21 White Supremacist Gang Members, Associates Busted In Massive Drug And Weapons Trafficking Sting In Utah

At least the LEOs are out there catching them. They got the guys in the Whitmer kidnapping conspiracy, and they got a few more in Virginia. They had an undocumented alien (oh, excuse me, an "illegal alien") that they were helping, even giving him firearms. Now we are hearing more about this "The Base" that is led by some fool who lives in Russia.

Book 'em, Dano.

These people are out of control.

I hope our government finds them all. They belong in prison for their crimes.

But you're okay with pantifa and the blm....

You are okay with "militias", white thug gangs? I do not believe that "antifa" actually exists. Yes, I support BLM. I have seen the videos and read the reports of how some of our police departments are entangled with these "militias." I have even seen the video of the Kenosha police throwing water and kisses to these white thug gangs. I saw the video of rittenhouse being allowed to walk the streets with a gun. This is not the United States of America that I know.

If white supremist are such a huge problem why are we not seeing them in the news?
And you lost all credibility when you said pantifa is a myth.

We do see them on the news. This "antifa" thing is a crock of shit. Where do YOU stand on the guys with the putin's poodle beards, assault rifles, cammies in the streets. These people are NOT Americans.

Whose been burning,looting,rioting and killing cops?
At least the LEOs are out there catching them. They got the guys in the Whitmer kidnapping conspiracy, and they got a few more in Virginia. They had an undocumented alien (oh, excuse me, an "illegal alien") that they were helping, even givinatg him firearms. Now we are hearing more about this "The Base" that is led by some fool who lives in Russia.

Book 'em, Dano.

These people are out of control.

I hope our government finds them all. They belong in prison for their crimes.

Good grief. This is our nation. I am not willing to yield it to these creeps. I dont know what race, sex, religion, or ethnicity that you belong to or your roots are, but we are all just Americans. I am not willing to yield my identity as an American to these cretins.

I'm not either.

I want our government to find them. Prosecute them for their crimes and put them in prison where they belong.
Such sad responses from the far right.
I guess you don't like truth do you?
Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.
Deal with it.
Well, at least you knew it was going to happen. :cool:

It's going to keep happening if our government keeps doing their job to find these criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

I hope they don't stop finding them.
Just find all the racial supremacists and execute them. Start with the ones burning down buildings and beating old people. Even if they are black.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

What makes you think Trump supporters defend criminals? Only democrats do that. :cuckoo:
Such sad responses from the far right.

I guess you don't like truth do you?

Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.

Deal with it.
You said they were arrested for drugs, not violence.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

Want to link where they are Trump supporters, I didn't read that. or, are you just failing at being chippy?
Such sad responses from the far right.
I guess you don't like truth do you?
Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.
Deal with it.
Well, at least you knew it was going to happen. :cool:

It's going to keep happening if our government keeps doing their job to find these criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

I hope they don't stop finding them.
Thats tough to do when democrats defund the police.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 500 whites per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
blacks commit crime at much higher rates than whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
whenever someone brings up white supremacists, it's funny

Do you have anything to back any of that up or is it just the usual racist trash ypu post.
..I've linked it many times on USMB--YES I can back it up and it is the truth
FBI numbers/stats--NOT MSM crap!!!!!!!!
..I always can back up my stuff--I don't think with my emotions like you people--I do the basic research
..I don't parrot what the MSM says

interracial murders:

WS murders--SPLC/etc--they are putting up the worst numbers of the WS!!!! = link cannot be refuted

hate crime offenders:
At least the LEOs are out there catching them. They got the guys in the Whitmer kidnapping conspiracy, and they got a few more in Virginia. They had an undocumented alien (oh, excuse me, an "illegal alien") that they were helping, even givinatg him firearms. Now we are hearing more about this "The Base" that is led by some fool who lives in Russia.

Book 'em, Dano.

These people are out of control.

I hope our government finds them all. They belong in prison for their crimes.

Good grief. This is our nation. I am not willing to yield it to these creeps. I dont know what race, sex, religion, or ethnicity that you belong to or your roots are, but we are all just Americans. I am not willing to yield my identity as an American to these cretins.

I'm not either.

I want our government to find them. Prosecute them for their crimes and put them in prison where they belong.
You already have made statements. There are people who are leaving cities. There are businesses that are leaving cities.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

So here in the United States we have Burn, Loot and Murder, and we know what they do, we also have "White Supremacists" who sell drugs and weapons, but dont Burn, Loot and Murder as much as the blacks do, but what i dont understand about the progs is that they want people illegally crossing the border, many MS-13 gang members, so they too, can partake of crime in our country. Isnt BLM and WS, enough crime for US?

How many people of all of the thousands of people who have marched for the BLM cause have actually burned, looted, or murdered? Very, very few.

How many cops actually shoot blacks unjustifiably? Very, very few.

