2024 Will Be The Year Of Our "RECKONING"

RhodyPatriot in #1 cries “oh my”:

Victor Davis Hanson vs Globalist Hordes

Propaganda artistry - The Planet of the African Apes is coming - scene of male and female white young straight couple ” looking down on the ruined by non-white homosexual non-Bible people in the big liberal commie city with the Golden Gate Bridge

RhodyPatriot in #1 posts VDH white European male nightmare screed with SF image:


2024—the Year of our Reckoning › American Greatness pblshd.23.12.25 Will we meet the challenges or ensure the ongoing decline? By Victor Davis Hanson


rhdyptrt.23.12.26 #1

Translation: extermination of “vermin” is overdue. Best get started next year.

nf.23.12.26 #4
to rhdyptrt.23.12.26 #1


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RhodyPatriot in #1 cries “oh my”:

Victor Davis Hanson vs Globalist Hordes

Propaganda artistry - The Planet of the African Apes is coming - scene of male and female white young straight couple ” looking down on the ruined by non-white homosexual non-Bible people big city with the Golden Gate Bridge

View attachment 878829
RhodyPatriot in #1 posts VDH white European male nightmare screed with SF image:

View attachment 878831

2024—the Year of our Reckoning › American Greatness pblshd.23.12.25 Will we meet the challenges or ensure the ongoing decline? By Victor Davis Hanson

View attachment 878830
rhdyptrt.23.12.26 #1

Translation: extermination of “vermin” is overdue. Best get started next year.

to rhdyptrt.23.12.26 #1

The best thing about the apocalypse? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ No more of this illiterate nonsense.

RhodyPatriot in #1 cries “oh my”:

Victor Davis Hanson vs Globalist Hordes

Propaganda artistry - The Planet of the African Apes is coming - scene of male and female white young straight couple ” looking down on the ruined by non-white homosexual non-Bible people big city with the Golden Gate Bridge

View attachment 878829
RhodyPatriot in #1 posts VDH white European male nightmare screed with SF image:

View attachment 878831

2024—the Year of our Reckoning › American Greatness pblshd.23.12.25 Will we meet the challenges or ensure the ongoing decline? By Victor Davis Hanson

View attachment 878830
rhdyptrt.23.12.26 #1

Translation: extermination of “vermin” is overdue. Best get started next year.

to rhdyptrt.23.12.26 #1
Is that geriatric in the picture going to do the exterminating? 😄

Aren't they all a little too old to still be entertaining allusions of virility and capability?
Aren't they all a little too old to still be entertaining allusions of virility and capability?
Not a one of the “get off my grass” old Trump old MAGA Farts had the balls to storm the Capitol for Trump on J6 when the first born son of white Jesus called them.

They’ll be running their mouths about decline of white European America until they die on their couch of old age.,

Then their AR-15s and Monster MUDDER Trucks can be sold to settle the estate so their kid can eat a decent meal and have some new nice clothes.
You think it will be sponsored by Bud Lite? Wars are costly. You never know who you'll have to get into bed with....
get into bed with trump is like get into bed with that bud lite person (dylan .... gettin old .....). they just might find something they were not expecting
Not a one of the “get off my grass” old Trump old MAGA Farts had the balls to storm the Capitol for Trump on J6 when the first born son of white Jesus called them.

They’ll be running their mouths about decline of white European America until they die on their couch of old age.,

Then their AR-15s and Monster MUDDER Trucks can be sold to settle the estate so their kid can eat a decent meal and have some new nice clothes.

Oh, look! Leftist vermin admitting openly that there was no "insurrection".

The next election will decide if we are still a Nation that has aspirations aligned with notions of Freedom and capitalism - or if the globalist hordes are proving to be lamentably irremovable.

In the next election we will be stuck choosing between being shot or being poisoned, the only thing it will say about America is how far we have fallen in that the very best we can do is Trump vs Biden II.
Victor Davis Hanson can undeniably prove a bit "long in the tooth" when it comes to allusions to the fall of society or the dissolution of America as we know it.

And yet, would anyone with a straight face credibly deny that America is now at a Crossroads?

The next election will decide if we are still a Nation that has aspirations aligned with notions of Freedom and capitalism - or if the globalist hordes are proving to be lamentably irremovable.

What a time to be alive.
I must respectfully disagree. The reckoning won't happen until 2025.


In the next election we will be stuck choosing between being shot or being poisoned, the only thing it will say about America is how far we have fallen in that the very best we can do is Trump vs Biden II.
The 2024 presidential election will be the ultimate Rorschach test
A choice between a real president and a senile piece of shit who looks like this


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