2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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He is the blowhard drunk at the end of the bar.
This is the single WORST debate performance in US history!

Seriously, you right wingers should of chose Cruz.

No, he would have lost too... Oh Cruz would have been better than Trump but he would have not beaten Hillary... Kasich was the only true choice and now the Trump voters will have four years to figure out if the want Alec Baldwin or Jerry Springer in 2020...
hillary can't answer the question? do you believe you can be a devoted president to all the people in the united states? she has not answered it.
Hillary won the 1st one but he definitely won this one so far. He's not making any kind of real great case to actually want him to be president but he's doing a great job of showing you why you shouldn't want HER
They keep interrupting Trump..

that's what happens when you can't answer a question.

no doubt that makes trumpsters whine.

Actually, he has time....their job is
It is crazy tonight!
I think I might start a Change.org petition asking Obama to go ahead and declare martial law and suspend the election.

You like the idea of civil war ?
Didn't you see my earlier post? This debate has convinced me one is upcoming and inevitable.

Suspend the election and you've got it.

Better hope the left loses it's religion on gun control.
Over 400 million guns in this country. Nobody has trouble getting guns in this country.
My wife did. We had to go to court to get her record cleared before she could buy one.
Hillary has stayed calm and focused. She has demonstrated she is immensely knowledgeable on all topics

Trump has tried going low, interrupted, photo bombed while Hillary is speaking......desperate
I hope she brings up how Trump has cheated on two wife's and probably did on the third if he is dumb enough to bring up the lies about BILL.

Hillary is the one that got hurt and she still managed to repair their marriage. For that she should be praised. Trump on the otherhand should be spat at as a piece of scum.
Expect Hillary to take the high ground and play the victim card

Women will eat it up

Actually, that is a very sexist thing to say. Does you support for Hillary disqualify you from shit Trump is getting?
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