21 Years Ago Today We Were Bombed By A Gun Toting, anti-Government RWer

He was an atheist Democrat.

Actually he was an agnostic mental whack job

According to Wiki..

In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is a shame. That could be an entry in my Wikipedia page if I had one.

In all actuality I am very much left wing and his beliefs are very similar to mine, so I have no doubt that I would be labeled by the media as a "right winger" if I ever became a national figure somehow.
You may have some left wing views, but you are not a terrorist, which TM was: a far right wing terrorist.
When the government comes for you you either become a terrorist or a casuality.
He was an atheist Democrat.

Actually he was an agnostic mental whack job

According to Wiki..

In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is a shame. That could be an entry in my Wikipedia page if I had one.

In all actuality I am very much left wing and his beliefs are very similar to mine, so I have no doubt that I would be labeled by the media as a "right winger" if I ever became a national figure somehow.
You may have some left wing views, but you are not a terrorist, which TM was: a far right wing terrorist.
When the government comes for you you either become a terrorist or a casuality.
There is no American Götterdämmerung, so there is no reason for the government to come for you.
His victims:


What a sad day that was.
I see he took quite a few blacks out.

Yuck, you make my skin crawl.
I find it amazing that there are horrible and sick individuals who would attempt to defend a monster like the monster who killed all those innocent people. That has to be some form of mental illness.
Honestly I could almost justify it if he had just killed government officials and not any kids.

Government officials, politicians and the media personnel are anything but innocent.
You could "almost justify" mass murder? What color is the sky in your world?
Do you realize how many innocent lives have been needlessly destroyed because of various government projects and agendas?

How can you pretend that everyone in government isn't a sociopath?
Actually he was an agnostic mental whack job

According to Wiki..

In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is a shame. That could be an entry in my Wikipedia page if I had one.

In all actuality I am very much left wing and his beliefs are very similar to mine, so I have no doubt that I would be labeled by the media as a "right winger" if I ever became a national figure somehow.
You may have some left wing views, but you are not a terrorist, which TM was: a far right wing terrorist.
When the government comes for you you either become a terrorist or a casuality.
There is no American Götterdämmerung, so there is no reason for the government to come for you.
The government is crazy enough to do anything to anyone already. If you are a real threat to the status quo they will come for you.
Some of the 'Left's whackos who they try to forget rather than 'celebrate'...

1) The Earth Liberation Front:

"John Lewis, the FBI’s deputy assistant director for counterterrorism, said animal and environmental rights extremists have claimed credit for more than 1,200 criminal incidents since 1990. The FBI has 150 pending investigations associated with animal rights or eco-terrorist activities, and ATF officials say they have opened 58 investigations in the past six years related to violence attributed to the ELF and ALF."
- They are an 'ok' terrorist group, though, because they have not yet killed anyone while perpetrating acts of bombings and arson. Their actions were not 'against people' - it was / is about 'power'.

2) James Chester Blanning:
This 'Loser' didn't kill anyone...or blow anything up...but not for a lack of trying. Thank God he was stupid / incompetent.

3) The Weathermen:
They claimed to be involved with 25 bombings, they intended to kill members of the military, and in 2001 Bill Ayers said, “I don’t regret setting bombs; I feel we didn’t do enough.”

4) Carol Anne Burger:
Burger wasn’t just any old leftie — she was a writer for the Huffington Post who stabbed her roommate 222 times with a screwdriver before she killed herself.

5) The Animal Liberation Front:
In 1993 the Departments of Justice and Agriculture issued a report to Congress on the “effects of terrorism on enterprises which use animals,” naming ALF as the most significant “radical fringe” animal rights group in the United States. The report stated that between 1979 and 1993, more than 300 incidents of break-ins, vandalism, arson and thefts had been committed in the name of animal rights nationwide. After some ALF members set a fire causing $3.5 million in damages at a veterinary lab in California in 1987, the FBI officially added ALF to its list of domestic terrorist organizations. According to the FBI, between 1995 and 2005 ALF committed some 700 criminal acts.

And let's not forget the looney liberals threatening the 2016 GOP Convention, which could be a flashback to the planned liberal terrorist attack on the GOP Convention in 2008 that was thankfully thwarted:

Chris Field - Remember This? Liberal Terror Attack on 2008 GOP Convention Thwarted
Vigi, you are projecting again.

You far right filth are guaranteeing a Democratic sweep of the WH and down ballot.
If anyone is interested, Coast to Coast AM will be about McVeigh. Starts right now.

Home - Coast to Coast AM
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The show is good. Investigators saying McVeigh was seen by witnesses with several people around town and never by himself before the bombing. All surveillance tapes showing McVeigh with other people were confiscated by the FBI not to be released. Surveillance tapes around the building blown up were confiscated and denied to be shown to McVeighs lawyers thus not proving he was or wasn't at the crime scene.

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