2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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The FLY!


I saw that!

I thought I was seeing things.
Thats my view
Drudge says Trump won?

Color me shocked

She has been smacked and she has lied her ASS off as it pertains to the shit going on in Syria...it's only the dumb fucks that have no clue about what is really going on.

Fact checkers will have a definitive answer on that later. Get back with me then,

Why don't you explain to me as to why USA.INC has such a hard on for Assad? And don't tell me because it is for alleged human right abuses because if that was the case, they wouldn't be funding and supporting a mercenary army of terrorists that we are allegedly against. Explain that to me.........

When you refer to our country as USA.INC it shows how crazy you are. I'll happily laugh at your silly proclamations and poke you with a rhetorical stick occasionally, but I won't try having a reasoned discussion with you any more than I would try to have one with one of my cows.

Hey, dumb fuck....your beloved "gubermint" is incorporated and I have proved it many, many times....so STFU before I embarrass you further. You couldn't go "toe to toe" with me any any issue on the best day you ever had. Keep talking the the cows because that is your best chance and at least gives you a "50/50" shot of winning an argument.
You don't know much about sports....
We can add that to a very lengthy list of things you know "not much" about.

Upset about your messiah losing yet another debate are you? Too bad, so sad.

Not even watching them.
For a pathological liar....you are consistent.

With your messiah apparently on the ropes, I understand why you're so upset.

You can't prove I support Trump....pathological liar. You have not got one post.

In addition to be an out-an-out liar, you make stuff up.

I am enjoying watching this thread while doing other things.

Stop crying, you're embarrasing yourself.

I rest my case.

Better see a doctor.
These three debates have convinced me I am definitely making the right decision not to vote for either ticket.

What are y
I thought they both did okay. Trump was a little whiny. Not a lot of substance.

Translation~ trump won

Hillary smoked trump on the first one trump with out a doubt killed hillary on this one
he's rolling up the score here. she's wilting

She has a damn good grasp of the issues...whether you agree or not. That is something The Donald sorely lacks.
Knowing the issues and wanting to do anything about them are two different things.

Yes...but you can't effectively do anything about them if you don't know anything about them. I think that example was well made in Trumps talk about Syria - like it's that simple.
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