2018 Swedish Music Festival Cancelled After Sexual Assault Reports At This Year’s Event

This story took place in Sweden, but the same thing happens here in America. And being an American it is concerning to me that we excuse the thought process that leads to it as just locker room talk. It is unacceptable, yet a segment of our society has accepted it. I am making a point of it.
Good grief, either start your own damn TRUMP THREAD, or LEAVE THIS ONE if you can't handle the topic
Yeah those people are fucked up there in Sweden........let in too many of those Somalians. Fucking duh........those shitforbrains have permanently changed their culture.:2up: The whole prominent great identifying feature of Swedish culture was the stunning blondes......now a species near extinction. That sucks..........but Im curious if anybody knows. So if a Somalian taps a pure blonde, what color is the hair of the baby's hair?? DAMNIFIKNOW?
Glass houses.

We've been doing the same. Doesn't mean The People deserve what our governments do to us -- well, libs deserve their policies.
Yeah those people are fucked up there in Sweden........let in too many of those Somalians. Fucking duh........those shitforbrains have permanently changed their culture.:2up: The whole prominent great identifying feature of Swedish culture was the stunning blondes......now a species near extinction. That sucks..........but Im curious if anybody knows. So if a Somalian taps a pure blonde, what color is the hair of the baby's hair?? DAMNIFIKNOW?
Glass houses.

We've been doing the same. Doesn't mean The People deserve what our governments do to us -- well, libs deserve their policies.

Correct..........which is why the travel ban has to be extended and our screening policies have to be ruthless. Cant afford an invasion like the dumbasses in Britain let happen.:2up:
Yeah those people are fucked up there in Sweden........let in too many of those Somalians. Fucking duh........those shitforbrains have permanently changed their culture.:2up: The whole prominent great identifying feature of Swedish culture was the stunning blondes......now a species near extinction. That sucks..........but Im curious if anybody knows. So if a Somalian taps a pure blonde, what color is the hair of the baby's hair?? DAMNIFIKNOW?
Glass houses.

We've been doing the same. Doesn't mean The People deserve what our governments do to us -- well, libs deserve their policies.

Correct..........which is why the travel ban has to be extended and our screening policies have to be ruthless. Cant afford an invasion like the dumbasses in Britain let happen.:2up:

American liberals however will fight us every step of the way.
Gee, wonder who the attackers are?

Multiple cases of sexual violence — including rape — reported at Bravalla Festival for second year in a row.

Following multiple reports of rape and sexual assault for the second consecutive year, one of Sweden’s largest music festivals has announced that it’s pulling the plug on next year’s event.

Swedish authorities said one case of rape and 11 cases of sexual assaulthad been reported at this year’s Bravalla Festival, held from last Wednesday through Saturday in the town of Norrköping, according to the Associated Press. The rape victim was reportedly attacked during a performance by Swedish artist and event headliner Håkan Hellström on Friday. Other performers at this year’s event included American rock band The Killers, DJ duo The Chainsmokers, and Alesso, the Swedish House DJ.

In light of the reports, festival organizer FKP Scorpio said Saturday it was cancelling Bravalla 2018.

“Words cannot describe how incredibly sad we are about this, and we most seriously regret and condemn this,” said a press release on the festival’s website. “This is not f-ing okay. We do not accept this at our festival.”

The organizer added that though it had done “everything in our power” to create a safe festival experience, “some men — because we are talking about men — apparently can’t behave. It’s a shame.”

2018 Swedish Music Festival Cancelled After Sexual Assault Reports At This Year's Event | HuffPost

When you purposefully change the demographics of your nation, you are choosing to change the culture of your nation.

The end result will be that you will have to live with the culture that you are importing.

Say hello to the new Sweden, dumbfucks.

Had you bothered to read the linked report, you would find that sexual assault has become a problem at music festivals all over Europe and not just in Sweden.

These festivals are attended by mostly young WHITE audiences, so don't even try to blame this on Muslims, which I know you're trying to do.

Middle Eastern refugees have little to no interest in white, Western rock and roll acts, but you get points for trying to deflect away from bad behaviour by white guys.
Has Trump been charged with a crime you fucking idiot?

