21 White Supremacist Gang Members, Associates Busted In Massive Drug And Weapons Trafficking Sting In Utah

Such sad responses from the far right.

I guess you don't like truth do you?

Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.

Deal with it.

These guys aren't political, they are prison gangs. They care more about making money outside the joint and running things inside the joint than anything else.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

So here in the United States we have Burn, Loot and Murder, and we know what they do, we also have "White Supremacists" who sell drugs and weapons, but dont Burn, Loot and Murder as much as the blacks do, but what i dont understand about the progs is that they want people illegally crossing the border, many MS-13 gang members, so they too, can partake of crime in our country. Isnt BLM and WS, enough crime for US?
Such sad responses from the far right.
I guess you don't like truth do you?
Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.
Deal with it.
Well, at least you knew it was going to happen. :cool:

he's linking an article about prison gangs that have been in existence since prisons existed. It's nothing new or even newsworthy.
Such sad responses from the far right.
I guess you don't like truth do you?
Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.
Deal with it.
Well, at least you knew it was going to happen. :cool:

It's going to keep happening if our government keeps doing their job to find these criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

I hope they don't stop finding them.
This is the final, ugly primal scream of an ideology that will fail. It was emboldened by you-know-who, but maybe we'll look back and decide it had to happen anyway.

The question is how long it's going to take.

I hope it doesn't take that long. Yes there are a lot of them. Yes trump supports and emboldens them.

Hopefully trump won't be president next year. Then the government can get serious about finding these violent criminals and put them in prison where they belong.
Such sad responses from the far right.
I guess you don't like truth do you?
Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.
Deal with it.
Well, at least you knew it was going to happen. :cool:

It's going to keep happening if our government keeps doing their job to find these criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

I hope they don't stop finding them.
This is the final, ugly primal scream of an ideology that will fail. It was emboldened by you-know-who, but maybe we'll look back and decide it had to happen anyway.

The question is how long it's going to take.

I hope it doesn't take that long. Yes there are a lot of them. Yes trump supports and emboldens them.

Hopefully trump won't be president next year. Then the government can get serious about finding these violent criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

But anti-fa leftist agitators actually ruining some cities are "fine people" right?

It's amazing the bullshit you post.
Such sad responses from the far right.
I guess you don't like truth do you?
Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.
Deal with it.
Well, at least you knew it was going to happen. :cool:

It's going to keep happening if our government keeps doing their job to find these criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

I hope they don't stop finding them.
This is the final, ugly primal scream of an ideology that will fail. It was emboldened by you-know-who, but maybe we'll look back and decide it had to happen anyway.

The question is how long it's going to take.

I hope it doesn't take that long. Yes there are a lot of them. Yes trump supports and emboldens them.

Hopefully trump won't be president next year. Then the government can get serious about finding these violent criminals and put them in prison where they belong.
At some point they'll have to go back to the fringes and the shadows. And yeah, the sooner the better.
Such sad responses from the far right.
I guess you don't like truth do you?
Too bad. The truth is that some on the far right are very violent criminals.
Deal with it.
Well, at least you knew it was going to happen. :cool:

It's going to keep happening if our government keeps doing their job to find these criminals and put them in prison where they belong.

I hope they don't stop finding them.

As leftist continue to release criminals from jail and defund the police.
What could go wrong?
You're a Fuken idiot.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 500 whites per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
blacks commit crime at much higher rates than whites
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
whenever someone brings up white supremacists, it's funny
I'm a white guy...been since I've been born...ashamed of anyone who think ls the white race is in any way better than any other race
Show me a country that has brown or black leaders that have done as well as this melting pot, of mostly white people. There is something about being white, that just isnt as savage as the others. There i said it.
I'm a white guy...been since I've been born...ashamed of anyone who think ls the white race is in any way better than any other race
1. can you put that in English please?
2. whites 5 times the population of blacks-yet:
white on black murders - 234
black on white murders -514

3. blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites

4. white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year

5. blacks rape at TWICE the rate

..undeniably, you don't know the truth/facts
.whites are better at graduating and not committing crime/etc
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

How many people where killed by Black gang members across the country during this 16 month investigation ? I loath white supremacist, but believing they are a bigger issue than the other gangs in this country just so you can try and pin that shit on Trump makes you an ignorant political hack.
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

How many people where killed by Black gang members across the country during this 16 month investigation ? I loath white supremacist, but believing they are a bigger issue than the other gangs in this country just so you can try and pin that shit on Trump makes you an ignorant political hack.
blacks murder over 3000 per year
More white supremacists are going to prison. Some for the rest of their lives if convicted.

They were busted with illegal drugs and weapons. They were selling both in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Some have long histories of crimes.

One of the gangs started in a Utah state prison.

Such fine people, right trump followers?

How many people where killed by Black gang members across the country during this 16 month investigation ? I loath white supremacist, but believing they are a bigger issue than the other gangs in this country just so you can try and pin that shit on Trump makes you an ignorant political hack.
..that's not counting shootings and MANY unsolved murders
Well I guess I'm more proud of my swedish dna than I am of anything. That takes precedence over where I was born.

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