2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Hey, dumb fuck....your beloved "gubermint" is incorporated and I have proved it many, many times....so STFU before I embarrass you further. You couldn't go "toe to toe" with me any any issue on the best day you ever had. Keep talking the the cows because that is your best chance and at least gives you a "50/50" shot of winning an argument.

You have only proved you are a nut. From my understanding, you don't even claim to be a citizen of this country any way, so STFU.

I am an American nationalist...not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC. You cannot be an American and a U.S citizen...it's impossible under Black's Law dictionary of terms. You see? I know more than you which is why I kick your ass on such a consistent basis.

That's the kind of crazy I have come to expect from you. Keep up the good work.

You are ignorant...... so of course you are confused.......
Given your posting history, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘ignorant.’

Of course he is in the position to make such accusations. That's part of why his brand of crazy is so entertaining. You wouldn't want him to start sounding sane, would you?
There is tape now of Trump praising Hillary in the nineties for how she dealt with the Bill scandals.

I suspect you'll be hearing that alot very soon.
Trump claims Hillary has "tremendous hate in her heart" and claims he will lock her up if elected

Low point in presidential debate history
he's rolling up the score here. she's wilting

She has a damn good grasp of the issues...whether you agree or not. That is something The Donald sorely lacks.
Knowing the issues and wanting to do anything about them are two different things.

Yes...but you can't effectively do anything about them if you don't know anything about them. I think that example was well made in Trumps talk about Syria - like it's that simple.
No offense, but I've trained Muslims overseas. It's a mistake to arm them because they're liable to shoot you in the back. Dealing with the Middle-East is as complex as trying to learn Arabic.
This debate was a wash. Retards will find something to love about Trump (he managed to sniff around the stage and not trip) and the left will be fine with Clinton.

I think what remains to be seen is how the Access Hollywood video move the polls if at all.

A WASH? are you on dope>? FLYS were picking over her like dead meat. have another ball warsher................

Why did we have debate monitors?

AGREED, 1000%.

A town hall is not a debate. A true debate would be participants asking each other questions. We can't have that because the questions would be all "gotcha" questions designed to cast the person answering them in the worst possible light.

The best we could hope for is the moderator asking questions and then allowing each to answer without any sort of interruption. But we've morphed from even that to whoever goes last having the advatage.

I'm to the point of where they just put the questions into a bowl and let the candidates pick them out and aske each other questions depending on what is picked. The person selecting the piece of paper gets 90 seconds to read the question. Another 90 to answer it themselves. And then the other person on stage gets 90 seconds. When the timer goes off, their microhone goes out.

What we have now is a frace but it may be the best we can hope for.

I was disappointed with the constant nudges to move along when clearly one or the other candidate had more to say. I was hoping the town hall format would allow questions from other than moderators to be introduced. However it turned out most of the questions were left unexplored and the moderators asked too many of them.

The format blew. Plus some orange antelope was wandering around in the background.
The Trumpbots are saying Trump won?


Not just won. They think he destroyed her.
He did enough damage that only a Brain Dead Progressive such as yourself could miss it.

How much damage?

What is your prediction regarding the poll bump that he might get?
Trump eliminated the "Pussy" remark tonight.
Unlike Hillary, he didn't deliver the autistic clown smile every 30 seconds.
Hillary thinks the Brothers and the Sisters are doing just fine...you know, just like you.
Anything less than Trump winning this debate by a zillion whatever points you measure debates by moves Hillary closer to victory.


Self assurance if I ever did see it.

Who votes for Trump at this point?

Obviously not you.

Why would a liberal vote for a conservative?

Why must a liberal always vote for a liberal?

Why don't you ask the same questions of millions of Republicans who always vote for the Republican? Surely you're not asking such a stupid fucking question.
Calling her the Devil was a nice touch, but pointing out the hate in her heart left her speechless and reminded the audience she's as EVIL as it gets:

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