That isn't the topic of this thread. We know liberal assholes will do anything to avoid facing the consequences of their governing

Trump has been charged with and convicted of multiple crimes: racial discrimination in housing, two counts of fraud (Trump University), illegal campaign contributions, and illegal fundraising, among others.
Gee, wonder who the attackers are?

Multiple cases of sexual violence — including rape — reported at Bravalla Festival for second year in a row.

Following multiple reports of rape and sexual assault for the second consecutive year, one of Sweden’s largest music festivals has announced that it’s pulling the plug on next year’s event.

Swedish authorities said one case of rape and 11 cases of sexual assaulthad been reported at this year’s Bravalla Festival, held from last Wednesday through Saturday in the town of Norrköping, according to the Associated Press. The rape victim was reportedly attacked during a performance by Swedish artist and event headliner Håkan Hellström on Friday. Other performers at this year’s event included American rock band The Killers, DJ duo The Chainsmokers, and Alesso, the Swedish House DJ.

In light of the reports, festival organizer FKP Scorpio said Saturday it was cancelling Bravalla 2018.

“Words cannot describe how incredibly sad we are about this, and we most seriously regret and condemn this,” said a press release on the festival’s website. “This is not f-ing okay. We do not accept this at our festival.”

The organizer added that though it had done “everything in our power” to create a safe festival experience, “some men — because we are talking about men — apparently can’t behave. It’s a shame.”

2018 Swedish Music Festival Cancelled After Sexual Assault Reports At This Year's Event | HuffPost

When you purposefully change the demographics of your nation, you are choosing to change the culture of your nation.

The end result will be that you will have to live with the culture that you are importing.

Say hello to the new Sweden, dumbfucks.

Had you bothered to read the linked report, you would find that sexual assault has become a problem at music festivals all over Europe and not just in Sweden.

These festivals are attended by mostly young WHITE audiences, so don't even try to blame this on Muslims, which I know you're trying to do.

Middle Eastern refugees have little to no interest in white, Western rock and roll acts, but you get points for trying to deflect away from bad behaviour by white guys.

Excuse me, but Muslims were the ones who were to blame at this event last year, so it's not much of a stretch to believe they are the ones to blame again.
Gee, wonder who the attackers are?

Multiple cases of sexual violence — including rape — reported at Bravalla Festival for second year in a row.

Following multiple reports of rape and sexual assault for the second consecutive year, one of Sweden’s largest music festivals has announced that it’s pulling the plug on next year’s event.

Swedish authorities said one case of rape and 11 cases of sexual assaulthad been reported at this year’s Bravalla Festival, held from last Wednesday through Saturday in the town of Norrköping, according to the Associated Press. The rape victim was reportedly attacked during a performance by Swedish artist and event headliner Håkan Hellström on Friday. Other performers at this year’s event included American rock band The Killers, DJ duo The Chainsmokers, and Alesso, the Swedish House DJ.

In light of the reports, festival organizer FKP Scorpio said Saturday it was cancelling Bravalla 2018.

“Words cannot describe how incredibly sad we are about this, and we most seriously regret and condemn this,” said a press release on the festival’s website. “This is not f-ing okay. We do not accept this at our festival.”

The organizer added that though it had done “everything in our power” to create a safe festival experience, “some men — because we are talking about men — apparently can’t behave. It’s a shame.”

2018 Swedish Music Festival Cancelled After Sexual Assault Reports At This Year's Event | HuffPost

When you purposefully change the demographics of your nation, you are choosing to change the culture of your nation.

The end result will be that you will have to live with the culture that you are importing.

Say hello to the new Sweden, dumbfucks.

Had you bothered to read the linked report, you would find that sexual assault has become a problem at music festivals all over Europe and not just in Sweden.

These festivals are attended by mostly young WHITE audiences, so don't even try to blame this on Muslims, which I know you're trying to do.

Middle Eastern refugees have little to no interest in white, Western rock and roll acts, but you get points for trying to deflect away from bad behaviour by white guys.

Excuse me, but Muslims were the ones who were to blame at this event last year, so it's not much of a stretch to believe they are the ones to blame again.

Really??? Link please, and not to some right wing Nazi/White Supremicist website.
Do you want to go record as doubting that it is muslim men?
I am on record as denouncing the crimes regardless of ethnicity or religion. Men who feel that their religion gives them licence to molest women are just as deplorable as men who feel their notoriety does.

