2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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I don't think Trump has managed to actually answered a question so far tonight. All he does is whine about the "time" or Clinton.
A "town hall" debate where the moderators monopolize almost all of the most important subject matter with their own gotcha attempts :lol:
Trump continues to prove that he doesn't know what in the hell he's talking about. It's all rambling with zero knowledge or solutions.
Trump at warmup. She has tremendous HATE in her heart........sniff.......(if she had heart).


She keeps going back to tid-bits from 20 years ago......i worked to register Latino to vote? so what? I worked for childrens charity when I first started? what the heck?

what about $20T debt, homeless, Tax reform, border, muslims............
I am watching the graph on CNN that reflects how men and women in Ohio like or dislike their answers. Doth candidates have it right in the middle. Looks like neither candidate is impressing the people.
They keep interrupting Trump..

that's what happens when you can't answer a question.

no doubt that makes trumpsters whine.

Actually, he has time....their job is
I think I might start a Change.org petition asking Obama to go ahead and declare martial law and suspend the election.

You like the idea of civil war ?
Didn't you see my earlier post? This debate has convinced me one is upcoming and inevitable.

Suspend the election and you've got it.

Better hope the left loses it's religion on gun control.
Over 400 million guns in this country. Nobody has trouble getting guns in this country.
My wife did. We had to go to court to get her record cleared before she could buy one.
Well you could have gotten one with a lot less effort
I don't think Trump has managed to actually answered a question so far tonight. All he does is whine about the "time" or Clinton.

Yea a pussy like you would think that

Trump is killing her
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