2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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"I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president." - Donald Trump
that was 8 years ago...shit changes people's minds
Nope. He's a huckster who knew you rubes would fall for his con.

He wanted Bush impeached. He was a personal friend of the Clintons. He was very pro-choice, right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

There is just too big a mountain of evidence he is a far left liberal pulling the wool over the eyes of you dumb sheep.
Bbbbut he has a public position...and a private position...he got that idea from obabble.
All of his far left positions were very public. He gave interviews to everyone to let the world know his far left beliefs.

That's why there is a big mountain of evidence is he a far left New York limousine liberal.

He evolved, how hard is that?
You are a such a rube. People like you are why Trump is so wealthy. There are just that many of you.
We see Trump supporters already crying foul. The sure sign that he's losing.
Winners never argue with the ref.
You don't know much about sports....
We can add that to a very lengthy list of things you know "not much" about.

Upset about your messiah losing yet another debate are you? Too bad, so sad.

Not even watching them.
For a pathological liar....you are consistent.

With your messiah apparently on the ropes, I understand why you're so upset.
I don't think Trump has managed to actually answered a question so far tonight. All he does is whine about the "time" or Clinton.
He has a point. They're constantly argumentative with his answers. That's out of line far as I'm concerned.

They're doing the same thing to her.
Ridiculous. They've only interrupted her a couple of times just to make themselves look legit. They've cut in while he was talking only 30 seconds into his 2 mins several times
Trump is owning this debate lock stock and barrel

He is! :2up:

only if you're a wackjob.

to normal people he looks unhinged.
I think he's doing a much better job this time around considering this is basically just a live hit piece on him

no doubt trumpsters think that.

i guess after he;s been allowed to drag this country into the mud for the past six months you night be troubled that someone is trying to create a semi normal discussion.

he still sounds like a loon.
BJ getting caught in the audience.

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