21 Years Ago Today We Were Bombed By A Gun Toting, anti-Government RWer

His victims:


What a sad day that was.

Let's talk first about the Holocaust at Mount Carmel.

What a sad day that was,


The Waco Siege

His victims:


What a sad day that was.

Let's talk first about the Holocaust at Mount Carmel.

What a sad day that was,


The Waco Siege


So you're excusing Timothy for his actions? Are you planning on bombing any buildings in the near future?

So are you excusing the FBI and BATF for their actions?

Are you planning on bombing any buildings and/or incinerating Americans in the near future?
His victims:


What a sad day that was.

Let's talk first about the Holocaust at Mount Carmel.

What a sad day that was,


The Waco Siege


So you're excusing Timothy for his actions? Are you planning on bombing any buildings in the near future?

So are you excusing the FBI and BATF for their actions?

Are you planning on bombing any buildings and/or incinerating Americans in the near future?

I am not planning on bombing anything. I am not a right wing terrorist.
right-wing domestic terrorism.

what exactly what makes Tim a right-wing terrorist? :up:

oooh.., BTW.., i do mean EXACTLY!!!!
Stop your whining. The evidence is there and has been presented. You google RIGHT WING domestic terrorism and you will find pages of explanation for why the guy is called a RIGHT WING domestic terrorist.
Yep, he was far right wing nut.

McVeigh was a nut case, he is also dead. There is no proof that he was anything but a government hating mentally deficient asshole.
Of course there is, and you are projecting your self image of TM.

provide it, or STFU
No, this has been proven long ago and as well as above, so, no, you don't get to litigate this again, no, you don't get "just once more" about that punk far right wing terrorist.

define "far right terrorist" in the context of McVeigh.
Yep, he was far right wing nut.

McVeigh was a nut case, he is also dead. There is no proof that he was anything but a government hating mentally deficient asshole.
Of course there is, and you are projecting your self image of TM.

provide it, or STFU
No, this has been proven long ago and as well as above, so, no, you don't get to litigate this again, no, you don't get "just once more" about that punk far right wing terrorist.

define "far right terrorist" in the context of McVeigh.
It has been above, so you don't get "just once more."
Vigi, you are projecting again.

You far right filth are guaranteeing a Democratic sweep of the WH and down ballot.

But JakeAss, that's what you commie/subversive scumbags want!
But Vigivalorless, I want Kasich, which would keep us the Senate and House.

You want the GOP destroyed so your ilk can create a new party out of it.

You won't.

stop dreaming, there is no way Kasich will be the GOP nominee. His best bet would be to make a deal with Trump to be his VP, then he can run for president in 2020. Trump will not do two terms, he has too many other things in his life.
McVeigh was a nut case, he is also dead. There is no proof that he was anything but a government hating mentally deficient asshole.
Of course there is, and you are projecting your self image of TM.

provide it, or STFU
No, this has been proven long ago and as well as above, so, no, you don't get to litigate this again, no, you don't get "just once more" about that punk far right wing terrorist.

define "far right terrorist" in the context of McVeigh.
It has been above, so you don't get "just once more."

No it hasn't. put up or shut up.
Of course there is, and you are projecting your self image of TM.

provide it, or STFU
No, this has been proven long ago and as well as above, so, no, you don't get to litigate this again, no, you don't get "just once more" about that punk far right wing terrorist.

define "far right terrorist" in the context of McVeigh.
It has been above, so you don't get "just once more."

No it hasn't. put up or shut up.
Yep, it has, bub, so you have to show that he was not. You can't.
provide it, or STFU
No, this has been proven long ago and as well as above, so, no, you don't get to litigate this again, no, you don't get "just once more" about that punk far right wing terrorist.

define "far right terrorist" in the context of McVeigh.
It has been above, so you don't get "just once more."

No it hasn't. put up or shut up.
Yep, it has, bub, so you have to show that he was not. You can't.

If it was then you should easily be able to copy/paste it here. Do you know how to do that?
No, this has been proven long ago and as well as above, so, no, you don't get to litigate this again, no, you don't get "just once more" about that punk far right wing terrorist.

define "far right terrorist" in the context of McVeigh.
It has been above, so you don't get "just once more."

