2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Anderson is helping HILL!!!!! This is what she is talking about...let me be clear because she wasn't!!!! FOUL!!!!
No, he's a moderator. He's doing what moderators do: moderating. He is trying to keep Trump on track, get him to answer the questions. Trump keeps refusing to respond to the questions; he is mainly doing the attack dog thing and attacking Hillary. He is not, for the most part, responding to the questions.
Meanwhile they allow hillary to say whatever she wants regardless of whether it's a response to the question.
I don't think there should be moderators. Give each candidate a body guard and a mic.
i can't even the anderson turbo-squirt cooper at all. it's like he's evolving into thor from stargate, creepy they live problem glasses, fecking aliens.
Is it wrong of me to hope that America is watching this, and is learning how absolutely fucking stupid we've become?

And we want to put government in charge of our healthcare ?????
"I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president." - Donald Trump
that was 8 years ago...shit changes people's minds
Nope. He's a huckster who knew you rubes would fall for his con.

He wanted Bush impeached. He was a personal friend of the Clintons. He was very pro-choice, right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

There is just too big a mountain of evidence he is a far left liberal pulling the wool over the eyes of you dumb sheep.
Why is the female moderator getting mad and arguing with Trump?
They switch it all to the ME when she is losing. We don't give two dead rats about ME. What about America? All that time wasted.........on garbage.

Trump is so coked up till he can't be still or sit down. Even when he isn't walking around, his head is bouncing more than a bobble head doll.
Trump doesn't drink or do drugs, dumbass.

Right. He doesn't think he has the right to grab strange pussy either.
If you can't beat him with facts, go back to the diversion...pathetic bullshitter.

What facts? Prove Trump doesn't drink or do drugs.
I don't think there should be moderators. Give each candidate a body guard and a mic.
i can't even the anderson turbo-squirt cooper at all. it's like he's evolving into thor from stargate, creepy they live problem glasses, fecking aliens.
Is it wrong of me to hope that America is watching this, and is learning how absolutely fucking stupid we've become?


We've put two turds in the top spot....need I say more.
What should we do in Syria?

If Trump were smart he would pull a Johnson and have a brain fart.

Aleppo is a mess and committing troops is just stupid. The biggest mistake by President Obama was trying to support the removal of Assad.

Yes, Assad is a monster but the choice between ISIS or Assad is simple and it is Assad. The smaller factions would be slaughter by ISIS.

Now I do agree with Clinton on arming the Kurds and it should have been done when Bush was President...
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