21 Years Ago Today We Were Bombed By A Gun Toting, anti-Government RWer

That you are not a terrorist right winger in no way does not make TM a far right wing terrorist. Yes, suck on it.
Your argument is not only vulgar, but puerile as well.
Sucking on it (a lemon drop) is not vulgar, but your mind apparently conjured something that is. Tell us what that is.

Puerile means "of or relating to a child or to childhood." Puerile in this case would be to immaturely deny that TM was far right wing.
Nice try. You did not say lemon drop. And you've ignored the second definition of puerile which is childishly foolish; immature or trivial.
Nice try, but I did not have to say lemon drop. Your puerile imagination took it from there. So the second definition of puerile is met by your immature action. :)
Let it go already. Everybody doesn't know your puerile lemon drop saying. No need to go full boo hoo over it.
Your comment in full was "our argument is not only vulgar, but puerile as well." I showed that it was neither, but your answer had elements of puerility as does "boo hoo". Sure, we can let it go.

To the OP: yes, McVeigh was a far right terrorist.
an anarchist is now automatically RW?

McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?

Wow, it's weird that you would deny McVeigh as being a RWer. He himself stated that he was a Libertarian. He was a gun freak who handed out anti-Government pamphlets at gun shows. Holy shit, you're in denial. His favorite novel was The Turner Diaries. He was a registered Republican and belonged to the NRA. I don't know how much more RW you can get.


You are aware that libertarians support abortion, drug use and same sex marriage aren't you? All leftwinger wet dreams.
"suck it" I'll have to remember that retort in the threads where liberals are whining (virtually every thread I've read since being here)
That's your puerile imagination at work. It could be a lemon drop. I am not a liberal and you are not an American patriot.

Three points

A) I didn't say it couldn't be a lemon drop
B) I didn't say you were a liberal
C) You have ZERO idea if I'm an American patriot or not.
You associated my comment with "liberals", which I am not, so I know you are not an American patriot.

McVeigh was a far right terrorist.

Why the erection over calling him "far right?" Obviously I've agreed he's right, he was, but why is that such a source of pride for you? He doesn't represent anyone on the right, they were the happiest when he got juiced
McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
He wouldn't be left or right wing because he was an anarchist. Plus he was a whacko He was trying to bring down the government because of Waco. People like him don't have a political agenda. They just want revenge and carnage.

Clearly he didn't represent the right. But his views were more right driven just like the Unibomber's views where more left driven. In the end, they were both whack jobs. McVeigh was right about Waco and Ruby Ridge, but it's mental illness to think the response to government murdering innocent people is to murder more innocent people

Nice way to excuse a right wing terrorist by claiming they are mentally ill.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, "has no major mental illness," says Dr. John Smith, the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh for the defense during his trial for the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

PrimeTime: Inside McVeigh's Mind

That's the legal definition of mentally ill, clearly there's something mentally wrong with someone who thinks murdering innocent people is a way to respond to objecting to the murder of innocent people.

And if you'd read my posts in the thread, you'd see I excused no one, you stupid c**t

The only regret I have with the execution of Tim McVeigh is that he was put to sleep like a beloved pet.

The pile of shit should have been doused in cooking oil and set ablaze, to slowly roast.
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an anarchist is now automatically RW?

McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?

Wow, it's weird that you would deny McVeigh as being a RWer. He himself stated that he was a Libertarian. He was a gun freak who handed out anti-Government pamphlets at gun shows. Holy shit, you're in denial. His favorite novel was The Turner Diaries. He was a registered Republican and belonged to the NRA. I don't know how much more RW you can get.


You are aware that libertarians support abortion, drug use and same sex marriage aren't you? All liberal wet dreams.

libertarians support abortion

- The majority of us are pro-choice. But it's a divided issue. I know many people who's views are very close to mine other than they are pro-life and I am pro-choice. Also, simpleton, believing people have the right to an abortion isn't the same as thinking they should get an abortion. We just don't think it's up to government. Duh

, drug use

- Again, simpleton, believing people have the right to put drugs in their own body isn't the same as thinking they should put drugs in their body. We just don't think it's up to government. Duh. And I don't do drugs, Holmes

and same sex marriage

- Wrong again. Most libertarians I know think marriage should not be a government function. Frankly I have a hard time thinking anyone who thinks government is in charge of who is officially mating as being a libertarian
McVeigh was a nut case, he is also dead. There is no proof that he was anything but a government hating mentally deficient asshole.

McVeigh was the stupid kid who does thing the more evil kids only talk about. He got hooked up with Elohim City, which was in bed with Al Qaeda. His partner, Terry Nichols went to an Al Qaeda terror camp in the Philippines to learn to make the bomb they used. None of the other EC scumbags would drive the truck, though they all talked about it.
an anarchist is now automatically RW?

McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
He wouldn't be left or right wing because he was an anarchist. Plus he was a whacko He was trying to bring down the government because of Waco. People like him don't have a political agenda. They just want revenge and carnage.

Might as well give up, Hoss

They've been conditioned for decades that he is a RWer, and common sense and facts won't change their Pavlovian views
an anarchist is now automatically RW?

McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
He wouldn't be left or right wing because he was an anarchist. Plus he was a whacko He was trying to bring down the government because of Waco. People like him don't have a political agenda. They just want revenge and carnage.

