2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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They keep interrupting Trump..

Yeah, and you know I hate Donald Trump but I can agree with Trump this is three against one.

Donald keeps interrupting and running over and not answering the questions.
Good. That's the way he should play it considering the "debate" is totally rigged.

Why is it you guys (the right) bitch about it being rigged if your candidate is doing crappy?

He bombed in the first debate - rigged.
When polls go down - rigged.

So - if he does well, is it rigged? hhmmmm

Not once have I ever wrote that the system is rigged and you will never seem me write this and I am Conservative on Fiscal issues.

Trump is losing because of Trump.

If Clinton loses it will because of Clinton.

No one can convince me it was rigged but if Trump does win ( I really do not believe he will ) the left will proclaim Russia rigged the vote...

that's a nice fantasy with no basis in reality.

but when trump loses his loons will all be shrieking that the vote was rigged.

just like they're whining now that the moderators are actually moderating
Trump is so coked up till he can't be still or sit down. Even when he isn't walking around, his head is bouncing more than a bobble head doll.
"I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president." - Donald Trump
Trump is cleaning her clock. Hilly has no idea what she's talking about. It's all talking points.
ISIS/al qaeda funded by the CIA, Saudi Intel, the MOSSAD, MI5, MI6 with Turkey as a conduit to keep this war going in Syria. Hitlery couldn't find her ass with bothy hands. Assad hasn't done a fucking thing to USA.INC.....
If Hillary was such a disaster as a Senator, why did The Donald donate to both of her Senate campaigns AND her Presidential bid in 2008?

If Hillary was such a disaster as a Senator, why did Trump's entire family donate to her?
He did so he could get his projects approved. That's the ransom businessmen pay to the devil.
What neither of them seem to comprehend is that Russia will never give up their Syrian naval base.

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