21 Day Challenge: post without name calling.

I wish Dhara the best of luck going an entire 21 days without a meltdown such as calling folks evil and bitches in the FZ, telling others she wants to beat them to death with a baseball bat, or other similar meltdowns.

Contrary to the image she attempts to project in this thread, butter actually DOES melt in her mouth.

Good luck. I mean it.
I wish Dhara the best of luck going an entire 21 days without a meltdown such as calling folks evil and bitches in the FZ, telling others she wants to beat them to death with a baseball bat, or other similar meltdowns.

Contrary to the image she attempts to project in this thread, butter actually DOES melt in her mouth.

Good luck. I mean it.
You seem lost for words :)
I am going with a restricted name calling diet. Already gave up snacks after 8pm and added a 20 minute morning workout.
I'm going with avoiding the FZ and no name calling.
I took the bat...
What are you talking about?

A reference to Si Modo's post about you wanting to hit posters with a bat.
She's referring to a dream I had five years ago. What did the dream mean? It was about a judgmental side of myself that wouldn't die. I tamed it through love. Some people rather their own version.
In the mean time - while you were focusing on YOURSELF - that poster was pretty concerned about her personal safety.
Sometimes I like to call names!! :biggrin:

what??? huh? c'monLOL:laugh:

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