
Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn
Why is it Democrats always talk about single payer or Medicare for all yet never seem to understand the cost? Is math really that hard?

It would be very easy to have single payer but you are going to have to pay for it in an income tax of 50%. Do you really think you are going to find any one that is going to pay that when you have so many crying that they did not get a big enough tax cut, that are upset that SALT is not high enough?
If it ends obamacare, a part of obamacare, a sentence, or even a word, it's good and better than anything we have.
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

Let's extrapolate for a moment. Let's say Obama said everybody who drives needs to be insured, in fact had Congress pass a law about it.

The law reads that regardless of DUI's, accidents, dangerous driving that accumulated points, insurance companies have to give the same price to them as safe motorists.

What do you think would happen to your auto insurance rates under AutoBama?

The very same holds true with medical care. And trust me, I've had preexisting conditions since I was 23 years old; I'm now 58, and until Commie Care came along, was insured through my employers all of my adult life.

The solution: We need to meet half way on this problem. Allow people like myself to buy into Medicare just like people who are on disability. The rates are reasonable, and it removes all high risk patients from the insurance pool. This way we can keep our private insurance and give Democrats a little of what they want.

It's a half-way point I think everybody can get something, but not everything, and it would work out better for the entire country instead of what Commie Care did, and work out for likely Democrat voters.
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn
You want to be covered for pre-existing conditions, then don't call it insurance, because it's not.

Insurance, properly defined, is to provide financial relief for unforeseeable or untimely expenses...Pre-existing conditions are neither.

If you want honest debate and discussion, you would be best served by first using honest language.
Y'all are just way behind the technology. It won't be long before there are no more doctors, no more insurance companies, no more medical practices. Everything will be AI robotics. You will Google 'colonoscopy', and Amazon will fly a drone up your butt and automatically deduct the charge from your bank account.

Get use to the brave new world people...
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

Let's extrapolate for a moment. Let's say Obama said everybody who drives needs to be insured, in fact had Congress pass a law about it.

The law reads that regardless of DUI's, accidents, dangerous driving that accumulated points, insurance companies have to give the same price to them as safe motorists.

What do you think would happen to your auto insurance rates under AutoBama?

The very same holds true with medical care. And trust me, I've had preexisting conditions since I was 23 years old; I'm now 58, and until Commie Care came along, was insured through my employers all of my adult life.

The solution: We need to meet half way on this problem. Allow people like myself to buy into Medicare just like people who are on disability. The rates are reasonable, and it removes all high risk patients from the insurance pool. This way we can keep our private insurance and give Democrats a little of what they want.

It's a half-way point I think everybody can get something, but not everything, and it would work out better for the entire country instead of what Commie Care did, and work out for likely Democrat voters.

Driving is not a necessity . Health care is . People don’t choose to have cancer .

Cons fail to address the fact that people NEED healthcare .
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

In addition 4 red states are voting on whether or not to expand Medicaid. They all could pass.

Forget ‘Repeal and Replace.’ The One Issue Unifying Americans Is Affordable Health Care
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Why is it Democrats always talk about single payer or Medicare for all yet never seem to understand the cost? Is math really that hard?

It would be very easy to have single payer but you are going to have to pay for it in an income tax of 50%. Do you really think you are going to find any one that is going to pay that when you have so many crying that they did not get a big enough tax cut, that are upset that SALT is not high enough?

The Democrats are in the ballgame. Republicans are not. The Republican solution is insurance that doesn't cover anything.
Why is it Democrats always talk about single payer or Medicare for all yet never seem to understand the cost? Is math really that hard?

It would be very easy to have single payer but you are going to have to pay for it in an income tax of 50%. Do you really think you are going to find any one that is going to pay that when you have so many crying that they did not get a big enough tax cut, that are upset that SALT is not high enough?

The Democrats are in the ballgame. Republicans are not. The Republican solution is insurance that doesn't cover anything.

Actually, that sounds like the plans Commie Care presented to me when I applied.
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

Let's extrapolate for a moment. Let's say Obama said everybody who drives needs to be insured, in fact had Congress pass a law about it.

The law reads that regardless of DUI's, accidents, dangerous driving that accumulated points, insurance companies have to give the same price to them as safe motorists.

What do you think would happen to your auto insurance rates under AutoBama?

The very same holds true with medical care. And trust me, I've had preexisting conditions since I was 23 years old; I'm now 58, and until Commie Care came along, was insured through my employers all of my adult life.

The solution: We need to meet half way on this problem. Allow people like myself to buy into Medicare just like people who are on disability. The rates are reasonable, and it removes all high risk patients from the insurance pool. This way we can keep our private insurance and give Democrats a little of what they want.

It's a half-way point I think everybody can get something, but not everything, and it would work out better for the entire country instead of what Commie Care did, and work out for likely Democrat voters.

Driving is not a necessity . Health care is . People don’t choose to have cancer .

Cons fail to address the fact that people NEED healthcare .

No, healthcare is not a necessity. WTF do you think people did before healthcare came along?

Medical technology extends our natural life, but that doesn't mean it's a necessity.
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

Let's extrapolate for a moment. Let's say Obama said everybody who drives needs to be insured, in fact had Congress pass a law about it.

The law reads that regardless of DUI's, accidents, dangerous driving that accumulated points, insurance companies have to give the same price to them as safe motorists.

What do you think would happen to your auto insurance rates under AutoBama?

The very same holds true with medical care. And trust me, I've had preexisting conditions since I was 23 years old; I'm now 58, and until Commie Care came along, was insured through my employers all of my adult life.

The solution: We need to meet half way on this problem. Allow people like myself to buy into Medicare just like people who are on disability. The rates are reasonable, and it removes all high risk patients from the insurance pool. This way we can keep our private insurance and give Democrats a little of what they want.

