2022 "we want a special council"

Kinda forgetting a dire fact.Even though Andrew Weissmann was
lead prosecutor { there were like 18 } on Muellers Special Counsel
investigating Russian Collusion by Trump.When Mueller failed
Big time to cite even one example where Trump colluded with
or in Russia,and was forced to shut down his Special Counsel
and admit that There was No Collusion by Trump.Robert Mueller
was so embarassed he kinda went off and was seldom seen or heard
from again.But before that this Andrew Weissmann hack left the Mueller
Special Counsel weeks before Mueller had to admit defeat.
Weissmann left Muellers Counsel as if Retiring.
NO! ... He didn't want to face the music.Get questioned.
Answer questions as to what went wrong.Like maybe he could
face what Jackoff Smith mite face.He could face an Indictment.
So he Retired to N.Y.city in order to teach law.
Mueller was sandbagged by Bill Barr who double crossed him every way he could for his buddy Trump..That other hack Rosenstein was also up Trump's ass & he retired after the report was released.
Anyone want to discuss decoupling the DOJ from the Executive Branch?

It was a good idea when Barr was covering for the blob...

Its a good idea now too.
Historically a special counsel is someone outside the DOJ not someone in the DOJ who just tried to give the person they are investigating a sweetheart deal. A deal that would have gone through if the judge had not said uh care to explain this.
LOL. Yeah, let's appoint the special counsel who tried to get Hunter off of everything with a plea deal that the judge would not accept. Your abuse of power knows no bounds.
So, you're trying to say that Ted Cruz represents all Republicans? By the way, Cruz's original statement was said before Weiss arranged for a sweetheart plea deal with prosecutors that was rejected by the judge for being sneaky and underhanded and biased.
The Corrupt Democrat DOJ wants a fixer, a cover-up artist, not a legitimate special counsel.
The Democrat Party exploits the hate and fears of the Dumbass Democrat Voters.
It blinds them to reality.
Joe Biden is a Crook.
I know, why don't they get John Durham.
He'll get to the bottom and get a big sniff of Trump's cheeto lined asshole.

Substantial number of them for sure. I mean he wasn't elected by the minority, like some politicians I could name.

As I said, Ted Cruz said that original thing before the judge threw out Weiss's dirty and corrupt back room deal, so you are making a misrepresentation by not stating all of the facts.

Today they got what they wanted, and guess what? They didn't want it after all!!

House GOP blasts appointment of Hunter Biden special counsel

We wanted the guy who's protected the Biden's for the past five years? The guy that was ready to give him that sweetheart plea deal? This is a stupid string even for you, Crepitus! We wanted a Special Counsel who doesn't work for Merrick Garland and Joe Biden. We got Weiss who's obviously either corrupt or incompetent!
You can keep pretending that the Biden's aren't dirty as all get out, Crepitus but with each passing day more and more evidence shows that they are! Twenty million dollars in dirty money going to 9 different Bidens! The most blatant example of influence peddling I've ever seen!

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