No it hasn't. put up or shut up.
Yep, it has, bub, so you have to show that he was not. You can't.

If it was then you should easily be able to copy/paste it here. Do you know how to do that?
I don't have to. You go back, find it, and rebut THAT before I will pick it up again. Due diligence is on you right now. If you don't, then it stands that McVeigh is a RW terrorist. You saying, "Nuh uh" means nothing, Redfish.
define "far right terrorist" in the context of McVeigh.
It has been above, so you don't get "just once more."

No it hasn't. put up or shut up.
Yep, it has, bub, so you have to show that he was not. You can't.

If it was then you should easily be able to copy/paste it here. Do you know how to do that?
I don't have to. You go back, find it, and rebut THAT before I will pick it up again. Due diligence is on you right now. If you don't, then it stands that McVeigh is a RW terrorist. You saying, "Nuh uh" means nothing, Redfish.

translation = I can't find it so I am going to hurl more bullshit.
It has been above, so you don't get "just once more."

No it hasn't. put up or shut up.
Yep, it has, bub, so you have to show that he was not. You can't.

If it was then you should easily be able to copy/paste it here. Do you know how to do that?
I don't have to. You go back, find it, and rebut THAT before I will pick it up again. Due diligence is on you right now. If you don't, then it stands that McVeigh is a RW terrorist. You saying, "Nuh uh" means nothing, Redfish.

translation = I can't find it so I am going to hurl more bullshit.
translation = I can't rebut the material above so I am going with "nuh uh" and throwing feces in my cage.

The OP is simple and evidenced: McVeight was a right wing terrorist.
His victims:


What a sad day that was.

Let's talk first about the Holocaust at Mount Carmel.

What a sad day that was,


The Waco Siege


So you're excusing Timothy for his actions? Are you planning on bombing any buildings in the near future?

So are you excusing the FBI and BATF for their actions?

Are you planning on bombing any buildings and/or incinerating Americans in the near future?

I am not planning on bombing anything. I am not a right wing terrorist.

Stop stonewalling and answer the fucking questions

So are you excusing the FBI and BATF for their actions?

Are you planning on encouraging fedgov to bomb buildings and/or incinerate Americans alive in the near future?
No it hasn't. put up or shut up.
Yep, it has, bub, so you have to show that he was not. You can't.

If it was then you should easily be able to copy/paste it here. Do you know how to do that?
I don't have to. You go back, find it, and rebut THAT before I will pick it up again. Due diligence is on you right now. If you don't, then it stands that McVeigh is a RW terrorist. You saying, "Nuh uh" means nothing, Redfish.

translation = I can't find it so I am going to hurl more bullshit.
translation = I can't rebut the material above so I am going with "nuh uh" and throwing feces in my cage.

The OP is simple and evidenced: McVeight was a right wing terrorist.

McVeigh"s Letter to Fox News

The following letter has been authenticated and was sent to Fox News Correspondent Rita Cosby. The opening statement was a photocopied statement in McVeigh"s writing. The question-and-answer section following it is clearly an original version in McVeigh"s writing.

I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win and argument of right or wrong. I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.

I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco.)

Timothy J. McVeigh
USP Terre Haute (IN)

The full letter is here McVeigh's Apr. 26 Letter to Fox News | Fox News and it is clearly far right wing screed.

WHY wasn't Timothy McVeigh's attack retaliatory?

I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco.)
His victims:


What a sad day that was.

Let's talk first about the Holocaust at Mount Carmel.

What a sad day that was,


The Waco Siege


So you're excusing Timothy for his actions? Are you planning on bombing any buildings in the near future?

So are you excusing the FBI and BATF for their actions?

Are you planning on bombing any buildings and/or incinerating Americans in the near future?

I am not planning on bombing anything. I am not a right wing terrorist.

Stop stonewalling and answer the fucking questions

So are you excusing the FBI and BATF for their actions?

Are you planning on encouraging fedgov to bomb buildings and/or incinerate Americans alive in the near future?

Do you consider yourself a liberal?

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