It's a half-way point I think everybody can get something, but not everything, and it would work out better for the entire country instead of what Commie Care did, and work out for likely Democrat voters.

Driving is not a necessity . Health care is . People don’t choose to have cancer .

Cons fail to address the fact that people NEED healthcare .

No, healthcare is not a necessity. WTF do you think people did before healthcare came along?

Medical technology extends our natural life, but that doesn't mean it's a necessity.

Of course it’s a necessity. If you need a double bypass , you don’t have other options .

Unless you want to have people needlessly dying in the Streets .
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

Let's extrapolate for a moment. Let's say Obama said everybody who drives needs to be insured, in fact had Congress pass a law about it.

The law reads that regardless of DUI's, accidents, dangerous driving that accumulated points, insurance companies have to give the same price to them as safe motorists.

What do you think would happen to your auto insurance rates under AutoBama?

The very same holds true with medical care. And trust me, I've had preexisting conditions since I was 23 years old; I'm now 58, and until Commie Care came along, was insured through my employers all of my adult life.

The solution: We need to meet half way on this problem. Allow people like myself to buy into Medicare just like people who are on disability. The rates are reasonable, and it removes all high risk patients from the insurance pool. This way we can keep our private insurance and give Democrats a little of what they want.

It's a half-way point I think everybody can get something, but not everything, and it would work out better for the entire country instead of what Commie Care did, and work out for likely Democrat voters.

Driving is not a necessity . Health care is . People don’t choose to have cancer .

Cons fail to address the fact that people NEED healthcare .

No, healthcare is not a necessity. WTF do you think people did before healthcare came along?

Medical technology extends our natural life, but that doesn't mean it's a necessity.

Of course it’s a necessity. If you need a double bypass , you don’t have other options .

Unless you want to have people needlessly dying in the Streets .

So again I ask, what did people do before our medical technology today?

If you die, then you die. You're going to die anyway, it's just a matter of when.

Medical advancements only prolongs life. It's not a mandate that you must prolong yours.
If it ends obamacare, a part of obamacare, a sentence, or even a word, it's good and better than anything we have.
TipsyCatLover, beware of what you wish for. If you strongly dislike Rommneycare, you'll more strongly be displeased by what would consequentially replace it.
Respectfully, Supposn
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.
... If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.
Why is it Democrats always talk about single payer or Medicare for all yet never seem to understand the cost? Is math really that hard?

It would be very easy to have single payer but you are going to have to pay for it in an income tax of 50%. Do you really think you are going to find any one that is going to pay that when you have so many crying that they did not get a big enough tax cut, that are upset that SALT is not high enough?
I know, far cheaper letting people die
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

Let's extrapolate for a moment. Let's say Obama said everybody who drives needs to be insured, in fact had Congress pass a law about it.

The law reads that regardless of DUI's, accidents, dangerous driving that accumulated points, insurance companies have to give the same price to them as safe motorists.

What do you think would happen to your auto insurance rates under AutoBama?

The very same holds true with medical care. And trust me, I've had preexisting conditions since I was 23 years old; I'm now 58, and until Commie Care came along, was insured through my employers all of my adult life.

The solution: We need to meet half way on this problem. Allow people like myself to buy into Medicare just like people who are on disability. The rates are reasonable, and it removes all high risk patients from the insurance pool. This way we can keep our private insurance and give Democrats a little of what they want.

It's a half-way point I think everybody can get something, but not everything, and it would work out better for the entire country instead of what Commie Care did, and work out for likely Democrat voters.

Driving is not a necessity . Health care is . People don’t choose to have cancer .

Cons fail to address the fact that people NEED healthcare .

No, healthcare is not a necessity. WTF do you think people did before healthcare came along?

Medical technology extends our natural life, but that doesn't mean it's a necessity.

Of course it’s a necessity. If you need a double bypass , you don’t have other options .

Unless you want to have people needlessly dying in the Streets .

So again I ask, what did people do before our medical technology today?

If you die, then you die. You're going to die anyway, it's just a matter of when.

Medical advancements only prolongs life. It's not a mandate that you must prolong yours.

Why isn't this the GOP health motto...
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

... Let's say Obama said everybody who drives needs to be insured, in fact had Congress pass a law about it.... It's a half-way point I think everybody can get something, but not everything, and it would work out better for the entire country instead of what Commie Care did, and work out for likely Democrat voters.
Ray From Cleveland, many Americans believe otherwise, but In the United States, driving is a privilege rather than an inalienable right. Civilizations, USA’s society, has been evolving to somewhat protect individuals well-being. It's argued that’s a proper federal task and is within the scope of the general welfare clause within the U.S. Constitution ’s preamble.

I’m among the proponents of basic medical insurance being an entitlement paid by all USA taxpayers through our general federal budget. It would in aggregate be of greater economic benefit at lesser cost to our nation. The United States has the most expensive healthcare system in the world and it's of serious cost to our economy, but other nations healthcare policies produce more satisfactory results. Their populations are healthier and more pleased with their nation’s healthcare policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal governments right to enforce those same prohibitions.

Additionally, Republicans are trying to enable cheaper and inadequate medical insurance to qualify as purchasable within Affordable-Care market sites. Those cheaper plans all enable increased prices for pre-existing medical conditions. Prohibiting increased prices for pre-existing conditions may already be, or I’m confident in the future they will be, both USA’s consumers’ and voters’ normal expectations. Such insurance at non-drastic prices cannot be sustained unless the young and the healthy proportion of our population are fully reflected within the adequately medically insured segment of our population.

If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn
Fuck Obamacare... it was made for progressives by progressives

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