2022 "we want a special council"

he wasnt hand picked by Trump idiot ! he was recommended by two democrat senators from Delaware , Chris Coons and Tom Carper [both staunch Biden supporters in 2016 ] and the retained when Biden took office ...
tRump put him in the position, didn't he?
Let's see if Hunter goes apeshit like Trump The Albino Ape has done on a daily basis since 2016.

Every day Weissmann owns Trump The Albino Ape.
Kinda forgetting a dire fact.Even though Andrew Weissmann was
lead prosecutor { there were like 18 } on Muellers Special Counsel
investigating Russian Collusion by Trump.When Mueller failed
Big time to cite even one example where Trump colluded with
or in Russia,and was forced to shut down his Special Counsel
and admit that There was No Collusion by Trump.Robert Mueller
was so embarassed he kinda went off and was seldom seen or heard
from again.But before that this Andrew Weissmann hack left the Mueller
Special Counsel weeks before Mueller had to admit defeat.
Weissmann left Muellers Counsel as if Retiring.
NO! ... He didn't want to face the music.Get questioned.
Answer questions as to what went wrong.Like maybe he could
face what Jackoff Smith mite face.He could face an Indictment.
So he Retired to N.Y.city in order to teach law.
But I thought the “whistle blowers” blew the lid off the DOJ preventing prosecutions? :uhoh3:

Y’all need to get your story straight. How am I supposed to know what to be outraged over?

I don't need to get anything straight.

Today they got what they wanted, and guess what? They didn't want it after all!!

House GOP blasts appointment of Hunter Biden special counsel

A Special Counsel by law is supposed to be someone from OUTSIDE of Government, Crepitus! Appointing someone who works for Garland and for Biden to investigate the Biden Family...when that person was behind the sweetheart plea deal that was thrown out of court it was so laughably bad...is giving the American people the proverbial "middle finger"!
The corrupt Democrat AG Merrick Garland chose Weiss because he is a loyal Democrat.
It is a cover-up, not a legitimate investigation.
Garland is digging himself in ... like Major league.
Before long he will be denied access to the Justice Department
Men's room.He's that understandably shady.
No wonder the left demanded { threw hissy fits } when Trump
and McConnell denied Schumer the ability to give dis guy { Garland }
a potential Nomination for the highest court in the land.
Plus he lied big time about knowing his *son was In Fact making
moola from selling Books instructing Critical Race Theory for
public schools.
Then dis guy had the mitigated audacity to also lie about
how quickly he managed to write a form instruction memo
concerning the possible lookout for anyone attending school
board meetings being viable Threats.

* son-in-law.Book company Panorama Education with
contracts in more than 50 of the 100 largest school
districts in the U.S.The company claims to be supporting
13 million students in 23,ooo schools in 1,500 districts
across 50 states
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Weiss is criminal scum.
Well of course he is!

He's a registered republican!

We have been pretty clear about why we dont trust Weiss. Do i really need to list the reasons we havent trusted him?

Of course we dont want HIM to be special counsel. Literally anyone but him or Garland personally.
YOu don't want him because he didn't roll over and do your bidding, we got that. Fortunately the system doesn't work like that.
A Special Counsel by law is supposed to be someone from OUTSIDE of Government, Crepitus! Appointing someone who works for Garland and for Biden to investigate the Biden Family...when that person was behind the sweetheart plea deal that was thrown out of court it was so laughably bad...is giving the American people the proverbial "middle finger"!
Registered republican originally appointed by tRump and unanimously approved by congress.
The Corrupt Democrat DOJ wants a fixer, a cover-up artist, not a legitimate special counsel.
You’ll be outraged over what you’re told to be outraged over. Same as always.
This is like making sure there is a babysitter for Hunter.
This so-called Special Counsel is like Pelosi's - Insurrection panel -.
mere optics.
Garland will protect Hunter/Joe from everything.
The corrupt Democrat AG Merrick Garland chose Weiss because he is a loyal Democrat.
It is a cover-up, not a legitimate investigation.
I believe by a`special counsel the Republicans wanted someone who would seek the truth unlike this Weiss character who's already given Hunter Biden the sweetheart deal of all time.

Cult 45 is here
YOu don't want him because he didn't roll over and do your bidding, we got that. Fortunately the system doesn't work like that.
If the opposition has extreme distrust in him, then he is not the right guy for the job. Prosecutors should be attack dogs. It should be a MAGA loving, Trump worshipping republican who hates Joe with all of his heart, if the intent is to actually convict the Bidens. That isnt the intent though..

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