2019 Military Budget of $676 Billions

ccording to everything I've been reading for the past few years the US spends 9-10 times MORE than the next 9 nations COMBINED .......AND.......BOTH the russians and chinese are capable of "winning" a war with the US by themselves......and now that they are sharing their superior technologies and weapons.....

If China and Russia who spend a fraction of what we spend on defense are both capable of winning a war with us, then maybe our defense dollars are not being spent very wisely.

Exactly, they are incapable of invading us
We maintain a military that can invade them

just asking out of curiosity: do you think that if either china or russia (or iran) ever believed they could "WIN" a war with the US that they would actually start one? (i think they would)
Don't be silly. China's naval build up (they haven't kept it any secret) is designed to keep their ports from being bottled up as they have had happen to them in the past. The Russians continue to improve quality while building down their force levels. Neither have their military designed as aggressive expansionist forces. Keep pushing them and this will change.
ccording to everything I've been reading for the past few years the US spends 9-10 times MORE than the next 9 nations COMBINED .......AND.......BOTH the russians and chinese are capable of "winning" a war with the US by themselves......and now that they are sharing their superior technologies and weapons.....

If China and Russia who spend a fraction of what we spend on defense are both capable of winning a war with us, then maybe our defense dollars are not being spent very wisely.

Exactly, they are incapable of invading us
We maintain a military that can invade them

just asking out of curiosity: do you think that if either china or russia (or iran) ever believed they could "WIN" a war with the US that they would actually start one? (i think they would)
Don't be silly. China's naval build up (they haven't kept it any secret) is designed to keep their ports from being bottled up as they have had happen to them in the past. The Russians continue to improve quality while building down their force levels. Neither have their military designed as aggressive expansionist forces. Keep pushing them and this will change.
Russia is capable of bullying Ukraine
China is extending influence in the S China sea

Neither has global reach
So do MA and VA. What do you do for work? You’re not a capitalist if you like BHO and HRC
I’m a retired DOD engineer

HOW F are you a Leftist then? You also must know that companies like Raytheon, Lockheed and MITRE are essential to the defense of the US both actual and cyber.

MITRE sucks

Would not hire you? LOL

They definitely do not suck.

I hired them

I know them well. So you want to cut the military spend but you’re OK collecting your pension from the military?
ccording to everything I've been reading for the past few years the US spends 9-10 times MORE than the next 9 nations COMBINED .......AND.......BOTH the russians and chinese are capable of "winning" a war with the US by themselves......and now that they are sharing their superior technologies and weapons.....

If China and Russia who spend a fraction of what we spend on defense are both capable of winning a war with us, then maybe our defense dollars are not being spent very wisely.

Exactly, they are incapable of invading us
We maintain a military that can invade them

just asking out of curiosity: do you think that if either china or russia (or iran) ever believed they could "WIN" a war with the US that they would actually start one? (i think they would)
Don't be silly. China's naval build up (they haven't kept it any secret) is designed to keep their ports from being bottled up as they have had happen to them in the past. The Russians continue to improve quality while building down their force levels. Neither have their military designed as aggressive expansionist forces. Keep pushing them and this will change.
Russia is capable of bullying Ukraine
China is extending influence in the S China sea

Neither has global reach

Russia is doing a bang up job in Syria. And certainly had its way in Cuba. You think they have less reach now than they did in the 60s?
If China and Russia who spend a fraction of what we spend on defense are both capable of winning a war with us, then maybe our defense dollars are not being spent very wisely.

Exactly, they are incapable of invading us
We maintain a military that can invade them

just asking out of curiosity: do you think that if either china or russia (or iran) ever believed they could "WIN" a war with the US that they would actually start one? (i think they would)
Don't be silly. China's naval build up (they haven't kept it any secret) is designed to keep their ports from being bottled up as they have had happen to them in the past. The Russians continue to improve quality while building down their force levels. Neither have their military designed as aggressive expansionist forces. Keep pushing them and this will change.
Russia is capable of bullying Ukraine
China is extending influence in the S China sea

Neither has global reach

Russia is doing a bang up job in Syria. And certainly had its way in Cuba. You think they have less reach now than they did in the 60s?
How about cutting all military spending that ends up in ISRAEL????

That's likely at least $100 billion of it....
I’m a retired DOD engineer

HOW F are you a Leftist then? You also must know that companies like Raytheon, Lockheed and MITRE are essential to the defense of the US both actual and cyber.

MITRE sucks

Would not hire you? LOL

They definitely do not suck.