Clearly he didn't represent the right. But his views were more right driven just like the Unibomber's views where more left driven. In the end, they were both whack jobs. McVeigh was right about Waco and Ruby Ridge, but it's mental illness to think the response to government murdering innocent people is to murder more innocent people

Nice way to excuse a right wing terrorist by claiming they are mentally ill.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, "has no major mental illness," says Dr. John Smith, the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh for the defense during his trial for the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

PrimeTime: Inside McVeigh's Mind

a man that claimed he had a microchip inserted in his buttocks so the government could keep track of him has no mental illness?

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
Did he mass murder babies, toddlers and children in a Day Care?

Yes, he did.

Were they the primary target?

And, how does that make him a rightwinger?
I was not aware that Kacynski targeted a Day Care. Do you have a link for that? I googled it and came up with nothing.

He set off the bomb to take out a day care center?

Do you have a link for that?

(Personally, I believe he was trying to take out a government building)
What a sad little dance you are performing here. To defend your politics from the actions of someone identified with your politics. What a tragedy McVeigh wrought. And what a stain on far right wing activism.

Remember this the next time you saddle Liberals with William Ayres, as if he took his marching orders from Hubert Humphrey.

MY politics?


I've never had any desire to destroy the government
McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
He wouldn't be left or right wing because he was an anarchist. Plus he was a whacko He was trying to bring down the government because of Waco. People like him don't have a political agenda. They just want revenge and carnage.

Clearly he didn't represent the right. But his views were more right driven just like the Unibomber's views where more left driven. In the end, they were both whack jobs. McVeigh was right about Waco and Ruby Ridge, but it's mental illness to think the response to government murdering innocent people is to murder more innocent people

Nice way to excuse a right wing terrorist by claiming they are mentally ill.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, "has no major mental illness," says Dr. John Smith, the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh for the defense during his trial for the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

PrimeTime: Inside McVeigh's Mind

a man that claimed he had a microchip inserted in his buttocks so the government could keep track of him has no mental illness?


So government really was a pain in the ass to him ...
McVeigh was a gun toting, anti-Government Libertarian. He was in fact a RWer.

ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
He wouldn't be left or right wing because he was an anarchist. Plus he was a whacko He was trying to bring down the government because of Waco. People like him don't have a political agenda. They just want revenge and carnage.

Clearly he didn't represent the right. But his views were more right driven just like the Unibomber's views where more left driven. In the end, they were both whack jobs. McVeigh was right about Waco and Ruby Ridge, but it's mental illness to think the response to government murdering innocent people is to murder more innocent people

Nice way to excuse a right wing terrorist by claiming they are mentally ill.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, "has no major mental illness," says Dr. John Smith, the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh for the defense during his trial for the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

PrimeTime: Inside McVeigh's Mind

a man that claimed he had a microchip inserted in his buttocks so the government could keep track of him has no mental illness?


That's right. And that's the opinion of the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh.

Are you a psychiatrist now?
ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
He wouldn't be left or right wing because he was an anarchist. Plus he was a whacko He was trying to bring down the government because of Waco. People like him don't have a political agenda. They just want revenge and carnage.

Clearly he didn't represent the right. But his views were more right driven just like the Unibomber's views where more left driven. In the end, they were both whack jobs. McVeigh was right about Waco and Ruby Ridge, but it's mental illness to think the response to government murdering innocent people is to murder more innocent people

Nice way to excuse a right wing terrorist by claiming they are mentally ill.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, "has no major mental illness," says Dr. John Smith, the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh for the defense during his trial for the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

PrimeTime: Inside McVeigh's Mind

a man that claimed he had a microchip inserted in his buttocks so the government could keep track of him has no mental illness?


That's right. And that's the opinion of the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh.

Are you a psychiatrist now?

His views were not rational, spin it all you want, or try to. No sale. The guy wasn't playing with a full deck. There is something seriously wrong mentally with someone who is upset by the murder of innocent people and pays that back by murdering innocent people. Give it up, selfie girl
ted Kaczynski was also anti-government.

Was he a libertarian, a 'RWer'?

or an anarchist?
He wouldn't be left or right wing because he was an anarchist. Plus he was a whacko He was trying to bring down the government because of Waco. People like him don't have a political agenda. They just want revenge and carnage.

Clearly he didn't represent the right. But his views were more right driven just like the Unibomber's views where more left driven. In the end, they were both whack jobs. McVeigh was right about Waco and Ruby Ridge, but it's mental illness to think the response to government murdering innocent people is to murder more innocent people

Nice way to excuse a right wing terrorist by claiming they are mentally ill.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, "has no major mental illness," says Dr. John Smith, the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh for the defense during his trial for the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

PrimeTime: Inside McVeigh's Mind

a man that claimed he had a microchip inserted in his buttocks so the government could keep track of him has no mental illness?


That's right. And that's the opinion of the psychiatrist who evaluated McVeigh.

Are you a psychiatrist now?

No, I'm not a psychiatrist, you obviously know that.

but his comment about the microchip is hardly a sign of sanity, is it?

Now, here's a question for you.

If they had found him insane, or even mentally disturbed, could he have been executed?

(Think about it)

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