210 Democrats vote against bill requiring medical care for babies born alive after abortion attempt

Democrats / the Death Cult must be devastated after losing the ability to deny a living, breathing baby outside the womb life-saving medical treatment...

An illegal takes 2 steps onto US soil, squats, and has a baby - Democrats race to give that baby, the second its born,every Constitutional and legal right as an American citizen.

A baby exits the womb after a failed abortion attempt, alive, and fighting for survival... Those same Democrats want the baby to die, want to deny it not only its Constitutional and legal rights as an American citizen but want to deny it the right to live.

That's evil...fucked up...right there.
Evil incarnate!
Nearly every House Democrat on Wednesday voted against legislation that would require immediate medical attention for babies who are born alive after an attempt was made to abort them.

The House passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which says any infant born alive after an attempted abortion is a "legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States." Doctors would be required to care for those infants as a "reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive."

The bill passed 220-210, and all 210 of the "no" votes came from Democrats. Only one Democrat voted for the bill — Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas — and one other Democrat, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, voted "present."

We were told these things are a state issue and not one for the Fed Govt to butt into.

What has changed since the overturning of RvW?
Considering HIPPA laws how will the feds find out?

1. It's not going to happen. I am not swayed by scare stories.

2. If you use that excuse you can pass 500 laws and it would make no difference.
No one has been prosecuted for any of their deaths. Payment will be exacted though and it ain't gonna be pretty.

So, it had nothing to do with anything I've said. When desiring to do that, just post on your own.
It's called "infanticide" and it's very illegal. If you had any functioning brain at all, you'd know that.
Yeah but here’s the thing, you insipid pro-abort harpy, why don’t you support infanticide?

You would logically have to, if you were consistent.

Newborns are less sapient and less sentient than animals we kill and eat for breakfast. Yet you want them to have arbitrary personhood for nothing more than a minor shift in relative geographic location, while denying personhood to the same organism with the same maturity and development, right up to the same day and very moment of that minor shift.

You people are utterly inconsistent. For the rank and file useful idiots like yourself, I believe this is just stupidity and lack of critical thinking. For your masters, I’m pretty sure the lack of consistency is the point.
We were told these things are a state issue and not one for the Fed Govt to butt into.

What has changed since the overturning of RvW?
So would deny the child it's Constitutional rights, Pretty sure that would then make it a federal issue.

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