I hired them

I know them well. So you want to cut the military spend but you’re OK collecting your pension from the military?
I collect my pension from OPM
If China and Russia who spend a fraction of what we spend on defense are both capable of winning a war with us, then maybe our defense dollars are not being spent very wisely.

Exactly, they are incapable of invading us
We maintain a military that can invade them

just asking out of curiosity: do you think that if either china or russia (or iran) ever believed they could "WIN" a war with the US that they would actually start one? (i think they would)
Don't be silly. China's naval build up (they haven't kept it any secret) is designed to keep their ports from being bottled up as they have had happen to them in the past. The Russians continue to improve quality while building down their force levels. Neither have their military designed as aggressive expansionist forces. Keep pushing them and this will change.
Russia is capable of bullying Ukraine
China is extending influence in the S China sea

Neither has global reach

Russia is doing a bang up job in Syria. And certainly had its way in Cuba. You think they have less reach now than they did in the 60s?
By far
Defense spending is a jobs program for smart people.

And besides, it's constitutional so really doesn't cost us anything.
Again with the jobs bs. Call it what it is, corporate welfare. That some jobs will be created doesnt make throwing money at the conglomerate military companies a jobs bill.
Defense spending is a jobs program for smart people.

And besides, it's constitutional so really doesn't cost us anything.
Again with the jobs bs. Call it what it is, corporate welfare. That some jobs will be created doesnt make throwing money at the conglomerate military companies a jobs bill.
No matter where we throw our money, jobs will be created

Scientific research, healthcare, education, public services, infrastructure

Jobs follow the money
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.
Do you have a reputable source for this?

I cant find anything backing that up. All I see are net losses (and that does not translate into money lost due to incorrect payments or other governmental failures). Basically, I only see figures even close to that looking at the deficit...
Here is an example of some previous US military expenditures during WWII.
US forces targeted large civilian populations with great success.

The ruthless bombing of Germany and Japan was a war crime. No different from the war crimes committed by the Nazis and Imperial Japan.

It's called destroying an enemy who launched war against you.

They started the fight... we ended it.

One does this in the modern age by destroying the enemy's means of production...

And by intimidating its industrial and agricultural populations through destructive means and by death itself.

Fortunately for the United States and its People, those who thought like you were ignored, allowing the country to fight for its survival.

Yeah kill the women and children, but consider it defeating the enemy.

Mass murder from the air is no different than mass murder on the ground. Only brainwashed statists are incapable of understanding this.

It is no more idiotic to buy into the constant warfare model than it is to reject war when it truly is necessary. WW2 is an example where it was clearly necessary - we did not start that altercation and if we had stood by the world would be a practicing eugenic Germany.

If you do not see the insanity of morally equivocating our actions in WW2 and those of the Nazi regime then you seriously need to actually visit some of those sites and learn a bit of history of what went on and what was done to those people.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.
Do you have a reputable source for this?

I cant find anything backing that up. All I see are net losses (and that does not translate into money lost due to incorrect payments or other governmental failures). Basically, I only see figures even close to that looking at the deficit...
SHOCK: U.S. Made Over Trillion Dollars of Improper Payments

It seemed to be over a 2-3 year period so I remembered that wrong. But still 1.3 trillion over that span is still a ridiculous amount.
Remember when we spent $100 million to bomb a runway in Syria that was back in operation the next day? We definitely don’t spend too much on our military.
Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.
Do you have a reputable source for this?

I cant find anything backing that up. All I see are net losses (and that does not translate into money lost due to incorrect payments or other governmental failures). Basically, I only see figures even close to that looking at the deficit...
SHOCK: U.S. Made Over Trillion Dollars of Improper Payments

It seemed to be over a 2-3 year period so I remembered that wrong. But still 1.3 trillion over that span is still a ridiculous amount.

Total bullshit

Military budget is $650 billion a year. $1.3 trillion would be wasting every dollar for two years

Lots and lots of goodies. But, where the hell are they going to get the people to operate it?

How will it be spent?

Not only will the force be expanded with 16,400 additional active-duty and reserves and a 2.6 percent pay raise be introduced, there will be a mega-boost in cutting-edge tech to help ensure the United States continues to dominate in land, sea and air power.

93 F-35 fifth generation fighter jets

58 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters

66 AH-64 Apache helicopters

13 V-22 Osprey aircraft

$1.5 billion in M1 Abrams tank enhancements

3 DDG-51 Guided-Missile Destroyers (Arleigh-Burke class)

2 Virginia-Class submarines

Littoral Combat Ship (the LCS)

Hypersonic Weapons

All the details @ $674 billion of tanks, fighter jets, subs and more to boost US military power in 2019
All that spending on the military, yet the global situation is worse, not better.

