2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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This debate was a wash. Retards will find something to love about Trump (he managed to sniff around the stage and not trip) and the left will be fine with Clinton.

I think what remains to be seen is how the Access Hollywood video move the polls if at all.
Trump is the tackiest candidate ever. To cover up his own sex crimes, he plays the ultimate Tu Quoque fallacy.
Anything less than Trump winning this debate by a zillion whatever points you measure debates by moves Hillary closer to victory.


Self assurance if I ever did see it.

Who votes for Trump at this point?

Obviously not you.

Why would a liberal vote for a conservative?
It's a good thing Trump's not a Conservative.

Trump is a product of the Tea party. Are you saying all those people are not conservatives?
The FLY!


I saw that!

I thought I was seeing things.
What is unusual about a fly on shit?
This debate was a wash. Retards will find something to love about Trump (he managed to sniff around the stage and not trip) and the left will be fine with Clinton.

I think what remains to be seen is how the Access Hollywood video move the polls if at all.
No. It wasn't. Trump won. Deal with it.
On Fox Business they are commenting on how biased the interrupting leftist moderators (Jewess Martha Raddatz and homosexualist Anderson Cooper) were.

Self assurance if I ever did see it.

Who votes for Trump at this point?

Obviously not you.

Why would a liberal vote for a conservative?
It's a good thing Trump's not a Conservative.

Trump is a product of the Tea party. Are you saying all those people are not conservatives?

Trump is a product of the Tea party?!
I would ask if you're an idiot but I know you're not.
I would NEVER vote for a Tea Party Pig.
Trump is a Blue Dog Democrat.
Ut Oh! Hillary is calling Trump's buddy Putin!

good. someone needs to.
This debate won't distract from trump and this debate didn't do anything.

the trumpsters will still vote for dumb donald.

Yea...trump killed hillary
Yea sure he did. No one cares.

Heavy d is rolling in his grave because the giants are not beating the packers tonight.

I know you guys won't give up until its over. We admire that about you
This debate was a wash. Retards will find something to love about Trump (he managed to sniff around the stage and not trip) and the left will be fine with Clinton.

I think what remains to be seen is how the Access Hollywood video move the polls if at all.
No. It wasn't. Trump won. Deal with it.

Sure, if the audience for the debate were just the deplorables then yeah, Trump would win that.

But that's not the audience.
When you refer to our country as USA.INC it shows how crazy you are. I'll happily laugh at your silly proclamations and poke you with a rhetorical stick occasionally, but I won't try having a reasoned discussion with you any more than I would try to have one with one of my cows.

Hey, dumb fuck....your beloved "gubermint" is incorporated and I have proved it many, many times....so STFU before I embarrass you further. You couldn't go "toe to toe" with me any any issue on the best day you ever had. Keep talking the the cows because that is your best chance and at least gives you a "50/50" shot of winning an argument.

You have only proved you are a nut. From my understanding, you don't even claim to be a citizen of this country any way, so STFU.

I am an American nationalist...not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC. You cannot be an American and a U.S citizen...it's impossible under Black's Law dictionary of terms. You see? I know more than you which is why I kick your ass on such a consistent basis.

That's the kind of crazy I have come to expect from you. Keep up the good work.

You are ignorant...... so of course you are confused.......
Given your posting history, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘ignorant.’
Why did we have debate monitors?

AGREED, 1000%.

A town hall is not a debate. A true debate would be participants asking each other questions. We can't have that because the questions would be all "gotcha" questions designed to cast the person answering them in the worst possible light.

The best we could hope for is the moderator asking questions and then allowing each to answer without any sort of interruption. But we've morphed from even that to whoever goes last having the advatage.

I'm to the point of where they just put the questions into a bowl and let the candidates pick them out and aske each other questions depending on what is picked. The person selecting the piece of paper gets 90 seconds to read the question. Another 90 to answer it themselves. And then the other person on stage gets 90 seconds. When the timer goes off, their microhone goes out.

What we have now is a frace but it may be the best we can hope for.
My favorite moment? When Trump told her to her face he will call a grand jury to indict her for perjury and obstruction of justice.....her eyes were big as dinner plates! :shock:


No, the look was like " Bitch you will never be President "...

Tomorrow or in a few days I expect Wikilinks to open a can of worms for Clinton that will make Trump video look like locker room banter... :)
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