2017 more pedestrians kill by a vehicle than killed with a rifle

That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Dumbest justification of mass murders and gun deaths in the US. People die from drowning if few thousands die from guns so what lol. Wow just wow.
People interact with cars more often than guns. This is a bad argument.

More people die from gunshots than the measles, does that mean we should get rid of vaccinations?
I interact with my gun every day.by carrying it.

Nothing to do with my post, but thanks.
You said people interact with their cars daily likewise I interact with my firearm daily. It's the same exact thing
I said more people. Please stop being stupid.
It still not different and why would you ban vaccinations for measles? if you did that more people would die from measles. I don't think you thought that through
That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Dumbest justification of mass murders and gun deaths in the US. People die from drowning if few thousands die from guns so what lol. Wow just wow.
Nope the numbers speak for themselves Pedestrians are killed more with a vehicle than with a Rifle.
That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Dumbest justification of mass murders and gun deaths in the US. People die from drowning if few thousands die from guns so what lol. Wow just wow.

Dozens shot in Chicago every week and its nothing but crickets from the left.
That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Cars aren’t designed to kill people .

How many rifles transported people to work?
the numbers constitute a ban on vehicles more than it does for any rifle.
Why are vehicles built to exceed the posted speed limit?
People interact with cars more often than guns. This is a bad argument.

More people die from gunshots than the measles, does that mean we should get rid of vaccinations?
I interact with my gun every day.by carrying it.

Nothing to do with my post, but thanks.
You said people interact with their cars daily likewise I interact with my firearm daily. It's the same exact thing
I said more people. Please stop being stupid.
It still not different and why would you ban vaccinations for measles? if you did that more people would die from measles. I don't think you thought that through

Wow, I don't know, try reading my posts before responding to them.
That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Cars aren’t designed to kill people .

How many rifles transported people to work?
Design is irrelevant.

But, guns are designed to shoot at targets or to hunt.
Knifes are designed to chop vegetables.
Baseball bats are designed to hit baseballs.

Nearly any object could be used as a weapon to commit murder. You are not making the case you think you are.

How many cars can get a 1/2 inch grouping?

That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

But but but that doesn't fit the liberal narrative :102::aargh::102:
It sucks but the numbers constitute a ban on vehicles more than it does for any rifle.

High risk groups should have their vehicles seized and be prohibited from purchasing one. Teenagers, old people, anyone who takes drugs or consumes alcohol.
I interact with my gun every day.by carrying it.

Nothing to do with my post, but thanks.
You said people interact with their cars daily likewise I interact with my firearm daily. It's the same exact thing
I said more people. Please stop being stupid.
It still not different and why would you ban vaccinations for measles? if you did that more people would die from measles. I don't think you thought that through

Wow, I don't know, try reading my posts before responding to them.
You wrote it not me
"People interact with cars more often than guns. This is a bad argument.

More people die from gunshots than the measles, does that mean we should get rid of vaccinations?"
That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

But but but that doesn't fit the liberal narrative :102::aargh::102:
It sucks but the numbers constitute a ban on vehicles more than it does for any rifle.

High risk groups should have their vehicles seized and be prohibited from purchasing one. Teenagers, old people, anyone who takes drugs or consumes alcohol.
Works for me ZERO tolerance
Nothing to do with my post, but thanks.
You said people interact with their cars daily likewise I interact with my firearm daily. It's the same exact thing
I said more people. Please stop being stupid.
It still not different and why would you ban vaccinations for measles? if you did that more people would die from measles. I don't think you thought that through

Wow, I don't know, try reading my posts before responding to them.
You wrote it not me
"People interact with cars more often than guns. This is a bad argument.

More people die from gunshots than the measles, does that mean we should get rid of vaccinations?"

Right. You took from that, that I was advocating for getting rid of vaccinations? Or was I countering your illiterate argument about comparing vehicle homicides to gun homicides?
That's right more people were hit and killed with a vehicle than shot and killed with a rifle. This number is not including people killed in vehicle crashes that number is much much higher
vehicle 5,977
Pedestrian Safety
Rifle 403
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Cars aren’t designed to kill people .

How many rifles transported people to work?
the numbers constitute a ban on vehicles more than it does for any rifle.
Why are vehicles built to exceed the posted speed limit?

How about we just insure guns, have titles for them, and regulate them like cars !
Breaking: Unhinged liberals to be prohibited from owning/operating a motor vehicle due to being mentally unstable.

LEFTISTS!!! Not liberals. They are no such people. They are commies, dammit.


NOT a liberal:

Please, and thank you.

Breaking: High capacity bags of potatoes to be banned in California. To limit mass causalities if used as a weapon you can no longer purchase or carry more than 3 potatoes at a time.

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