2022 "we want a special council"

Not tired yet of stepping in dog shit every day, Trumptard? How's that feel?
What comatose underworld have you visited lately.
That's Biden World.Where few truly happy americans exist,
just gaggles upon gaggles of craven abortionists' and Newspeak creeps who
make livings by Lying and manipulating for power.
With a tRump appointed prosecutor?

Yes, even with a mistake Trump made in appointing Weiss, yes Garland can protect the fascist Bidens. Garland has full control over a special counsel. However, while appointing a special counsel will dupe the majority of the population into thinking Garland is fair and we do not have a two-tiered justice system, if Garland really was genuine in trying to prove this point, then an INDEPENDENT counsel would have been appointed. With an independent counsel Garland has zero control over what is uncovered and what direction it goes. Do you really think a witch hunter like fascist Garland would appoint an independent counsel where he can't control the damage to the bidens? Yeah, that should sum it up for you.
weiss is a loyal democrat

Weiss is a registered Republican, according to news reports, who was ultimately nominated by Trump and approved unanimously by Democrats and Republicans alike in a voice vote.

Because we demand justice in more than just one case. Hillary still needs to be charged, tried, and convicted.

Oh, you're serious.


What comatose underworld have you visited lately.
That's Biden World.Where few truly happy americans exist,
just gaggles upon gaggles of craven abortionists' and Newspeak creeps who
make livings by Lying and manipulating for power.
Yes, even with a mistake Trump made in appointing Weiss, yes Garland can protect the fascist Bidens. Garland has full control over a special counsel. However, while appointing a special counsel will dupe the majority of the population into thinking Garland is fair and we do not have a two-tiered justice system, if Garland really was genuine in trying to prove this point, then an INDEPENDENT counsel would have been appointed. With an independent counsel Garland has zero control over what is uncovered and what direction it goes. Do you really think a witch hunter like fascist Garland would appoint an independent counsel where he can't control the damage to the bidens? Yeah, that should sum it up for you.
tRump sure picked a lot of RINOs to serve.
Crapthispants isnt capable of understanding that gop sees the man who oversaw Hunter's sweet heart deal isnt a good impartial pick to lead the special council .
A registered republican hand picked by tRump and approved unanimously by congress.

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