What nonsense. Men who FEEL their religion entitles them to molest women are certainly permitted to FEEL that way. I would go so far as to encourage them to FEEL that way. As long as they don't ACT on FEELINGS.

Men who FEEL their notoriety gives them license to molest women are in a different category since women, when faced with a notorious man, does everything in her power to encourage molestation. Such men do not act on such feelings. Women act on those feelings for them. Women have been throwing their panties at famous men ever since Las Vegas had their first Rat Pack show/ Since Elvis, and Tom Jones and every other famous or almost famous person. Every famoous man attracts groupies the way statues attracts pigeons.

It is the present day left whose lives are ruled by FEELINGS as if those feelings were actual and tangible. Muslims are using that to give weight to their sexual emergencies.

It's a feeling, buttercup, suck it up.
Gee, wonder who the attackers are?

Multiple cases of sexual violence — including rape — reported at Bravalla Festival for second year in a row.

Following multiple reports of rape and sexual assault for the second consecutive year, one of Sweden’s largest music festivals has announced that it’s pulling the plug on next year’s event.

Swedish authorities said one case of rape and 11 cases of sexual assaulthad been reported at this year’s Bravalla Festival, held from last Wednesday through Saturday in the town of Norrköping, according to the Associated Press. The rape victim was reportedly attacked during a performance by Swedish artist and event headliner Håkan Hellström on Friday. Other performers at this year’s event included American rock band The Killers, DJ duo The Chainsmokers, and Alesso, the Swedish House DJ.

In light of the reports, festival organizer FKP Scorpio said Saturday it was cancelling Bravalla 2018.

“Words cannot describe how incredibly sad we are about this, and we most seriously regret and condemn this,” said a press release on the festival’s website. “This is not f-ing okay. We do not accept this at our festival.”

The organizer added that though it had done “everything in our power” to create a safe festival experience, “some men — because we are talking about men — apparently can’t behave. It’s a shame.”

2018 Swedish Music Festival Cancelled After Sexual Assault Reports At This Year's Event | HuffPost

When you purposefully change the demographics of your nation, you are choosing to change the culture of your nation.

The end result will be that you will have to live with the culture that you are importing.

Say hello to the new Sweden, dumbfucks.

Had you bothered to read the linked report, you would find that sexual assault has become a problem at music festivals all over Europe and not just in Sweden.

These festivals are attended by mostly young WHITE audiences, so don't even try to blame this on Muslims, which I know you're trying to do.

Middle Eastern refugees have little to no interest in white, Western rock and roll acts, but you get points for trying to deflect away from bad behaviour by white guys.

Excuse me, but Muslims were the ones who were to blame at this event last year, so it's not much of a stretch to believe they are the ones to blame again.

Really??? Link please, and not to some right wing Nazi/White Supremicist website.

Swedish music festivals hit by reports of rapes by 'migrants'

4 JULY 2016 • 9:11PM

Police in Sweden are investigating five reported rapes and nearly forty instances of groping at two music festivals over the weekend.

“Foreign young men“ were blamed by police for the attacks at one of the festivals and at least two unaccompanied migrant youths were under arrest.

Police recorded five reports of rapes and 12 of sexual molestation at Bravalla, Sweden's biggest music festival, and 35 reports of sexual molestation at Putte i Parken, a free festival in Karlstad, where the youngest victim was just twelve years old.

An anonymous 15-year-old girl told Expressen newspaper that no fewer than five of her six friends had been sexually molested by “foreign youths” during the Karlstad event.

A man had come up behind her and started grinding against her, she said. A young man had groped one of her friends through her jeans.

Alexandra Larsson, 17, told MailOnline that she had not seen exactly who had assaulted her at Putte i Parken.

She stressed, however, that that the group of 18-19 year old boys standing behind her were “not from a Swedish background”.

“They were probably immigrants. I hate to say it. But it is the truth,”she said.

In January the Swedish police and media were accused of covering up a spate of sexual offences involving young migrants at We Are Sthlm, a free summer youth festival in Stockholm.

Swedish music festivals hit by reports of rapes by 'migrants'

These festivals are attended by mostly young WHITE audiences, so don't even try to blame this on Muslims, which I know you're trying to do.

