2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?

He is under no obligation to submit to your moronic requests, stupid. He damn sure doesn't owe you an explanation for it.
He lied, cuck. Period.

"This time I really, really, really will build the wall, and replace Obamacare, and balance the budget, and provide 6 percent GDP growth, and release my tax returns, and will be too busy to go golf."

"That I can tell you. Believe me."
Trump's cucks are the most submissive, credulous, self-deluded, willfully blind people in the history of American politics.

TRUMP: The moon is made of White American cheese!

PARROTING RUBES: The moon is made of white American cheese!

REPORTER: You don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you Mr. President?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.
This time I really, really, really will build the wall,
Keep posting hypocrite--He never said this ^^^^. He did say he would build a big beautiful wall--which he had well underway. Construction was stopped by your heeeroes, moron. Before you go throwing around disparaging names like "liar" maybe you should practice what you preach. LIAR.
Keep posting hypocrite--He never said this ^^^^. He did say he would build a big beautiful wall--which he had well underway. Construction was stopped by your heeeroes, moron. Before you go throwing around disparaging names like "liar" maybe you should practice what you preach. LIAR.
Awwwww. Poor baby couldn't build his Wall when he had a GOP House and a GOP Senate and was doubling the deficit.

you really have time for a thousand lies.
how bout just a few notable lies

“Just stay calm. It will go away.” - President Donald Trump, March 10, 2020 (covid)

“VOTER FRAUD IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY, IT IS A FACT!!!” — President Donald Trump, Dec. 24, 2020.

“This Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story,” Trump said May 11, 2018.

“Republicans will always protect people with pre-existing conditions,” Trump said Oct. 20, 2018.
The Russia thing was, and is, bullshit.
Republicans don't protect anyone from anything and Democrats throw you a crumb on someone else's dime.

I'm still waiting for the long list.
Trump on Fox News: But the big one is China. We have a trade deficit with China of $500 billion; that's not even conceivable, and we've had it for years. And it goes up and it goes down, but it's from $200 billion to $500 billion and $600 billion -- not million, billion dollars a year -- and somebody had to do something about it. And we pretty much had a deal.

We've never had deficit of $500 billion with China, much less $600 billion.

What's even more laughable is the deficit with China increased under Trump.
Here's Trump just ten days before his inauguration: Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace ‘Imploding’ Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

Trump's health secretary, Tom Price, was confirmed on February 10, 2017: Tom Price Is Confirmed as Health Secretary

No sign of that repeal and replace has ever shown itself.

And you poor dumb cucks never caught on it was all a giant hoax.

You've heard the expression, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."

How many times has Trump fooled you on Obamacare repeal and replace alone? Way more than two times, this much is certain.
Trump on Fox News: But the big one is China. We have a trade deficit with China of $500 billion; that's not even conceivable, and we've had it for years. And it goes up and it goes down, but it's from $200 billion to $500 billion and $600 billion -- not million, billion dollars a year -- and somebody had to do something about it. And we pretty much had a deal.

We've never had deficit of $500 billion with China, much less $600 billion.

What's even more laughable is the deficit with China increased under Trump.
The problem with China is that we cannot force a company to produce a product in the US.
"I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

When Trump says "bleev me" three times, it's a sure sign he is lying.

Daytime visits to golf clubs since inauguration, with evidence of playing golf on at least 150 visits. Our last recorded outing was on December 30, 2020.

Trump told this lie in June 2019: Trump to go ahead with tariffs on Mexico even as US stocks slide

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

In the above link, you can see the trade deficit in 2018 was $77.7 billion. 2017 was $69 billion. 2016 was $63 billion.

You can go down the whole chart and see it was never $100 billion. Not until the year 2019 ended at $99.8 billion, and 2020 ended with $113.7 billion.

Trump actually INCREASED the deficit with Mexico after whining about it.
OMG! The shy is falling!

"We're, by far, the biggest economy in the world. We weren't when I first came."

You have to be incredibly retarded to bleev this horseshit. We've been the biggest economy since 1890.
Awwwww. Poor baby couldn't build his Wall when he had a GOP House and a GOP Senate and was doubling the deficit.

Trump built 307 miles of big beautiful wall during his admin in spite of obstructionist commie democrat traitors withholding funding. Your demented hero has built NONE. Try again, lying commie.

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