21 Years Ago Today We Were Bombed By A Gun Toting, anti-Government RWer

To the OP.

If any on the left and or the right pour out into the streets with guns in hand or go looking for cops to kill, your time on earth is probably pretty short.
Oh, many on the anti-government far right defend McVeigh and others like him
Nobody defends him. He was angry Clinton and Reno got away with mass murder to cover his sexual sins. He paid with his life for his murders. Clinton is a rock star you your side though.
Oh, yeah, the far right loves them sum McVeigh.

And your fallacy of false equivalency is noted.

Once again, I'm going to ask you to provide verifiable examples of your fantasy claims. Once again, you won't. See why everyone laughs at your credibility.
I have. You, Correll, Ray, and dozens of others.

You fools have been preaching at minorities forever and wondering why they are laughing at you.

The shit you make up in your head isn't proof of your claim. Thank God you aren't a lawyer standing before a judge. If you can't put up Fakey, shut up.
All of you have said it but you keep denying it. I found you below. Now have the last word :lol:

Nobody defends him. He was angry Clinton and Reno got away with mass murder to cover his sexual sins. He paid with his life for his murders. Clinton is a rock star you your side though.
Oh, yeah, the far right loves them sum McVeigh.

And your fallacy of false equivalency is noted.

Once again, I'm going to ask you to provide verifiable examples of your fantasy claims. Once again, you won't. See why everyone laughs at your credibility.
I have. You, Correll, Ray, and dozens of others.

You fools have been preaching at minorities forever and wondering why they are laughing at you.

The shit you make up in your head isn't proof of your claim. Thank God you aren't a lawyer standing before a judge. If you can't put up Fakey, shut up.
kwc, you don't get "just once more." You and your ilk have been outed. You have lost this. You know better than to go head to head with me. Guaranteed loss for you, desperate one.

Preaching to minorities does not work. End of story.

So you have no proof like I said. Noted. I here the nurse is handing out pills and pudding down in the day room. Hurry and you might get two.
Oh, yeah, the far right loves them sum McVeigh.

And your fallacy of false equivalency is noted.

Once again, I'm going to ask you to provide verifiable examples of your fantasy claims. Once again, you won't. See why everyone laughs at your credibility.
I have. You, Correll, Ray, and dozens of others.

You fools have been preaching at minorities forever and wondering why they are laughing at you.

The shit you make up in your head isn't proof of your claim. Thank God you aren't a lawyer standing before a judge. If you can't put up Fakey, shut up.
kwc, you don't get "just once more." You and your ilk have been outed. You have lost this. You know better than to go head to head with me. Guaranteed loss for you, desperate one.

Preaching to minorities does not work. End of story.

So you have no proof like I said. Noted. I here the nurse is handing out pills and pudding down in the day room. Hurry and you might get two.
You can keep denying you and the others said it all you want: that's simply lying on your part.

No, you don't get "just once more".
11 years after the United states was attacked by Al Qaeida, killing 3,000 American citizens, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barak Hussein Obama allied themselves with Al Qaeida and ISIS, used an International Arms Dealer to run guns to Al Qaeida and ISIS through Benghazi/Libya, dragged the United States into 2 UN-Authorized wars to HELP these 2 terrorist groups take over their own counties, and aided and abetted Al Qaeida in murdering 4 more Americans in Benghazi.

After 9/11/01 there was not another successful terrorist attack on US soil again under George Bush. Since Barak Obama took over there has been a constant, steady stream of successful terrorist attacks on the US, some that he has actually made possible while mocking Americans for their concerns for our national security and their safety. These attacks have become so 'normal' and 'defended' by this government that Barak Obama actually used the Department of Justice to THREATEN Americans citizens for exercising their Constitutionally provided and protected 1st Amendment rights should they speak out against the attacks or those perpetrating them.

Liberals continue to claim that each and every one of those attacks are 'Lone Wolf' attacks that in no way represents or are part of 'Radical Islamic Extremism'....yet claim the single Lone Wolf terrorist attack 21 years ago is reflective of all Conservatives.

McVeigh's motivation is unclear even today. The federal government executed him in record time (7 years from the date of arrest). Meanwhile the left wing bomber who terrorized the U.S. for years , Bill Ayers, is a presidential adviser and a mover and shaker in the democrat party.
McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
Did he mass murder babies, toddlers and children in a Day Care?

Yes, he did.

Were they the primary target?

And, how does that make him a rightwinger?
I was not aware that Kacynski targeted a Day Care. Do you have a link for that? I googled it and came up with nothing.

He set off the bomb to take out a day care center?

Do you have a link for that?

(Personally, I believe he was trying to take out a government building)
Ah...collaterial damage......all is forgiven?
The left is all over McVeigh....but would like to forget what their precious government did on this day two years before OKC. How many children died at Waco? In case you're are wondering the US government killed 26 children
Yeah...that mean old government made those kids stay there and refused to let them leave.
McVeigh's motivation is unclear even today. The federal government executed him in record time (7 years from the date of arrest). Meanwhile the left wing bomber who terrorized the U.S. for years , Bill Ayers, is a presidential adviser and a mover and shaker in the democrat party.
Was he prosecuted? IF not....why not? It was during a Republican Administration, was it not?
The left is all over McVeigh....but would like to forget what their precious government did on this day two years before OKC. How many children died at Waco? In case you're are wondering the US government killed 26 children
Yeah...that mean old government made those kids stay there and refused to let them leave.
Yeah right scum. So burn them all alive.
who gives a crap if he was left wing or right wing or neither wing, what he did was horrible and he was rightfully put to death for it. What kind of sicko would even try to make it partisan?

His motives were political, you moron.

Yes, and he was right, government did murder it's own people at Waco and Ruby Ridge. The left still defend the murderers Clinton and Reno. However, murdering more innocent people was a bizarre way to think you're making that right though. He clearly had some form of mental illness that killing all those people was a justified protest to government killing people
"and he was right"......fascinating.
How many people have died as a result of the Clinton's actions, vs. how many as a result of McVeigh's?

As crime after crime by Hillary and her cohorts come pouring out, the liberals have to go back 21 years to find anything the other side has done... and they even have to lie about that.

These people have nothing left.

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