2018 fire season on the West Coast of North America

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
2018 British Columbia wildfires | Google Crisis Map


Map shows where 566 wildfires are burning in British Columbia as state of emergency declared

As has been predicted, the increasing warmth, and the drying of the forests has created a perfect environment for large and numerous forest fires. Today, we are seeing that in spades in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

From space, numerous wildfires look like glittering embers strewn across a vast swath of the Pacific Northwest - ImaGeo
Climate Change in BC Dave Daust Historic climate Fifteen thousand years ago, most of BC was covered in ice. The ice melted between thirteen and ten thousand years ago after which the climate became warm, initially drier and then moister. About 4,500 years ago, BC entered a cooler period. Over the last 1,000 years, the northern hemisphere followed a slow cooling trend until about 1900 when rapid warming began, corresponding with increased industrialization and land clearing (Figure 1). Within those general trends are warmer and cooler periods as shown by the red oscillations in the figure below. See Hebda (1995) and Spittlehouse (2008) for further detail.

Figure 1. “Variation in the annual Northern Hemisphere temperature over the last 2000 years expressed as the difference between the annual values and the 1961–1990 average. The green line shows data from the instrumental record and the red line is a multiproxy reconstruction from tree rings, ice cores, and corals. The blue line is the low-frequency component with uncertainty. (Adapted from Moberg et al. 2005.)” Reproduced from Spittlehouse 2008 with permission.

Climate varies over a range of temporal scales. Variation in Earth’s tilt and orbit around the sun influence variation over centuries and millennia (Milankovitch cycles - Wikipedia). Several climatic oscillations that operate on the scale of years to decades affect BC, including the El Niño Southern Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Pacific North American Pattern and Arctic Oscillation (Moore et al. 2010). Variation due to oscillations can exceed mean changes in climate variables over a century (Rodenhuis et al. 2009). For example, in southwestern BC, precipitation in La Niña/cool PDO years is 39% greater than in El Nino/warm PDO years (Kiffney et al. 2002).

BC has become warmer over the last century. Northern and southern BC have warmed more than coastal BC and parts of central BC (Rodenhuis 2009). Annual minimum temperatures have warmed more than maximum temperatures—BC is becoming “less cold” rather than “warmer” (Rodenhuis 2009, Pike et al. 2008). All seasons have warmed, but winter has warmed the most. As a result of warming, seasons are changing. The frost-free period has lengthened by 21 days over the last half of the last century.

Much more information in the article.
Climate change? More like poor management and illegals playing with matches. It looks like liberal loons are trying to blame everything on global warming.
Another ignoramus chimes in. 21 more frost free days. More bug kill. Longer dry spells, and more lightning storms. Yes, climate change is definately impacting our forests, and those of our good neighbor to the north, Canada. So you think that illegals started the fires in BC and the North Cascades? I think you are even more stupid than your posts indicate. A really stupid bigot by all indications.
Another ignoramus chimes in. 21 more frost free days. More bug kill. Longer dry spells, and more lightning storms. Yes, climate change is definately impacting our forests, and those of our good neighbor to the north, Canada. So you think that illegals started the fires in BC and the North Cascades? I think you are even more stupid than your posts indicate. A really stupid bigot by all indications.
Don't like being disagreed with do you troll? It shows. But hey, we all know this climate change crap is all made up to extort more money from us.

It's just a bad drought season. Duh

I encourage anybody to go look at any historical map of US drought over the past 100 years. Sometimes bad....sometimes nothing.....for years. This idea that the drought is connected to AGW is only embraced by the k00ks.
Speaking of Ignoramus's Old Crock is it...

Your making false causation assessments that do not have facts to back them up. Even native Americans have tribal records from the 1600-1700's that have cyclical massive fires during dry times.

Poor forest management is the real problem here pushed by enviro wackos... Had trees been harvested and the forest allowed to floor burn removing the under fuels a crown fire, like we are seeing today, would not be happening.

Its because of left wing green freaks that we are seeing the problems today and why our forests are dying from beetles and other infestations that natural fires dealt with.

It's just a bad drought season. Duh

I encourage anybody to go look at any historical map of US drought over the past 100 years. Sometimes bad....sometimes nothing.....for years. This idea that the drought is connected to AGW is only embraced by the k00ks.
566 wild fires burning in BC....OMG that`s "only" ~ 1100 short of the average number of wild fires for British Columbia.
Wildfire Averages - Province of British Columbia

It's just a bad drought season. Duh

I encourage anybody to go look at any historical map of US drought over the past 100 years. Sometimes bad....sometimes nothing.....for years. This idea that the drought is connected to AGW is only embraced by the k00ks.
566 wild fires burning in BC....OMG that`s "only" ~ 1100 short of the average number of wild fires for British Columbia.
Wildfire Averages - Province of British Columbia


Kosh, quite posting Spencer's baseline fudging fraud. You know it's a fraud. Everyone knows Spencer fudged the baseline, and that he did it deliberately.