And, our politicians merely use our exorbitantly expensive superpower, for "gunboat diplomacy".
Here is an example of some previous US military expenditures during WWII.
US forces targeted large civilian populations with great success.

The ruthless bombing of Germany and Japan was a war crime. No different from the war crimes committed by the Nazis and Imperial Japan.

It's called destroying an enemy who launched war against you.

They started the fight... we ended it.

One does this in the modern age by destroying the enemy's means of production...

And by intimidating its industrial and agricultural populations through destructive means and by death itself.

Fortunately for the United States and its People, those who thought like you were ignored, allowing the country to fight for its survival.

Yeah kill the women and children, but consider it defeating the enemy.

Mass murder from the air is no different than mass murder on the ground. Only brainwashed statists are incapable of understanding this.

It is no more idiotic to buy into the constant warfare model than it is to reject war when it truly is necessary. WW2 is an example where it was clearly necessary - we did not start that altercation and if we had stood by the world would be a practicing eugenic Germany.

If you do not see the insanity of morally equivocating our actions in WW2 and those of the Nazi regime then you seriously need to actually visit some of those sites and learn a bit of history of what went on and what was done to those people.

You aren’t informed. I thought like you, but no longer do.

FDR set us up for war. WWII like nearly all of America’s wars, should have been avoided. Unfortunately the ruling class loves war, because there is nothing that enriches and empowers them more than war.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the State.

War is ALWAYS a racket.
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Well what would you prefer? That we didn’t send a message to Assad that he crossed a line? I’m ok with that. And if you are also, would you have preferred putting personnel and aircraft in harms way through air strikes? I think the message needed to be sent, and I don’t have much of a problem with using cruise missiles to do so.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.
Do you have a reputable source for this?

I cant find anything backing that up. All I see are net losses (and that does not translate into money lost due to incorrect payments or other governmental failures). Basically, I only see figures even close to that looking at the deficit...
SHOCK: U.S. Made Over Trillion Dollars of Improper Payments

It seemed to be over a 2-3 year period so I remembered that wrong. But still 1.3 trillion over that span is still a ridiculous amount.

Total bullshit

Military budget is $650 billion a year. $1.3 trillion would be wasting every dollar for two years
This isn’t in relation to just the military budget. Read the article. Read my previous post, then response to it asking for sourcing.
$100 million dollars to take a runway out of service for less than 24 hours. The cache of chemical weapons, whose location we knew about, was left alone. You don't have much of a problem with that.
No I don’t, because I don’t know much about the intel on that cache. Was it in a bunker impervious or difficult for ordinance destroy? Were there high ranking military personnel, or numerous military personnel, or civilians that could’ve been harmed in the strikes that would’ve caused a bigger international incidence? I would’ve liked them to take that out for sure, but I seriously doubt that they decided not too without good reason if they were willing to do a strike in the first place. A strike that didn’t cause too much of the escalation that everyone was concerned about I think was the right amount of force to send a message. Granted that message was eventually ignored, but at the time I thought it was a good move.

What concerns me more is a federal government that, in the 2016 fiscal year alone, misspent over 1 trillion dollars. Misspent doesn’t mean wasteful spending on stupid shit like clown colleges in Argentina, that means paying the wrong people, double payments or just straight up loosing money. 1 trillion, vanished in a year. That’s as much as the wealthiest business in the world Apple, “whoops we lost the entire worth of Apple, our bad.” Thats 1/3 of what the fed takes in in taxes yearly. That’s 5% of the entire nations GDP, gone for no reason other that incredible incompetence and a total lack of respect for tax payer money. No excuse for that.
Do you have a reputable source for this?

I cant find anything backing that up. All I see are net losses (and that does not translate into money lost due to incorrect payments or other governmental failures). Basically, I only see figures even close to that looking at the deficit...
SHOCK: U.S. Made Over Trillion Dollars of Improper Payments

It seemed to be over a 2-3 year period so I remembered that wrong. But still 1.3 trillion over that span is still a ridiculous amount.

Total bullshit

Military budget is $650 billion a year. $1.3 trillion would be wasting every dollar for two years
This isn’t in relation to just the military budget. Read the article. Read my previous post, then response to it asking for sourcing.
Interestingly enough, it seems it does not even include the DoD so there would be more than what is reported. Rather amazing. 75% is from Medicaid, Medicare and EIC - that is a shit ton of money that is being misappropriated

It was not 2-3 years though - 1.2 trillion is over more than a decade (from 2003 but I am not sure when the end date of the 1.2 trillion figure is).

Thanks for the cite.
Still a massive amount of money.

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