shit because we can smell you a mile away.

Correction -

some asswipe writing for the Daily Caller website declares that the Dem platform says something that it does not… or... Conservative web hack lies.

In the future, please make sure your OP topic matches the content of your post. In other words, don't be a lying sack of shit because we can smell you a mile away.

The article cited by the OP links to a page on Bernie Sanders' web site, outlining an amendment to the Democratic platform, which includes the exact language cited in the OP, and in context, appears to mean exactly what the OP suggests it to mean.

Is Bernie Sanders' web site a source of “Conservative web hack lies”?
I always knew the Democrats were commies, they don't even try to hide it. I guess they pattern their government off the Galactic Empire

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