2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Trump is so coked up till he can't be still or sit down. Even when he isn't walking around, his head is bouncing more than a bobble head doll.
Trump doesn't drink or do drugs, dumbass.

Right. He doesn't think he has the right to grab strange pussy either.
If you can't beat him with facts, go back to the diversion...pathetic bullshitter.

What facts? Prove Trump doesn't drink or do drugs.

Prove that he does.

He's sniffing for some reason.
Shillian, you seem to be rather upset....(snicker)

no one ever said you had any ability to assess reality.

I would wager my posting life here that more posters like what I write and the sense that I make over your fool-fueled rants...a flaming moron with no debating skills.....

more rightwingnut morons? ok... :cuckoo:
you keep telling yourself that.


I would bury you so bad in a "one on one" debate that you would create a new ID and put this current ID behind you...bet me on that one, bitch.

Take her to the Bullring.

If she has the guts to show up.

Oh, I did that over three months ago and she bailed on the opportunity. She is not one that has much strength in her convictions......but the offer is always open and I will even allow her to pick the topic....,
Hillary just said she would consider arming the Kurds. Obama has been saying that for three years....nothing happened....and nothing will happen under her administration.
Hillary looks glazed over same as last debate. Now her resume? Not interesting nor relevant.
Dare I say Trump sounds like a drug addled lunatic
He sounds like L. Ron Hubbard
"I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president." - Donald
He evolved...just like Hildebeast did on gay marriage!
that was 8 years ago...shit changes people's minds
Nope. He's a huckster who knew you rubes would fall for his con.

He wanted Bush impeached. He was a personal friend of the Clintons. He was very pro-choice, right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

There is just too big a mountain of evidence he is a far left liberal pulling the wool over the eyes of you dumb sheep.
He evolved like she did over gay marriage!
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