Middle Eastern refugees have little to no interest in white, Western rock and roll acts, but you get points for trying to deflect away from bad behaviour by white guys.
Do you have to actually work at always being wrong, or does it just come naturally? The animals go there because thats where the WHITE, INFIDEL WHORES ARE.
Sweden needs to adopt the rules of immigration that Poland has. Ain't no fucking towelhead immigrating there
First of all, is there any evidence that indicates the ethnicity or religion of the perpetrators of these sexual assaults at the rock concert?
Regardless, I am addressing the attitude or thought process that leads to the crimes that are being perpetrated by men. It is the same regardless of ethnicity or religious belief. It is you who is making the attempt to deflect from that.
Let's analyze:

1. Go to a rock concert
2. See women in attendance,
3. Rape them.

Looks like Muslim M.O.

Yeah it is their typical M.O.
ess of ethnicity or religion. Men who feel that their religion gives them licence to molest women are just as deplorable as men who feel their notoriety does
Candidate Trump never said he grabs womens pussies. You assholes made that up. No evidence, not even video or audio.
ess of ethnicity or religion. Men who feel that their religion gives them licence to molest women are just as deplorable as men who feel their notoriety does
Candidate Trump never said he grabs womens pussies. You assholes made that up. No evidence, not even video or audio.
He said he can do it, due to his notoriety. I thought that was clear.
You see we have a problem in society. Too many men feel this way, for differing reasons I suppose. And many of them act out on it, Trump being one. The bullshit that took place at the Swedish rock festival, that shit happens here as well. I think Americans who don't live in Sweden and don't really know what is going on in Swedish society ought to be a little less concerned with Sweden and a little more concerned with what happens here in our own society right before their eyes.
Gee, wonder who the attackers are?

Multiple cases of sexual violence — including rape — reported at Bravalla Festival for second year in a row.

Following multiple reports of rape and sexual assault for the second consecutive year, one of Sweden’s largest music festivals has announced that it’s pulling the plug on next year’s event.

Swedish authorities said one case of rape and 11 cases of sexual assaulthad been reported at this year’s Bravalla Festival, held from last Wednesday through Saturday in the town of Norrköping, according to the Associated Press. The rape victim was reportedly attacked during a performance by Swedish artist and event headliner Håkan Hellström on Friday. Other performers at this year’s event included American rock band The Killers, DJ duo The Chainsmokers, and Alesso, the Swedish House DJ.

In light of the reports, festival organizer FKP Scorpio said Saturday it was cancelling Bravalla 2018.

“Words cannot describe how incredibly sad we are about this, and we most seriously regret and condemn this,” said a press release on the festival’s website. “This is not f-ing okay. We do not accept this at our festival.”

The organizer added that though it had done “everything in our power” to create a safe festival experience, “some men — because we are talking about men — apparently can’t behave. It’s a shame.”

2018 Swedish Music Festival Cancelled After Sexual Assault Reports At This Year's Event | HuffPost

When you purposefully change the demographics of your nation, you are choosing to change the culture of your nation.

The end result will be that you will have to live with the culture that you are importing.

Say hello to the new Sweden, dumbfucks.

Had you bothered to read the linked report, you would find that sexual assault has become a problem at music festivals all over Europe and not just in Sweden.

These festivals are attended by mostly young WHITE audiences, so don't even try to blame this on Muslims, which I know you're trying to do.

Middle Eastern refugees have little to no interest in white, Western rock and roll acts, but you get points for trying to deflect away from bad behaviour by white guys.

Are you trying to gloss over the fact that muslim immigration is not limited to sweden?

By refusing to face the problem honestly, you are actively fighting to make sure that this new sexual assault on women problem will NOT BE ADDRESSED and thus will continue to grow and become the new normal.

Resulting not only in millions of traumatized women and girls, but in women's right's over all getting turned back by generations.

Are you aware of the rotherham rape ring scandal? The type of political correctness you are supporting here is exactly the same as the culture that directly led to the rape of over one thousand girls.
So Swedish men are trending toward sexual violence?

It is a puzzlement. Could there be another factor involved?

Cause that's new to sweden...

He said he can do it, due to his notoriety. I thought that was clear. ...snip ...
. Saying he can do it and doing it are two different things. Donald Trump never grabbed women by the pussy. There are women who will throw themselves at notable, usually rich men. That is the point he was making not that he grabs women like that. Saying he grabs women by the pussy is a lie meant to destroy his good character

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