2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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I can't believe those people would agree to be in the audience and ask questions.

It is crazy tonight!
I think I might start a Change.org petition asking Obama to go ahead and declare martial law and suspend the election.

I know you're joking but this is the worst election cycle!

I might move to Mexico and build the wall to keep the idiots here!
This is the worst thing I've ever seen. And then Johnson turns out to be braindead. Fuckin a

Johnson and his gaffes are soo disappointing. I'm certainly not going to vote for these two.
Women rights you say? Get her trump. Lets hear about her Saudi money.
They keep interrupting Trump..

Yeah, and you know I hate Donald Trump but I can agree with Trump this is three against one.

Donald keeps interrupting and running over and not answering the questions.
Good. That's the way he should play it considering the "debate" is totally rigged.

Why is it you guys (the right) bitch about it being rigged if your candidate is doing crappy?

He bombed in the first debate - rigged.
When polls go down - rigged.

So - if he does well, is it rigged? hhmmmm
It's always rigged. The media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. Republicans win despite the media.
Hard for me to believe anyone is stupid enough to believe the pathetic con man's pitch. It is so obviously ludicrous. Everything he says is either absurd or a blatant lie.

But as W.C. Fields said, Never give a sucker an even break.
They keep interrupting Trump..

Yeah, and you know I hate Donald Trump but I can agree with Trump this is three against one.

Donald keeps interrupting and running over and not answering the questions.
Good. That's the way he should play it considering the "debate" is totally rigged.

Why is it you guys (the right) bitch about it being rigged if your candidate is doing crappy?

He bombed in the first debate - rigged.
When polls go down - rigged.

So - if he does well, is it rigged? hhmmmm

Not once have I ever wrote that the system is rigged and you will never seem me write this and I am Conservative on Fiscal issues.

Trump is losing because of Trump.

If Clinton loses it will because of Clinton.

No one can convince me it was rigged but if Trump does win ( I really do not believe he will ) the left will proclaim Russia rigged the vote...
If Hillary was such a disaster as a Senator, why did The Donald donate to both of her Senate campaigns AND her Presidential bid in 2008?

If Hillary was such a disaster as a Senator, why did Trump's entire family donate to her?
They keep interrupting Trump..

Yeah, and you know I hate Donald Trump but I can agree with Trump this is three against one.

Donald keeps interrupting and running over and not answering the questions.
he has been sniffing coke

Makes me wonder, but he's too damn fat to be a coke addict.
Now the liberal goes to Fat Shaming....preceless
They keep interrupting Trump..

Yeah, and you know I hate Donald Trump but I can agree with Trump this is three against one.

Donald keeps interrupting and running over and not answering the questions.
he has been sniffing coke

Makes me wonder, but he's too damn fat to be a coke addict.

Coke and not crack!

I have seen fat Coke heads in the 70's and 80's!
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