2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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he's rolling up the score here. she's wilting

She has a damn good grasp of the issues...whether you agree or not. That is something The Donald sorely lacks.

After 39 years in politics she should have something as that talk is all she ever offered

Shouldn't The Donald at least ATTEMPT to understand the issues and be informed? Seriously?
He understands better than she does.
you're voting for dumb donald....you have no business talking about anyone's hair, nutter.

Shillian, you seem to be rather upset....(snicker)

no one ever said you had any ability to assess reality.

I would wager my posting life here that more posters like what I write and the sense that I make over your fool-fueled rants...a flaming moron with no debating skills.....

more rightwingnut morons? ok... :cuckoo:
you keep telling yourself that.


I would bury you so bad in a "one on one" debate that you would create a new ID and put this current ID behind you...bet me on that one, bitch.

Take her to the Bullring.

If she has the guts to show up.
I don't think there should be moderators. Give each candidate a body guard and a mic.
i can't even the anderson turbo-squirt cooper at all. it's like he's evolving into thor from stargate, creepy they live problem glasses, fecking aliens.
Is it wrong of me to hope that America is watching this, and is learning how absolutely fucking stupid we've become?
Anderson is helping HILL!!!!! This is what she is talking about...let me be clear because she wasn't!!!! FOUL!!!!
No, he's a moderator. He's doing what moderators do: moderating. He is trying to keep Trump on track, get him to answer the questions. Trump keeps refusing to respond to the questions; he is mainly doing the attack dog thing and attacking Hillary. He is not, for the most part, responding to the questions.
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