As far as fires go, you can plot California temperature and wildfire area on the same graph, and the correlation is extremely strong. When it's a hot year, wildfire levels are higher. Thus, it's hilarious to watch deniers claiming that a warming climate is unrelated to wildfire levels. No wonder the whole planet is laughing at them.

"It's the brush!" is a dopey theory. Brush grows high in a couple years. Burned areas can reburn in a couple years. Claiming that a no-burn policy abandoned in the 1970s is causing fires now is delusional. And claiming that we need to remove mature forests (which don't burn well) and leave behind the slash piles (which do burn well) to control fires is amazingly stupid.

Wildfire levels are now unprecedented. No, burn area wasn't higher in the 1930s. That's an apples vs. oranges comparison, as the 1930s data includes fires set for clearing farmland across the entire nation, which was a common agricultural practice at the time.
Kosh, quite posting Spencer's baseline fudging fraud. You know it's a fraud. Everyone knows Spencer fudged the baseline, and that he did it deliberately.

As far as fires go, you can plot California temperature and wildfire area on the same graph, and the correlation is extremely strong. When it's a hot year, wildfire levels are higher. Thus, it's hilarious to watch deniers claiming that a warming climate is unrelated to wildfire levels. No wonder the whole planet is laughing at them.

"It's the brush!" is a dopey theory. Brush grows high in a couple years. Burned areas can reburn in a couple years. Claiming that a no-burn policy abandoned in the 1970s is causing fires now is delusional. And claiming that we need to remove mature forests (which don't burn well) and leave behind the slash piles (which do burn well) to control fires is amazingly stupid.

Wildfire levels are now unprecedented. No, burn area wasn't higher in the 1930s. That's an apples vs. oranges comparison, as the 1930s data includes fires set for clearing farmland across the entire nation, which was a common agricultural practice at the time.

"The whole planet is laughing at deniers."

Which planet? Not this planet.

In the real world ( outside of community messages boards :fingerscrossed:) deniers could not possibly be be winning more decisively. Some have opinions about climate change effecting the planet, but climate change action is happening nowhere, most notably in the US.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:. When that happens, climate crusaders can boast all they want about the "decided science" but until then, the level of losing continues to be prolific!!

What genuine, no-bullshit ambition on climate change would look like
Which planet? Not this planet.

On this planet, when everyone sees you claiming that warming temperatures have nothing to with increased wildfires, they stand for a moment with jaws dropped, shocked that you somehow managed to reach adulthood without wearing a helmet.

Seriously, everyone thinks the denier position here is retarded. That's because it is. You may not understand that, because you only hang around with the other cultists you read on cult conspiracy blogs, but it's true. When you talk about how global warming has nothing to do with increased wildfires, the whole world laughs at you.

Seriously, why do you think your common-sense-defying position isn't stupid? And why do I always have to stage these interventions?
And then again, if global warming is causing this, why isn't it burning everywhere?
Mikey boi, you are the dumbest of fucks. Over 90 dead in just Greece alone from one wild fire. Fires in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Many north of the Arctic Circle. Big fires in
Russia as well. Where ever the unusual heat coincided with a drought period, there have been fires.
And then again, if global warming is causing this, why isn't it burning everywhere?
Mikey boi, you are the dumbest of fucks. Over 90 dead in just Greece alone from one wild fire. Fires in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Many north of the Arctic Circle. Big fires in
Russia as well. Where ever the unusual heat coincided with a drought period, there have been fires.
So, no answer, again.
Face it, Mikey boi, you are just plain too stupid to understand a clear answer. Compared to past years, very large areas in the Northern Hemisphere have been, or are on fire.
Kosh, quite posting Spencer's baseline fudging fraud. You know it's a fraud. Everyone knows Spencer fudged the baseline, and that he did it deliberately.

As far as fires go, you can plot California temperature and wildfire area on the same graph, and the correlation is extremely strong. When it's a hot year, wildfire levels are higher. Thus, it's hilarious to watch deniers claiming that a warming climate is unrelated to wildfire levels. No wonder the whole planet is laughing at them.

"It's the brush!" is a dopey theory. Brush grows high in a couple years. Burned areas can reburn in a couple years. Claiming that a no-burn policy abandoned in the 1970s is causing fires now is delusional. And claiming that we need to remove mature forests (which don't burn well) and leave behind the slash piles (which do burn well) to control fires is amazingly stupid.

Wildfire levels are now unprecedented. No, burn area wasn't higher in the 1930s. That's an apples vs. oranges comparison, as the 1930s data includes fires set for clearing farmland across the entire nation, which was a common agricultural practice at the time.
But people like Kosh will continue to post the lie. After all, it is all they have. A measured 21 more frost free days in BC. But that means nothing at all to dumb fucks like you.

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