2018 is approaching quickly - Your vote is more important than ever


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
If you follow the news, Democrats are flocking to file for their bid for office in huge numbers.

They believe they smell weakness and blood on the Right. Also, it's the primary reason California and other Left states are vigorously fighting ANY attempts at correcting abuses and corruption in the voting process. They KNOW they will lose without illegal votes.

The Left WILL be out in droves voting against "Trump" in 2018.....and with Trump in office, many on the right may feel it's not as important or as motivating to get out and vote as they did in November.

But remember.....Trump still needs support in the chambers to get fair Supreme Court Justices in place.
If the Left succeeds in taking over the House and Senate next year that will become MUCH more difficult.

Now more than ever its CRUCIAL for you to talk to all your friends wanting to Make America Great Again and make sure they know what's at stake.

We cannot afford to sit back and watch the Left regain power. We KNOW the destruction they want to bring to this nation.

Start getting the word out NOW. Please emphasize to everyone you know how important the 2018 elections are.

It's CRITICAL that the right does not get complacent. It's not optional like it was 30 years ago. Your families' safety depends on your vote now.

The right has the votes to win...IF THEY GO AND CAST THEM.
Neither senator in my state are up for re-election next year.

Probably stay home
in the music biz there is an expression "the cream rises to the top"

the dems have sour cream. no rising, and no top.

they need to find a new shade of socialism.
If you follow the news, Democrats are flocking to file for their bid for office in huge numbers.

They believe they smell weakness and blood on the Right. Also, it's the primary reason California and other Left states are vigorously fighting ANY attempts at correcting abuses and corruption in the voting process. They KNOW they will lose without illegal votes.


Actual link to these 'illegal votes'?

Oh wait --- here's one. Your move.

The Left WILL be out in droves voting against "Trump" in 2018.....and with Trump in office, many on the right may feel it's not as important or as motivating to get out and vote as they did in November.

Only 55^% of the electorate even bothered to vote last November. That's a lot of people looking at their options and going, "fuck it, what's the point?"

On the other hand the Electoral College won't be in play so 2018 votes will actually mean something.

But remember.....Trump still needs support in the chambers to get fair Supreme Court Justices in place.
If the Left succeeds in taking over the House and Senate next year that will become MUCH more difficult.

Now more than ever its CRUCIAL for you to talk to all your friends wanting to Make America Great Again and make sure they know what's at stake.

We cannot afford to sit back and watch the Left regain power. We KNOW the destruction they want to bring to this nation.

Start getting the word out NOW. Please emphasize to everyone you know how important the 2018 elections are.

It's CRITICAL that the right does not get complacent. It's not optional like it was 30 years ago. Your families' safety depends on your vote now.

The right has the votes to win...IF THEY GO AND CAST THEM.

You sound nervous.

Understandably so.
Neither senator in my state are up for re-election next year.

Probably stay home

There's part of what's (not) going on.

You have plenty to vote for besides Senators. Everybody does. For one thing everybody has a Congressional rep up for election.
As long as it's black people and Jews who are elected, I don't really care.
I certainly will not save Trump. If the Republican Party wants him then they can sink with him. The so-called conservative movement a hateful monolithic group and the so-called Freedom Caucus is a joke. It consists of telling poor people to drop dead.

Ronald Reagan transformed the party and the conservative movement. Jack Kemp promoted his tax ideas. Gingrich and a group of conservatives promoted non-bureaucratic solutions to the country's problems. Heritage also worked on ideas.
If you follow the news, Democrats are flocking to file for their bid for office in huge numbers.

They believe they smell weakness and blood on the Right. Also, it's the primary reason California and other Left states are vigorously fighting ANY attempts at correcting abuses and corruption in the voting process. They KNOW they will lose without illegal votes.

The Left WILL be out in droves voting against "Trump" in 2018.....and with Trump in office, many on the right may feel it's not as important or as motivating to get out and vote as they did in November.

