2022 "we want a special council"

The Corrupt Democrat DOJ wants a fixer, a cover-up artist, not a legitimate special counsel.
The Democrat Party exploits the hate and fears of the Dumbass Democrat Voters.
It blinds them to reality.
Joe Biden is a Crook.
This is like making sure there is a babysitter for Hunter.
This so-called Special Counsel is like Pelosi's - Insurrection panel -.
mere optics.I mean,we've been thru this bogus drill for what
near 3 years with Muellers Special Counsel.
What does that Special Counsel pull ... Virtual rigging of
prosecutors { nearly every one a Clinton donor or voter }.
The Lead Mueller Special Counsel Prosecutor was Andrew Weissmann.
The most aggressive man in america seeking to guarantee Trump
goes to jail or ends his days locked-up in Prison.
The proof.Just listen near each weekday on MSNBC from this
schnoozle nose Lawyer connive to find ways to attack Trump.
This is like making sure there is a babysitter for Hunter.
This so-called Special Counsel is like Pelosi's - Insurrection panel -.
mere optics.I mean,we've been thru this bogus drill for what
near 3 years with Muellers Special Counsel.
What does that Special Counsel pull ... Virtual rigging of
prosecutors { nearly every one a Clinton donor or voter }.
The Lead Mueller Special Counsel Prosecutor was Andrew Weissmann.
The most aggressive man in america seeking to guarantee Trump
goes to jail or ends his days locked-up in Prison.
The proof.Just listen near each weekday on MSNBC from this
schnoozle nose Lawyer connive to find ways to attack Trump.
tRump appointed prosecutor.
This is like making sure there is a babysitter for Hunter.
This so-called Special Counsel is like Pelosi's - Insurrection panel -.
mere optics.I mean,we've been thru this bogus drill for what
near 3 years with Muellers Special Counsel.
What does that Special Counsel pull ... Virtual rigging of
prosecutors { nearly every one a Clinton donor or voter }.
The Lead Mueller Special Counsel Prosecutor was Andrew Weissmann.
The most aggressive man in america seeking to guarantee Trump
goes to jail or ends his days locked-up in Prison.
The proof.Just listen near each weekday on MSNBC from this
schnoozle nose Lawyer connive to find ways to attack Trump.
Let's see if Hunter goes apeshit like Trump The Albino Ape has done on a daily basis since 2016.

Every day Weissmann owns Trump The Albino Ape.

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