If you want to argue numbers then we can argue numbers. But you will soon find that either the numbers are not on your side or that the differences are so small as to be insignificant.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

So here in the United States we have Burn, Loot and Murder, and we know what they do, we also have "White Supremacists" who sell drugs and weapons, but dont Burn, Loot and Murder as much as the blacks do, but what i dont understand about the progs is that they want people illegally crossing the border, many MS-13 gang members, so they too, can partake of crime in our country. Isnt BLM and WS, enough crime for US?

How many people of all of the thousands of people who have marched for the BLM cause have actually burned, looted, or murdered? Very, very few.

How many cops actually shoot blacks unjustifiably? Very, very few.

If you want to argue numbers then we can argue numbers. But you will soon find that either the numbers are not on your side or that the differences are so small as to be insignificant.

This crap about BLM being so dangerous has been so exaggerated by the right-wing thugs on the internet that I can't put any faith in it at all. I'm much more worried about these "militia" hoodlums with the putin's poodle beards trying to wreck the election and starting violence. They are the ones prancing around with assault weapons pretending to be men.
This crap about BLM being so dangerous has been so exaggerated by the right-wing thugs on the internet that I can't put any faith in it at all. I'm much more worried about these "militia" hoodlums with the putin's poodle beards trying to wreck the election and starting violence. They are the ones prancing around with assault weapons pretending to be men.
This crap about police and white supremacists being so dangerous has been so exaggerated by the left-wing thugs on the internet that I can't put any faith in it at all. I'm much more worried about these black criminals trying to wreck the election and starting violence. They are the ones prancing around with assault weapons pretending to be men.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

So here in the United States we have Burn, Loot and Murder, and we know what they do, we also have "White Supremacists" who sell drugs and weapons, but dont Burn, Loot and Murder as much as the blacks do, but what i dont understand about the progs is that they want people illegally crossing the border, many MS-13 gang members, so they too, can partake of crime in our country. Isnt BLM and WS, enough crime for US?

How many people of all of the thousands of people who have marched for the BLM cause have actually burned, looted, or murdered? Very, very few.

How many cops actually shoot blacks unjustifiably? Very, very few.

If you want to argue numbers then we can argue numbers. But you will soon find that either the numbers are not on your side or that the differences are so small as to be insignificant.

This crap about BLM being so dangerous has been so exaggerated by the right-wing thugs on the internet that I can't put any faith in it at all. I'm much more worried about these "militia" hoodlums with the putin's poodle beards trying to wreck the election and starting violence. They are the ones prancing around with assault weapons pretending to be men.

Irrelevant. The actual numbers of unjustified cop shootings does not justify the looting and burning committed by Antifa and BLM, even if it is “very few” of them.

Every time there is a cop shooting of a black man, these people take to the streets and loot and burn and block traffic without any knowledge of what actually happened. It’s only after they’ve destroyed half a city block that we find out the suspect was armed or resisted officers or was strung out on drugs or otherwise presented a real danger to the public.

My niece’s husband is a police officer in a city where they recently had a cop shooting and people protested and blocked the entrance to the gas station that called 9-1-1.
He said the shooting was entirely justified because the guy was armed with a knife and refused to put the knife down or submit and then walked towards the entrance to the store threatening to kill people inside.
In fact, he says they had multiple reasons to shoot before they did.

He also says that most of the calls, incidents or crimes they respond to on a given day involve blacks.

Oh, and my niece’s husband’s race? Black.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

Oh my, you guys finally found some white criminals. They are still outnumbered 3 to 1 in the prisons though.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 500 whites per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
blacks commit crime at much higher rates than whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
whenever someone brings up white supremacists, it's funny

Do you have anything to back any of that up or is it just the usual racist trash ypu post.
..I've linked it many times on USMB--YES I can back it up and it is the truth
FBI numbers/stats--NOT MSM crap!!!!!!!!
..I always can back up my stuff--I don't think with my emotions like you people--I do the basic research
..I don't parrot what the MSM says

interracial murders:

WS murders--SPLC/etc--they are putting up the worst numbers of the WS!!!! = link cannot be refuted

hate crime offenders:
He has a memory like a goldfish. I guarantee he forgets these stats by next week.
This crap about BLM being so dangerous has been so exaggerated by the right-wing thugs on the internet that I can't put any faith in it at all. I'm much more worried about these "militia" hoodlums with the putin's poodle beards trying to wreck the election and starting violence. They are the ones prancing around with assault weapons pretending to be men.
This crap about police and white supremacists being so dangerous has been so exaggerated by the left-wing thugs on the internet that I can't put any faith in it at all. I'm much more worried about these black criminals trying to wreck the election and starting violence. They are the ones prancing around with assault weapons pretending to be men.
Lysistra is more worried about white supremacists who arent trying to wreck the election and starting violence in the streets, than she is about the left wingers who have been doing those things every single day for months. :cuckoo:

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