2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Good, Trump....why aren't you putting your own miney in the campaign...fewer people you owe favors to.

Speaking of which, he said he'd spend a billon of his own money...

I guess that was another lie...

We'll add that to the list (the back of page 463--that is how long the list is.)
Thats my view
Drudge says Trump won?

Color me shocked

She has been smacked and she has lied her ASS off as it pertains to the shit going on in Syria...it's only the dumb fucks that have no clue about what is really going on.

Fact checkers will have a definitive answer on that later. Get back with me then,

Why don't you explain to me as to why USA.INC has such a hard on for Assad? And don't tell me because it is for alleged human right abuses because if that was the case, they wouldn't be funding and supporting a mercenary army of terrorists that we are allegedly against. Explain that to me.........

When you refer to our country as USA.INC it shows how crazy you are. I'll happily laugh at your silly proclamations and poke you with a rhetorical stick occasionally, but I won't try having a reasoned discussion with you any more than I would try to have one with one of my cows.
These three debates have convinced me I am definitely making the right decision not to vote for either ticket.
Trump is owning this debate lock stock and barrel

He is! :2up:

only if you're a wackjob.

to normal people he looks unhinged.
I think he's doing a much better job this time around considering this is basically just a live hit piece on him

no doubt trumpsters think that.

i guess after he;s been allowed to drag this country into the mud for the past six months you night be troubled that someone is trying to create a semi normal discussion.

he still sounds like a loon.

It was a Fucking war..
Much better answer to the last question for trump. Just answered the question and didn't take another hour to talk about himself
Old Bill has to be VERY uncomfortable being in the same room with Trump's guests. :lol:
Obama has imposed tariffs on Chinese steel.
Did ewe hear Hillary say China was illegally dumping steel into the US? Proves Obama cannot control what happens within the borders of this country!
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