2020 just keeps getting worse. Now there are multiple earthquakes in Yellowstone.

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If the Yellowstone Cauldera blows, it will make the rest of the shit in 2020 look like a picnic in the park.
I got a 100 bucks someone blames it on trump,,,

I have $100 someone blames Obama.

But, obviously, they would have to be idiots in either case.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
Some one please tell me if we are on a 7 oclock curfew nation wide?

thats for the DC area,,,

thank you it was not real clear. I am on a ten oclock curfew here according to cell phone warnings. I came off the lake to get some shit done and came home to the big city. With the amount of shit I need to accomplish 10 oclock makes it hard. Seven oclock impossible. Wish I had stayed on that lake. I did not even know we were having riots, I was bliss fully uunaware of the problems of the world and had over twenty people on my boats having a good time. Wish I had freeking stayed there. I had people from all over come on my boats and all of them were only concerned with having a good time and catching fish. No one talked about the riots, I guess like me they have no need for TV when a lake beckons. Well needed after being stuck at home because of corona virus. My clients got to drink and catch fish and were releived of the problems of the world for a while. I hope all of you take some time get out in nature and get away from all this bull sbit.

If the Yellowstone Cauldera blows, it will make the rest of the shit in 2020 look like a picnic in the park.

Earthquake swarms don't worry me, if there is sudden uplift or deflation orders of magnitude larger than usual, that's when I'll start being concerned.
Earthquake swarms don't worry me, if there is sudden uplift or deflation orders of magnitude larger than usual, that's when I'll start being concerned.
When that happens a nuclear winter like covering over much of the earth won't be far behind.

If the Yellowstone Cauldera blows, it will make the rest of the shit in 2020 look like a picnic in the park.
There are earthquakes every year in Yellowstone. Largest was in 1959.
Yellowstone is an active area that's why it has been an area of attraction. People live alongside volcanos, in areas of yearly flooding, ares that get hurricanes and typhones.
Yes Yellowstone has exploded before and it might explode tomorrow or in six hundred years or never.
So does it make sense to worry about something that may or may not happen? I would rather worry about things that we can affect and change
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If the Yellowstone Cauldera blows, it will make the rest of the shit in 2020 look like a picnic in the park.

Earthquake swarms don't worry me, if there is sudden uplift or deflation orders of magnitude larger than usual, that's when I'll start being concerned.

An educated man. What a refreshing addition.

If the Yellowstone Cauldera blows, it will make the rest of the shit in 2020 look like a picnic in the park.

I hope Yogi and Boo Boo make it out of there ok.
Yogi and BooBoo are separated. Yogi came out....we always knew anyway

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