2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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I don't think Trump has managed to actually answered a question so far tonight. All he does is whine about the "time" or Clinton.
He has a point. They're constantly argumentative with his answers. That's out of line far as I'm concerned.

They're doing the same thing to her.
Ridiculous. They've only interrupted her a couple of times just to make themselves look legit. They've cut in while he was talking only 30 seconds into his 2 mins several times

Alright....we'll talk a look at this aspect of the debate tomorrow. I'm sure it will be discussed and analyzed in great detail.
Thats my view
Drudge says Trump won?

Color me shocked

She has been smacked and she has lied her ASS off as it pertains to the shit going on in Syria...it's only the dumb fucks that have no clue about what is really going on.

Fact checkers will have a definitive answer on that later. Get back with me then,

Why don't you explain to me as to why USA.INC has such a hard on for Assad? And don't tell me because it is for alleged human right abuses because if that was the case, they wouldn't be funding and supporting a mercenary army of terrorists that we are allegedly against. Explain that to me.........
that was 8 years ago...shit changes people's minds
Nope. He's a huckster who knew you rubes would fall for his con.

He wanted Bush impeached. He was a personal friend of the Clintons. He was very pro-choice, right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

There is just too big a mountain of evidence he is a far left liberal pulling the wool over the eyes of you dumb sheep.
Bbbbut he has a public position...and a private position...he got that idea from obabble.
All of his far left positions were very public. He gave interviews to everyone to let the world know his far left beliefs.

That's why there is a big mountain of evidence is he a far left New York limousine liberal.

He evolved, how hard is that?
You are a such a rube. People like you are why Trump is so wealthy. There are just that many of you.

We 1% have to stick together....asswipe!
We see Trump supporters already crying foul. The sure sign that he's losing.
Winners never argue with the ref.
You don't know much about sports....
We can add that to a very lengthy list of things you know "not much" about.

Upset about your messiah losing yet another debate are you? Too bad, so sad.

Not even watching them.
For a pathological liar....you are consistent.

With your messiah apparently on the ropes, I understand why you're so upset.

You can't prove I support Trump....pathological liar. You have not got one post.

In addition to be an out-an-out liar, you make stuff up.

I am enjoying watching this thread while doing other things.

Why would I watch a debate between two turds.

They'll both be wrapped in Charmin after it's over.
"Yes, this is who Donald Trump is," Clinton said. "This is who Donald Trump is but the question our country must answer is this is not who we are." WHAT A LINE OF PROPAGANDA MISS HILLARY!
I hope she brings up how Trump has cheated on two wife's and probably did on the third if he is dumb enough to bring up the lies about BILL.

Hillary is the one that got hurt and she still managed to repair their marriage. For that she should be praised. Trump on the otherhand should be spat at as a piece of scum.
Expect Hillary to take the high ground and play the victim card

Women will eat it up
Fox is in the tank for the hildabeast...
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