2020 presidential candidate Sassy Pete Buttigieg questions whether President Trump believes in God


Scripture tells us to look after the least among us, that it also counsels humility and teaches us about what’s bigger than ourselves

It points the way toward an inclusive and unselfish politics that Mayor Pete strives to practice, whether he's talking about faith on the stump or not
The scriptures dont say to have a government take from those who work, and give it to those that refuse to work either...

Scripture tells us to look after the least among us, that it also counsels humility and teaches us about what’s bigger than ourselves

It points the way toward an inclusive and unselfish politics that Mayor Pete strives to practice, whether he's talking about faith on the stump or not
The scriptures dont say to have a government take from those who work, and give it to those that refuse to work either...

scripture is meant to be interpreted based on what is before you

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

If he refuses to work then it is your belief and whether to help or walk on by is your decision
The question of Trump's beliefs is a non starter. You, nor anyone else can prove a belief a person has. If he has never told if he does or does not believe in God we can't know. That would take an entity that does not exist.

Scripture tells us to look after the least among us, that it also counsels humility and teaches us about what’s bigger than ourselves

It points the way toward an inclusive and unselfish politics that Mayor Pete strives to practice, whether he's talking about faith on the stump or not

Who is Sassy Pete Buttplug? I never heard of him / her / it. Where do you buy these, on Amazon?
"“The left is rightly committed to a separation of church and state … but we need to not be afraid to invoke arguments that are convincing on why Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction.”" - Mayor Pete

Buttigieg criticized right-wing Christians for “saying so much about what Christ said so little about, and so little about what he said so much about.”

Let’s parse this insightful formulation: “Saying so much about what Christ said so little about” applies to the religious right’s treatment of abortion as a litmus test for Christian faith, when in fact Jesus never mentioned the issue. That omission has not stopped many right-wing Christians from using President Donald Trump’s anti-abortion rights judicial appointments as the president’s “get out of jail free card,” and license for them to support a leader who consistently behaves in a way that is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.
As to the religious right saying “so little about what (Jesus) said so much about,” Buttigieg made this observation: “When I think about where most of Scripture points me, it is toward defending the poor, and the immigrant, and the stranger, and the prisoner, and the outcast, and those who are left behind by the way society works. And what we have now is this exaltation of wealth and power, almost for its own sake, that in my reading of Scripture couldn't be more contrary to the message of Christianity. So I think it's really important to carry a message (to the public), knitting together a lot of groups that have already been on this path for some time, but giving them more visibility in the public sphere.”
Here's the choice Christians face at the ballot box:

Democrats are for legal abortion, and oppose even reasonable limitations on abortion. Recently, Democrats in New York legalized abortion all nine months, for any reason, or no reason at all.

Republicans, at least the official position, oppose abortion and want to see it curtailed.

So, when you say Trump is engaging the services of prostitutes and porn stars, we Christians have to weigh that against 3,000 abortions per day.

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