But remember.....Trump still needs support in the chambers to get fair Supreme Court Justices in place.
If the Left succeeds in taking over the House and Senate next year that will become MUCH more difficult.

Now more than ever its CRUCIAL for you to talk to all your friends wanting to Make America Great Again and make sure they know what's at stake.

We cannot afford to sit back and watch the Left regain power. We KNOW the destruction they want to bring to this nation.

Start getting the word out NOW. Please emphasize to everyone you know how important the 2018 elections are.

It's CRITICAL that the right does not get complacent. It's not optional like it was 30 years ago. Your families' safety depends on your vote now.

The right has the votes to win...IF THEY GO AND CAST THEM.

it's true they lost partly because of their giant egos... but every silent majority vote is precious.
Despite the boor at the top channeling the ghost of Benito Mussolini...

I seriously doubt that a Dem could get elected Dogcatcher in much of the country at present...

White Straight Christian Middle America has had a bellyful of Fruit Loops and Beaners...
If Republicans still have nothing to show for their majorities by then I wonder what republican voters think they will be voting for? They have all they ever dreamed of and yet they are paralyzed. Everything about these times defies prediction but at some point I like to believe Americans are going to get tired of partisan excuses why we just cannot get anything done anymore or how working men and women comprise the most unrepresented voting block.
We could stop all the silly stuff & really take the time & energy to see what/who is being put up in 20, & make some informed choices, get some people working for us all. yes I no I am a dreamer but am not the only one.
McCaskill is up for re-election in Missouri & those in the know say she will lose because Trump our state by almost 20 points!! LANDSLIDE!!

So she's gotta be a goner. Of course I'm voting for whoever her opponent is!
If Republicans still have nothing to show for their majorities by then I wonder what republican voters think they will be voting for? They have all they ever dreamed of and yet they are paralyzed. Everything about these times defies prediction but at some point I like to believe Americans are going to get tired of partisan excuses why we just cannot get anything done anymore or how working men and women comprise the most unrepresented voting block.

What about the motivation of keeping Pelosi, Schumer, & their band of lunatic liberals OUT of power?
You sound nervous.
Understandably so.

Because I fully understand the danger of the Leftist agenda.
It's obvious you do not.

Thanks to the Left....the USA is divided irreparably, North Korea has achieved their goal of the ability to nuke the US, and Iran is right behind. You and your ilk OWN these threats.

You should be forced to live in Venezuela for a year, then deported to North Korea where you should feel more at home.
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If Republicans still have nothing to show for their majorities by then I wonder what republican voters think they will be voting for? They have all they ever dreamed of and yet they are paralyzed. Everything about these times defies prediction but at some point I like to believe Americans are going to get tired of partisan excuses why we just cannot get anything done anymore or how working men and women comprise the most unrepresented voting block.

What about the motivation of keeping Pelosi, Schumer, & their band of lunatic liberals OUT of power?
That only works for people who have already been permanently frightened into voting republican. The important people in an election are not partisans like you and me but those people in the middle who go either way. Do not make the mistake of thinking the majority think exactly like you do. This is practically never the case if you have strong political opinions. I do not like the current political leadership of the democratic party so you are getting no defense of them from me. Their lack of strategic vision has been an irritation to me for a long time.
Indeed, remember to vote. Make sure that the west will prevail over the rest, aka. traitors and the plantation drones willing to sacrifice anything and everything on the altar of free shit.
I make an effort to vote in every election, even special ones. Keeping democrooks out of political power is something I relish.

If we could get more libertarians in office we would be doing a lot better.

If Democrats regain control of congress in 2018 the only Supreme Court justice that I see as having a chance of being approved in '19 and '20 is Merrick Garland.
If Democrats regain control of congress in 2018 the only Supreme Court justice that I see as having a chance of being approved in '19 and '20 is Merrick Garland.


He'll be the first guy Trump nominates I'll bet...



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