2018 Elections will be pivotal for the U.S.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
It is unclear what will happen because both the Republicans and Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot.

I can see many Republican incumbents losing primaries. If that happens Democrats might lose even more seats. If incumbents win their primaries no telling what will happen, but we have to see how the primaries go before anyone can begin to predict what will happen next November.
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
Too late, americans were home fondling their guns while the system ushered them into the distinction of being THE most incarcerated and surveilled population on the planet, with the shittiest, most expensive and inefficient health"care" system on the planet. Besides, your elections are theater, note how Goldman Sachs is always in the white house setting economic policy.
While the status quo needs to change Trump isn't the one to head it. He's a child. And he has simply approved everything the Republicans have done in government for the past 40 years only on a huge scale. 'Drain the swamp'? He's set up shop on the shore to feed the alligators, befriend the mosquitoes, pet the snakes (his kindred spirits), keep the water level and PH levels at their most desired levels, and he inhales and blurts out swamp gas constantly. 'Drain the swamp? He is Orange-Snakehead, keeper of the swamp.

He and the Republicans are doing what they've always wanted to do, stomp their jack-boot on the neck of the poor with great gusto and anger. Nothing new except this time they aren't holding back.
While the status quo needs to change Trump isn't the one to head it. He's a child. And he has simply approved everything the Republicans have done in government for the past 40 years only on a huge scale. 'Drain the swamp'? He's set up shop on the shore to feed the alligators, befriend the mosquitoes, pet the snakes (his kindred spirits), keep the water level and PH levels at their most desired levels, and he inhales and blurts out swamp gas constantly. 'Drain the swamp? He is Orange-Snakehead, keeper of the swamp.

He and the Republicans are doing what they've always wanted to do, stomp their jack-boot on the neck of the poor with great gusto and anger. Nothing new except this time they aren't holding back.
Trump’s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied


Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team


While the status quo needs to change Trump isn't the one to head it. He's a child. And he has simply approved everything the Republicans have done in government for the past 40 years only on a huge scale. 'Drain the swamp'? He's set up shop on the shore to feed the alligators, befriend the mosquitoes, pet the snakes (his kindred spirits), keep the water level and PH levels at their most desired levels, and he inhales and blurts out swamp gas constantly. 'Drain the swamp? He is Orange-Snakehead, keeper of the swamp.

He and the Republicans are doing what they've always wanted to do, stomp their jack-boot on the neck of the poor with great gusto and anger. Nothing new except this time they aren't holding back.
Trump’s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied


Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’

Yet the rubes still buy this 'drain the swamp' bullshit.

I know humans are generally gullible but wtf. These people will believe literally anything. Anything.
How badly will the American public want to whack democrats for lying? That's the question. Tucker Carlson was just saying that the press has lost all rationality and is now running around in a sightless rage, screaming. That's about the size of it. How far will they go and how much will it hurt them?
How badly will the American public want to whack democrats for lying? That's the question.

It is also the problem: Merely having occasional temper tantrums will not result in taming the bureaucratic Beast. Voters must commit to fundamental reform, or else the 2016 election will have been for naught. Will they?
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
No Hillary for you to beat up in 2018, rube. The alt-right is about to be slaughtered.
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
No Hillary for you to beat up in 2018, rube. The alt-right is about to be slaughtered.

Not likely.

Too many seats in the Senate to defend and the House will be hard to win.
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
No Hillary for you to beat up in 2018, rube. The alt-right is about to be slaughtered.

Not likely.

Too many seats in the Senate to defend and the House will be hard to win.
Thanks to Trump, Democrat seats will be easier than ever to defend, and the House can flip any time. Especially if the rubes keep convincing Dump to stay the course.
2018 will be an ideal time to deliver the left a major slap down. Prepare them for 2020 which will be the end of the dimwits for 100 years or more.
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
No Hillary for you to beat up in 2018, rube. The alt-right is about to be slaughtered.

Not likely.

Too many seats in the Senate to defend and the House will be hard to win.
Thanks to Trump, Democrat seats will be easier than ever to defend, and the House can flip any time. Especially if the rubes keep convincing Dump to stay the course.

Democrats have to defend too many seats in the Senate to take the Senate.

Then you have to remember the House seats are harder to flip this time with the hatred from both sides.

I say 2018 Will be a push...
How badly will the American public want to whack democrats for lying? That's the question. Tucker Carlson was just saying that the press has lost all rationality and is now running around in a sightless rage, screaming. That's about the size of it. How far will they go and how much will it hurt them?

You say the Democrats are lying? What makes you think that? Is that based on sincere belief, wishful thinking or hard facts? Can you point to an example where the press has lost rationality?
2018 will be an ideal time to deliver the left a major slap down. Prepare them for 2020 which will be the end of the dimwits for 100 years or more.

Democrats wrote the same thing in 2009 and now they're looking foolish for being so arrogant...

Please keep thinking like the old Democrats did and watch how quickly ot turn against you...
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
No Hillary for you to beat up in 2018, rube. The alt-right is about to be slaughtered.

Not likely.

Too many seats in the Senate to defend and the House will be hard to win.
Thanks to Trump, Democrat seats will be easier than ever to defend, and the House can flip any time. Especially if the rubes keep convincing Dump to stay the course.

Democrats have to defend too many seats in the Senate to take the Senate.

Then you have to remember the House seats are harder to flip this time with the hatred from both sides.

I say 2018 Will be a push...
If card's are played correctly, 2018 will be an avalanche
While the 2016 elections were an historic vote against the political establishment, the 2018 elections will determine whether or not that entrenched establishment can ever be tamed. All of the special interests who have been feeding off of the status quo have been united in preparation for these upcoming elections by undermining the Trump administration with the most vicious propaganda seen in over 100 years.

The real issue in the 2018 election will be whether there will remain enough voters with the fortitude to fight this unholy alliance or whether a majority will surrender to the Deep State bureaucracy. Where will you stand?
No Hillary for you to beat up in 2018, rube. The alt-right is about to be slaughtered.

Not likely.

Too many seats in the Senate to defend and the House will be hard to win.
Thanks to Trump, Democrat seats will be easier than ever to defend, and the House can flip any time. Especially if the rubes keep convincing Dump to stay the course.

Democrats have to defend too many seats in the Senate to take the Senate.

Then you have to remember the House seats are harder to flip this time with the hatred from both sides.

I say 2018 Will be a push...
If card's are played correctly, 2018 will be an avalanche

Yeah, and if 2016 taught me one thing it is don't count on the Democrats not to mess it up!

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