21 Day Challenge: post without name calling.

I'm a flamer ..............I generally flame the opposition.............

That Arnold meme is gonna get old around here.

I don't think the actual flame zone is out of bounds for participants of this experiment. ie you can still flame there to your hearts content? Is that right Dhara?
I have no particular opinion on that. I'm sure people can and will flame to their hearts content in the FZ.

This is just a voluntary experiment for anyone who wants to try it.

You can make your own rules. Mine is to stay out of the Flame Zone.
My life soundtrack must be Bach or something. Nothing in English or words at all in most cases.
So what role does the Flame Zone satisfy for you, saveliberty?

Some of the people I like live down there. I can see past a lot of the darkness and find some honest, funny and interesting people. Granted you have to sift past the junk. Many times the thread started outside the FZ. Satisfy is not the best term, if you watch me in there I am not flaming half of the time.
Good for you, that you can see through their darkness. I think we may have completely different tastes in who we consider honest, funny and interesting.
I have found myself laughing at stuff there. A lot of people on this board are really very witty, but it just turns so nasty sometimes, that I think I'm best avoiding it.
I have found myself laughing at stuff there. A lot of people on this board are really very witty, but it just turns so nasty sometimes, that I think I'm best avoiding it.

Posters can go too far. You get about ten pages in and hitting the exit is wise.
So what role does the Flame Zone satisfy for you, saveliberty?

Some of the people I like live down there. I can see past a lot of the darkness and find some honest, funny and interesting people. Granted you have to sift past the junk. Many times the thread started outside the FZ. Satisfy is not the best term, if you watch me in there I am not flaming half of the time.
Good for you, that you can see through their darkness. I think we may have completely different tastes in who we consider honest, funny and interesting.
I have found myself laughing at stuff there. A lot of people on this board are really very witty, but it just turns so nasty sometimes, that I think I'm best avoiding it.
Too nasty for my taste. Yeah, some people ARE funny, and some things that go on there AREN'T funny.
Careful, don't lose an eyebrow.
I wish Dhara the best of luck going an entire 21 days without a meltdown such as calling folks evil and bitches in the FZ, telling others she wants to beat them to death with a baseball bat, or other similar meltdowns.

Contrary to the image she attempts to project in this thread, butter actually DOES melt in her mouth.

Good luck. I mean it.

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