2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Fact checkers will have a definitive answer on that later. Get back with me then,

Why don't you explain to me as to why USA.INC has such a hard on for Assad? And don't tell me because it is for alleged human right abuses because if that was the case, they wouldn't be funding and supporting a mercenary army of terrorists that we are allegedly against. Explain that to me.........

When you refer to our country as USA.INC it shows how crazy you are. I'll happily laugh at your silly proclamations and poke you with a rhetorical stick occasionally, but I won't try having a reasoned discussion with you any more than I would try to have one with one of my cows.

Hey, dumb fuck....your beloved "gubermint" is incorporated and I have proved it many, many times....so STFU before I embarrass you further. You couldn't go "toe to toe" with me any any issue on the best day you ever had. Keep talking the the cows because that is your best chance and at least gives you a "50/50" shot of winning an argument.

You have only proved you are a nut. From my understanding, you don't even claim to be a citizen of this country any way, so STFU.

I am an American nationalist...not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC. You cannot be an American and a U.S citizen...it's impossible under Black's Law dictionary of terms. You see? I know more than you which is why I kick your ass on such a consistent basis.

That's the kind of crazy I have come to expect from you. Keep up the good work.
Anything less than Trump winning this debate by a zillion whatever points you measure debates by moves Hillary closer to victory.


Self assurance if I ever did see it.

Who votes for Trump at this point?
About 90% according to Drudge

Right about 90% of the lunatics who go to Drudge.

Who drudge that said mathew was God damn hype?

That drudge bitch?
Trump won..
No, it was a draw. But his comments about throwing Hillary in jail just after that tape about assaulting women; it comes across as violent and abusive.
Brought a cheer from the crowd.

BTW, a fly landed on Hillary's nose early in the debate.

Was that one of those shit-eating flys or was it the kind that hangs around dead bodies?

That was a fly trying to find Trump's fingers.
Clinton just gives specific well thought out answers to policy questions in a way Trump can't. His entire schtick is 'trust me, I know'. No, you don't. He appears to believe a Senator or Secretary of State has dictatorial powers to do whatever they want or makes policy single handedly. They don't. Neither does a president. HRC should have pointed that out "this poor guy thinks holding office in Congress or being president makes you a dictator that allows you to do whatever you want". The Senate is made up of 100 people that vote. The house is 435 people that vote. The President cannot spend any money if it isn't approved by Congress.

Trump is all emotion. He has no clue on how anything actually works.
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Why don't you explain to me as to why USA.INC has such a hard on for Assad? And don't tell me because it is for alleged human right abuses because if that was the case, they wouldn't be funding and supporting a mercenary army of terrorists that we are allegedly against. Explain that to me.........

When you refer to our country as USA.INC it shows how crazy you are. I'll happily laugh at your silly proclamations and poke you with a rhetorical stick occasionally, but I won't try having a reasoned discussion with you any more than I would try to have one with one of my cows.

Hey, dumb fuck....your beloved "gubermint" is incorporated and I have proved it many, many times....so STFU before I embarrass you further. You couldn't go "toe to toe" with me any any issue on the best day you ever had. Keep talking the the cows because that is your best chance and at least gives you a "50/50" shot of winning an argument.

You have only proved you are a nut. From my understanding, you don't even claim to be a citizen of this country any way, so STFU.

I am an American nationalist...not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC. You cannot be an American and a U.S citizen...it's impossible under Black's Law dictionary of terms. You see? I know more than you which is why I kick your ass on such a consistent basis.

That's the kind of crazy I have come to expect from you. Keep up the good work.

You are ignorant...... so of course you are confused.......
The Winner is:

Not the American Voter!
. So it's not about the issues with you then ?

Yeah, sure!

Trump walking around like he was about to do some type of WWE smack down and Clinton answers were the typical nonsense she has been trying to sell since her days as first lady...

The issue is which one do you believe will not mess up the nation until 2020 and I believe both are a disaster...

I did agree with Trump on Aleppo and I agreed with Clinton on arming the Kurds in Iraq.

I disagree with Clinton with the ACA and it should be tossed but Trump plan to erase the boundaries is not going to happen either.

The opening was a disaster and the moderators were pathetic.

The American voters deserve better candidates and no Hillary and Donald are not the best and yes I would rather vote for Johnson or Stein before voting for the two bigger party candidate...

So yeah the American voter is the loser in this debate as usual!
Anything less than Trump winning this debate by a zillion whatever points you measure debates by moves Hillary closer to victory.


Self assurance if I ever did see it.

Who votes for Trump at this point?
About 90% according to Drudge

Right about 90% of the lunatics who go to Drudge.

Who drudge that said mathew was God damn hype?

That drudge bitch?

Me trade firewater for beaver pelts. you have pelts?
My favorite moment? When Trump told her to her face he will call a grand jury to indict her for perjury and obstruction of justice.....her eyes were big as dinner plates! :shock:

They debated a bunch of shit from the media where they both have had their say. Nobody won.
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